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Freezing Point Depression<br />

The freezing point depression of a solution is another<br />

colligative property of solutions. At a solvent's freezing<br />

point temperature, the particles no longer have<br />

sufficient kinetic energy to overcome the interparticle<br />

attractive forces; the particles form into a more<br />

organized structure in the solid state. In a solution,<br />

the solute particles interfere with the attractive forces<br />

among the solvent particles. This prevents the solvent<br />

from entering the solid state at its normal freezing<br />

point. The freezing point of a solution is always<br />

lower than that of a pure solvent. Figure 15-18<br />

shows the differences in boiling and melting points<br />

of pure water and an aqueous solution. By comparing<br />

the solid and dashed lines, you can see that the<br />

temperature range over which the aqueous solution<br />

exists as a liquid is greater than that of pure water.<br />

You can observe the effect of freezing point depression<br />

by doing the miniLAB on this page.<br />

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A solution's freezing point depression, !:J.T f<br />

, is the difference<br />

in temperature between its freezing point and the freezing point<br />

of its pure solvent. For nonelectrolytes, the value of the freezing<br />

point depression, which is symbolized as !:J.T f , is directly proportional<br />

to the solution's molality.<br />

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Figure 15-18<br />

GAS<br />

Increasing Temperature<br />

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Freezing point Normal freezing Normal boiling Boiling point<br />

of solution point of water point of water of solution<br />

This phase diagram shows how temperature<br />

and pressure affect the solid, liquid,<br />

and gas phases of a pure solvent (solid<br />

lines) and a solution (dashed lines). The<br />

difference between the solid and dashed<br />

lines corresponds to vapor pressure lowering<br />

(6.P), boiling point elevation (6. T b<br />

),<br />

and freezing point depression (6. T f ).<br />

miniLAB<br />

Freezing Point Depression<br />

Measuring The colligative property of freezing<br />

point depression can be observed in a simple laboratory<br />

investigation. You will measure the temperatures<br />

of two beakers and their contents.<br />

Materials 400-mL beakers (2), crushed ice, rock<br />

salt (NaCI), water, stirring rods (2), graduated<br />

cylinder, thermometers (2), balance<br />

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Procedure .W, Ii:.<br />

1. Fill two 400-mL beakers with crushed ice. Add<br />

50 mL of cold tap water to each beaker.<br />

2. Stir the contents of each beaker with a stirring<br />

rod until both beakers are at a constant temperature,<br />

approximately one minute.<br />

3. Measure the temperature of each beaker using<br />

a thermometer and record the readings.<br />

4. Add 75 g of rock salt to one of the beakers.<br />

Continue stirring both beakers. Some of the<br />

salt will dissolve.<br />

5. When the temperature in each beaker is constant,<br />

record the readings.<br />

6. To clean up, flush the contents of each beaker<br />

down the drain with excess water.<br />

Analysis<br />

1. Compare your readings taken for the ice water<br />

and the salt water. How do you explain the<br />

observed temperature change<br />

2. Why was salt only added to one of the beakers<br />

3. Salt is a strong electrolyte that produces two<br />

ions, Na+ and CI-, when it dissociates in water.<br />

Why is this important to consider when calculating<br />

the colligative property of freezing<br />

point depression<br />

4. Predict if it would it be better to use coarse<br />

rock salt or fine table salt when making homemade<br />

ice cream. Explain.<br />

15.3 Colligative Properties of <strong>Solutions</strong> 473

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