THE PARADISE CITY JAZZ BAND - University of New Hampshire

THE PARADISE CITY JAZZ BAND - University of New Hampshire

THE PARADISE CITY JAZZ BAND - University of New Hampshire


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<strong>THE</strong> ARTISTS<br />

<strong>THE</strong> <strong>PARADISE</strong> <strong>CITY</strong> <strong>JAZZ</strong> <strong>BAND</strong><br />

We hope thal th€r€ is something musically special about each ol our evsnls, but tonight lhal qualily<br />

is furth€r enhanced by geographical considerations. Among ths announcsd plioriti€s ol lhis seri€s<br />

lrom its start has b€sn a @mmitmsnt to <strong>New</strong> England artisls, and ahhough we have tappgd ihe<br />

resourc€s <strong>of</strong> ths Wssl Coast and sevsral inlervening locations, lhe Paradlgo Clly Jazz Band is th€<br />

lirst trom western Massachusstts to grac€ our slage.<br />

The PCJB describes its€lf as daying an "ecl€ctic mix ol jazz and swing styl€s kom the 1920's,<br />

'30s, and<br />

'40s,...<br />

wsllgfounded in the music ol Ellington, Armstrong, Beiderbscks, 8asi6...". Th€<br />

most immsdiatsly arrosting attribute ol th€ group is lh€ relationship ol ils instrum€nlation to this<br />

r€psrtoife; the lattsr would sesm to demand moro than th€ form€r can supply, given the mnspicous<br />

abssnce ol a r€ed instrument. Howevor, any such apprshensions are swittly and dramatically<br />

dispell6d;th€ imaginalive arranging <strong>of</strong> Tom Mcolung and Dave Pinardic,ombin€ with the improvisatory<br />

s€nsilivily ot €ach individual to gsnerate results Mh satisfying and refreshing.<br />

The key to this magic is the subtl€ uss ol lhe medlodic and ensemble possiblitities ol lhe guitar and<br />

piano, a sort ol "sl€ight <strong>of</strong> €ar" (l), done with convincing musicaljudgement. (This writer recalls lirsthand<br />

exp€rience in th6 1950s with a Dixieland-oriented unit whsr€ D€tens€ D€pl. prioriti€s caus€d<br />

th€ replacement <strong>of</strong> th€ trumpet play€r by a guitarist; whatever transgr€ssions againsl traditional<br />

morality may havs occurred thersby pal€ in light <strong>of</strong> more r€cent public usages <strong>of</strong> ths "lead guitar',<br />

pres€nt company €xcluded.) Moroovsr, lhe interchange <strong>of</strong> banjo with guitar and luba with string<br />

bass provid€s both contrast in color and authenticity in flavor. All in all, we ar€ constantly remindsd<br />

ol lhe clngruity <strong>of</strong> ths <strong>New</strong> Orl€ans and swing idioms, whatsvsr their dslsclable diflerences.<br />

Ths band's name r€l6rs to Northampton, Mass., its home base, and doubtloss has some mystical<br />

significanco unknown to us hore on the ssacoast. Mor€ imporlantly, since its lormation in 1992 the<br />

PGIB has been reaching over-wid€ning audisncss in <strong>New</strong> England and <strong>New</strong> York stat€, last y€ar<br />

giving 150 p€rformances. This has happ€nod because <strong>of</strong> ihe group's capachy and eagerness to<br />

communicate in a varisty <strong>of</strong> settings-concerls, clubs, dances, parties, cruisss, c<strong>of</strong>f€€ houses,<br />

educational programF, lhus demonstrating that this music can be respond€d to in numerous ways.<br />

Ev€nls have include dales at the Stlcky Wlckel, Worc€tsrs's El lllorocco, lhe Clark Art Instltulo<br />

in Williamstown, Channel 57 in Spingtield, and the Presldentlal lnauguratlon at Smith College.<br />

And oarly this ysar lheir first recording, Blowin'the Blues Away, was issued on Paraphone<br />

Records.<br />

Ev€ry member ol this ensembl€ d€votss mosl ol his time lo the music pr<strong>of</strong>ession, and this commitment<br />

includes espousal <strong>of</strong> th€ values and vitality ol a perfoming tradition <strong>of</strong>ten thoughto be not<br />

open lo lresh approaches. They €ngage in their art with enlhusiasm, originality, and above all,<br />

lov€. Ths Paradls€ Clty Jazz Band is truly a band lor all ssasons, and wo wdcom€ lhem to UNH<br />

with advance thanks for the very lact ol their salubrious enlerprise.

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