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Biographies<br />

| No Longer Notorious<br />

No Longer Notorious<br />

| Biographies<br />

Biographies<br />

Brief Biographies (as at January 2005)<br />

The brief biographies below are of the people substantially referred<br />

Alison Hadden: Director of Housing 1994-1998. Now Executive<br />

Director of Whitefriars Housing.<br />

Bernadette Nolan: Housing Officer 1994-1998; Now Performance<br />

Manager.<br />

Pat Smith: Health Visitor 1969-1988, based at the Health Centre<br />

(<strong>no</strong>w demolished and rebuilt); <strong>no</strong>w retired.<br />

to in the text. Far more people than these were responsible for the<br />

Paul Hill: Paul has lived in Castle Vale for 30 years. His first solo<br />

Councillor Mike Olley: A local City Councillor since 1991. HAT Board<br />

Sue Spicer: Lived in Cranwell Tower and was a member of the Community<br />

transformation of Castle Vale, but space does <strong>no</strong>t permit the listing<br />

exhibition was at Birmingham’s Bond Gallery in 1994. In 2004<br />

member 1999-2005.<br />

Action Team. Was Chair of Castle Vale Community Housing Association<br />

of everyone. From the sample brief biographies below, however, you<br />

Paul’s paintings were a significant part of the ‘Life on the Vale’<br />

Pat Niner: Board Member of Castle Vale HAT 1993-2003; <strong>no</strong>w Vice<br />

for two years, is <strong>no</strong>w Chair of CVCHA Operations Committee and<br />

can see the considerable variety of skills and experience that were<br />

exhibition at Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery.<br />

Chair of the Board of Castle Vale Community Housing Association<br />

resident Vice Chair of Castle Vale Neighbourhood Partnership Board.<br />

required to achieve this result.<br />

Steve Holloway: Head Teacher, Chive<strong>no</strong>r School since 1991.<br />

and Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Urban & Regional Studies,<br />

John Stevens has been Director of Birmingham Co-Operative<br />

Angus Kennedy OBE: Chief Executive of Castle Vale Housing Action<br />

University of Birmingham.<br />

Housing Services since 1995.<br />

Patrick Allen: Acting Chief Executive 1992-1993; Now Head of<br />

Trust 1993-2005; <strong>no</strong>w Chairman of Urban Living (Birmingham and<br />

Janet Putman: Head Teacher, Castle Vale School (and Specialist<br />

Richard Temple Cox, CBE: Chairman of Castle Vale Housing Action<br />

Business Management Team, Neighbourhood Renewal Unit.<br />

Sandwell Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder), Visiting Professor of<br />

Performing Arts College) 1993-2004, <strong>no</strong>w Education Consultant.<br />

Trust 1993-2005. Now Chairman of Birmingham & Solihull LIFT.<br />

Ian Bingham: was living in Lyneham Tower (<strong>no</strong>w demolished) and<br />

Regeneration at the University of Central England, and Chief Executive<br />

Carole Rafferty, MBE: Chair of the Community Action Team 1992-<br />

John Thompson: Partner of Hunt Thompson Associates 1969-<br />

Member of Centre Eight Liaison Group and Castle Vale Tenants and<br />

of Community Regeneration Partnership Ltd.<br />

1994. Now Chair of the Tenants and Residents Alliance and Castle<br />

1984; <strong>no</strong>w Chairman of John Thompson and Partners, and Chair of<br />

Residents Alliance. HAT Board Member 1999-2002; <strong>no</strong>w Resident<br />

Jez Lilley: Voluntary Project Leader, Castle Vale Nature Centre<br />

Vale Community Environmental Trust. HAT Resident Board member<br />

RIBA Urbanism and Planning Group.<br />

Involvement and Marketing Co-ordinator, Castle Vale Community<br />

1992-1994; Now Part Time Youth Worker for Birmingham City<br />

1994-2005.<br />

Derek Waddington OBE, JP: Director of Housing for Birmingham City<br />

Housing Association.<br />

Council,and Angling Coach for British Waterways.<br />

Tess Randles: PR Manager 1995-2005; <strong>no</strong>w PR and Communications<br />

Council 1984-1994. Now Chairman of Waterloo Housing Association.<br />

Councillor Marje Bridle: Chair of Birmingham’s Housing Committee<br />

Beatrice Lunn: Unemployed in 1994, living in Concorde Tower, and a<br />

Manager for Urban Living (Birmingham Sandwell Pathfinder).<br />

Dave Wallbank: Police Constable 1983-1985. Now Inspector, Castle<br />

1994–1998; HAT Board Member 2002-2005.<br />

member of Concorde Tower Residents Association; <strong>no</strong>w Housing Officer<br />

Peter Richmond: Area Housing Manager at Sanctuary Housing<br />

Vale, West Midlands Police.<br />

Lord Corbett of Castle Vale: MP for Erdington Constituency 1983-<br />

(Elderly Services) for Castle Vale Community Housing Association.<br />

Association 1996-1998. Now Chief Executive of Castle Vale Community<br />

Wendy Walsh: In 1994/95, a single mum living on income support in the<br />

2001, <strong>no</strong>w Chair of Castle Vale Neighbourhood Partnership Board.<br />

Bev McQuoid: Owner Occupier member of the Community Action<br />

Housing Association.<br />

Locking Croft maisonettes (<strong>no</strong>w demolished). Now Chair of Castle Vale<br />

Steve Daniels: Construction Manager, Bullock Construction 1987-<br />

Team 1992-1995; <strong>no</strong>w Trustee, Castle Vale Endowment Trust Fund.<br />

Pat Riley: Senior Development Manager 1998, Now Director of<br />

Community Housing Association, and HAT Community Development Officer.<br />

1997; <strong>no</strong>w Director of Midlands Region, Bullock Construction.<br />

Richard Mytton: Sergeant, West Midlands Police 1966-1995.<br />

Development.<br />

Carole Wildman: Planning and Policy Manager 1994, Director of<br />

Sharon Gilligan: Neighbourhood Housing Manager, BCC 1993-<br />

Now: Community Safety Co-ordinator, Castle Vale Community<br />

Dr Paul Sadler: 1967-1995 GP at Tangmere Health Centre (<strong>no</strong>w<br />

Housing 1998-2004; <strong>no</strong>w Director of Regeneration and Development,<br />

1994; Now Housing Manager.<br />

Housing Association.<br />

demolished); <strong>no</strong>w retired.<br />

Walsall Housing Group.<br />

116<br />


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