04-05-2012 Archangel Metatron is Rising. - Remnant Radio Home ...

04-05-2012 Archangel Metatron is Rising. - Remnant Radio Home ...

04-05-2012 Archangel Metatron is Rising. - Remnant Radio Home ...


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true. Religious spirits sweep into numerous<br />

churches spawning multitudes of false doctrines<br />

and false teachers. Countless are flour<strong>is</strong>hing<br />

inasmuch as they offer a nearly perfect counterfeit<br />

of Jesus, H<strong>is</strong> salvation, H<strong>is</strong> church and H<strong>is</strong> gospel.<br />

The truth does not require our belief in it to ex<strong>is</strong>t.<br />

The Apostle Paul forewarned the Church to watch<br />

out for Satan’s infiltrating agent’s when he wrote,<br />

For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus,<br />

whom we have not preached, or if ye receive<br />

another spirit, which ye have not received, or<br />

another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye<br />

might well bear with him,” 2 Corinthians 11:4.<br />

The Orthodox view of theology systematically<br />

d<strong>is</strong>mantled by false min<strong>is</strong>ters who have turned out<br />

to be instrumental in introducing strange new age<br />

doctrines to millions of Chr<strong>is</strong>tians who trusted<br />

them because of appearance or personality and<br />

they have char<strong>is</strong>matic bewitching charm. Their<br />

spiritual magnet<strong>is</strong>m and gifts or power are<br />

believed by some blinded Chr<strong>is</strong>tians to be divinely<br />

bestowed. These are wolves in sheep’s clothing<br />

that have satanically inspired ability to motivate<br />

spiritual enthusiasm, interest, or affection in<br />

others captivating their minds by means of<br />

personal charm or influence. These are the ones<br />

that Satan <strong>is</strong> using so powerfully to destroy the<br />

foundations of the Word of God. Psalm 11:3. “If<br />

the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do”<br />

However, the Bible warns that a great barrage of false min<strong>is</strong>ters r<strong>is</strong>ing in the later days. 2 Peter 2:1<br />

“But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among<br />

you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring<br />

upon themselves swift destruction.”<br />

These wordsmiths skillfully use extra biblical materials placing them equally and sometimes above the<br />

Word of God. Therefore, the Church <strong>is</strong> suffering a widespread famine of spiritual food. Galatians 1:8,<br />

"If we or an angel from heaven preaches any other Gospel unto you (than th<strong>is</strong> Gospel (Gospel of Jesus<br />

Chr<strong>is</strong>t) that he [Apostle Paul] had preached), let him be accursed."<br />

The Spirit of God revealed to John in a v<strong>is</strong>ion that in the last days, demon spirits would be released<br />

upon the earth which would go forth to deceive the world, Revelation. 16: 13-14, And I saw three<br />

unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and<br />

out of the mouth of the false prophet. These three spirits that John saw represent lying, deceptions.<br />


Millions are following a New Age God, Lucifer while the Church <strong>is</strong> losing its respect and<br />

witness of the true gospel of Jesus Chr<strong>is</strong>t. Satan <strong>is</strong> real and a viable threat to capture<br />

the world; however, he <strong>is</strong> not God and you must be aware of devices.<br />

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