I/O Multiplexing: select and poll

I/O Multiplexing: select and poll

I/O Multiplexing: select and poll


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<strong>poll</strong> 函 數 中 的 事 件 設 定<br />

•events 與 revents 由 下 列 bit flag 組 成<br />

Constant events revents Description<br />

POLLIN x x normal or priority b<strong>and</strong> to read<br />

POLLRDNORM x x normal data to read<br />

POLLRDBAND x x priority b<strong>and</strong> data to read<br />

POLLPRI x x high-priority data to read<br />

POLLOUT x x normal data can be written<br />

POLLWRNORM x x normal data can be written<br />

POLLWRBAND x x priority b<strong>and</strong> data can be written<br />

POLLERR x an error has occurred<br />

POLLHUP x hangup has occurred<br />

POLLNVAL x descriptor is not an open file<br />


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