A Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape Architecture 2/e

A Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape Architecture 2/e

A Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape Architecture 2/e


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ROISECCO, GIULIO, ET AL. (1972-82): L’architettura del ferro (Ro: Bul).<br />

ROLAND, CONRAD (1970): Frei Otto: Tension Structures (N.Y.: Pra).<br />

ROLT, L. T. C. (1957): Isambard Kingdom Brunel: A Biography (L: Lo).<br />

———— (1958): Thomas Telford (L & N.Y.: Lo).<br />

———— (1960): George <strong>and</strong> Robert Stephenson (L: Lo).<br />

ROMÁN, ANTONIO (2002): Eero Saarinen: An Architect <strong>of</strong> Multiplicity (L: LK).<br />

ROMANELLI, GIANDOMENICO (1993): Ca’ Corner della Ca’ Gr<strong>and</strong>e (Ve: Ai).<br />

ROMANELLI, MARCO (2002): Gio Ponti: A World (L: DM).<br />

ROMANINI, ANGIOLA MARIA (1964): L’Architettura gotica in Lombardia (Mi: Ces).<br />

———— (1980): Arnolfo di Cambio e lo stil novo del gotico italiano (F: San).<br />

ROMERO, ORLANDO, & LARKIN, DAVID (1994): Adobe: Building <strong>and</strong> Living with Earth (B.MA: HnM).<br />

RONDELET, ANTOINE –J.-B.(1852): Notice historique sur l’église de Sainte-Geneviève (Pa: Rq).<br />

———— (1835): Notice historique sur la vie et les ouvrages de J.-N.-L. Dur<strong>and</strong> (Pa: Pihan).<br />

RONDELET, JEAN-BAPTISTE (1790): Memoire sur l’<strong>Architecture</strong> (Pa: Gur).<br />

———— (1802-17): Traité théorique et pratique de l’art de bâtir (Pa: Ron).<br />

RONNER, HEINZ ET AL. (1987): Louis I. Kahn: Complete Works, 1935-1974 (Ba: Bi).<br />

ROPER, LAURA WOOD (1973): F. L. O.: A biography <strong>of</strong> Frederick Law Olmsted (B.MD: JHUP).<br />

ROSE, ARIANNA SARA DE (1995): Marcello Piacentini: Opere 1903-1926 (Modena: Pni).<br />

ROSE, JAMES C. (1958): Creative Gardens (N.Y.: Rd).<br />

———— (1965): Gardens Make Me Laugh (B.MD: JHUP).<br />

———— (1987): The Heavenly Environment (HK: NCCS).<br />

ROSEBERRY, CECIL (1964): Capitol Story (Albany, NY: State <strong>of</strong> NY).<br />

ROSENAU, HELEN (Ed.) (1953): Boullée’s Treaty on <strong>Architecture</strong> (L: Ti).<br />

———— (1975): The Ideal City in its Architectural Evolution (N.Y.: H&R).<br />

BIBLIOGRAPHY - 225 - 31/01/2006

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