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<strong>The</strong> X <strong>Species</strong><br />

Neko Sparks 1

<strong>The</strong> X <strong>Species</strong><br />

Neko Sparks 2

<strong>The</strong> X <strong>Species</strong><br />

Neko Sparks 3

<strong>The</strong> X <strong>Species</strong><br />

Neko Sparks 4

<strong>The</strong> X <strong>Species</strong><br />




Heavy snow blows across the prehistoric Nepalese<br />

landscape. An eerie silence between the violent<br />

flurries.<br />

Shadows from the hearth flame dance on the cave<br />

wall of the ancient dwelling as the shaky hand of an<br />

elderly Neanderthal, the family patriarch, carefully<br />

etches images into a stone wall. A vignette of his<br />

people, a historic footprint to serve as witness to<br />

their time here. Nearby, mothers and children of his<br />

clan scuttle busily about as they carry out assumed<br />

day-to-day chores.<br />

Just East of the village, and far removed from<br />

the warmth and tranquility of the prehistoric den, a<br />

group of Neanderthal men trudge slowly through the<br />

blinding snow storm. It is obvious from their<br />

organized efforts they are searching for someone. <strong>The</strong><br />

blizzard bares down on them mercilessly, making the<br />

blanketed terrain increasingly difficult to navigate.<br />

Reluctantly they call off the search and reverse<br />

course head on into the storm. A lone Neanderthal,<br />

NALU, remains behind. He surveys the snow ridden<br />

landscape one last time. Regret, sorrow, and pain<br />

collide simultaneously to visibly carve themselves out<br />

among his rugged, weather beaten features. His heart<br />

cries, but he will not, for here, tears freeze and the<br />

will to live follows. He turns, heads off to catch up<br />

with the group.<br />

Several of the clan women are huddled over the<br />

hearth preparing food. Others are cleaning, and still<br />

others are readying animal hides for wear. A young<br />

clan boy rushes into the cave. He is GRUNTING<br />

excitedly, incomprehensibly, as he motions toward the<br />

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<strong>The</strong> X <strong>Species</strong><br />

cave entrance. A sense of excitement fills the<br />

prehistoric den as male members of the clan slowly<br />

begin to file in. Covered in snow, they seem to bring<br />

the cold of the blizzard in with them. <strong>The</strong>ir mood is<br />

solemn. Soon, excitement gives way to silence as<br />

anxious clan women search for their mates, brothers,<br />

sons, and fathers. <strong>The</strong>re are many joyous embraces as<br />

long separated families reunite.<br />

A guttural CRY rises among the commotion.<br />

Nalu tries to console his grieving mate, KAL. He<br />

takes her head into his hands, his thick forefingers<br />

stroking her face, his eyes beg for hers to meet his.<br />

And for a brief, passing moment they do. But there is<br />

no hope there, she sees through his crumbling manly<br />

facade. Momentarily, she feels feint, her legs become<br />

weak, limp. She collapses into Nalu’s arms. As the<br />

blackness lifts, she again finds her eyes locked with<br />

Nalu’s. Only hopelessness mirrors back at her. His<br />

thick, powerful limbs envelop her, she sobs<br />

uncontrollably.<br />

Failing to maintain his own faltering composure,<br />

Nalu struggles to fight back tears and in a single<br />

swift motion he pulls himself from Kal, retrieves his<br />

weaponry and heads for the cave entrance. A young<br />

Neanderthal, Etiuk, watches Nalu’s departure from an<br />

adjacent corner, his pregnant mate, Maka, is at his<br />

side. Etiuk glances to Maka, his eyes searches hers<br />

for some type of consent to join his old friend, none<br />

is forthcoming. He glances down at her protruding<br />

stomach, then back up to her. Immediately she<br />

understands, Nalu, without hesitance, would do the<br />

same for their firstborn.<br />

Etiuk turns and rushes to Nalu’s side. Two other<br />

clan members soon follow. <strong>The</strong> Neanderthal men<br />

disappear into the snowy abyss.<br />

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<strong>The</strong> X <strong>Species</strong><br />

<strong>The</strong> intense blizzard bares down on a sole<br />

Neanderthal boy. Slowly, painstakingly, he makes his<br />

way through the knee high snow. His trek is further<br />

hampered by the opposing wind and bitter cold. He<br />

CALLS out into the nothingness of the blizzard, no one<br />

can hear him. Not here. Panic in his eyes, he scans<br />

the desolate tundra for any sign of his clan. Nothing.<br />

A muffled ROAR is heard beyond the howling of the<br />

arctic wind. Apprehensive of its origin the boy<br />

retreats into a nearby crevice. His brief experience<br />

has taught him that bad things tend to follow the<br />

distant calls of the wild. Concealed in the shadows,<br />

he surveys the seemingly vacant landscape.<br />

Simultaneous ROARS. Closer now.<br />

Clearly shaken, the boy instinctively lowers<br />

himself behind protruding rock formations bordering<br />

the snowy incline just beneath him. His trembling hand<br />

grips the spear at his side tightly. His eagerness to<br />

be recognized as a man among his elders and peers has<br />

brought him to this most undesirable fate. Manhood is<br />

forced upon him this day.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ground swells to a TREMBLE beneath his feet.<br />

<strong>The</strong> continual ROARING is upon him now. He tells<br />

himself he must not fear for the men of his clan are<br />

known for their prowess, he is kin to the bravest<br />

warriors of the land. He will do what he must, as a<br />

man, as a warrior. Slowly, he backs further into the<br />

crevice to secure a more advantageous position in the<br />

event the unthinkable occurs. Momentarily, he loses<br />

his footing in the uneven snow. As he struggles to<br />

regain his balance, he gazes out in amazement at the<br />

scene unfolding in front of him...<br />

A herd of Mastodons stampede across the frozen<br />

terrain. <strong>The</strong>y move swiftly, frantically, exerting all<br />

possible effort in a futile attempt to avoid becoming<br />

prey. <strong>The</strong> saber-tooth tigers are upon them.<br />

During the chase a trailing Mastodon is mortally<br />

wounded and hopelessly surrounded. No hope for escape,<br />

the Mastodon is viciously attacked. Flesh, skin, and<br />

entrails are gorged upon. Bloody, foot long canines<br />

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are bared and used upon both pack and prey as they<br />

feast.<br />

Pungent steam rises into the frigid air, as heat<br />

escapes the mangled flesh of the once mighty beast.<br />

Taking deep shallow breaths to mantain his composure,<br />

the boy remains motionless in the sparsely lit cave.<br />

So distracted by the horrific scene unfolding before<br />

him, the young Neanderthal fails to recognize the<br />

shadow that has now eclipsed him.<br />

Across the valley, perched on a distant ridge,<br />

Nalu and his search party watch the vicious mauling of<br />

the lone Mastodon.<br />

Senses on high alert, a peculiar smell captures<br />

the boy’s attention. Nostrils flared, he turns his<br />

nose skyward. Immediately he recognizes the stench,<br />

sheer terror in his eyes. He senses something behind<br />

him, he can feel its odoriferous breath on his nape.<br />

This ancient beast that his clan both hunts and<br />

fears will surely diminish their numbers by one this<br />

wintery day. <strong>The</strong> boy readies his spear at his side and<br />

turns slowly... his horrid SCREAM is met by a deep<br />

ferocious GROWL. A single vicious blow brings<br />

instantaneous silence. <strong>The</strong> sheer velocity of claws<br />

tearing through flesh sends a massive swath of blood<br />

across the dirt cave floor. <strong>The</strong> boy’s lifeless body<br />

falls to the ground.<br />

Eyes fixed open, parallel gashes intertwined with<br />

gaping flesh are visible to the bone. <strong>The</strong> Neanderthal<br />

boy - en route to manhood - is no more. A fierce ROAR<br />

emerges from the boy’s slayer, echoing from the mouth<br />

of the cave to the farthest reaches of this ancient<br />

land.<br />

At the moment of the boy’s passing, across the<br />

vast snowy landscape, Nalu and his search party hear<br />

the distant ROAR of the beast. <strong>The</strong>y move with a<br />

unified sense of urgency descending from atop the<br />

ridge.<br />

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<strong>The</strong> blowing snow has reduced visibility to near<br />

zero, still the Neanderthals press on. In the<br />

distance, they catch a glimpse of a dark silhouette<br />

against the backdrop of the pristine snow. It is<br />

hunched over, tugging at something in the snow. Still<br />

unable to make out who, or what it is, they cry out in<br />

a series of threatening HOWLS to alert the distant<br />

being of their presence. Alerted to the group, it<br />

stands and faces them before disappearing into the<br />

storm. <strong>The</strong> group presses forward.<br />

<strong>The</strong> group is closer now. <strong>The</strong>y can see the body of<br />

the bloodied Neanderthal boy laying prone in the snow.<br />

Complete carnage. Nalu rushes forward, stopping<br />

several feet from his son, he stares. He fights the<br />

wave of nausea that passes over him, his knees nearly<br />

give beneath him. What manner of beast could do this<br />

to his son, now reduced to an amalgamation of steaming<br />

flesh and bone pressed into the crimson snow<br />

He steps forward, oscillating fits of anger and<br />

disbelief both propel him, and give him pause, as he<br />

takes his son’s limp body into his arms. He CRIES out<br />

in agony.<br />

<strong>The</strong> body of Nalu’s son is suspended over an open<br />

fire pit. Constructed of carefully placed wood struts<br />

and stretched animal hides the makeshift crematory is<br />

the boys passing place. Mother, Father, and elder<br />

clansman stand solemnly over the body as they are<br />

offered condolences by passing members of the clan.<br />

In a procession that seems to last forever to the<br />

boy’s kin, the last members of the clan have passed.<br />

<strong>The</strong> elder clansman leans over the boy’s body UTTERING<br />

several indecipherable words as he dips his arthritic<br />

forefinger into the frayed animal hide medicine bag<br />

hanging from his neck. He strategically dusts the<br />

deceased boy’s brow with the powdery white substance.<br />

Placing a reassuring hand on Nalu’s shoulder he<br />

turns to leave. <strong>The</strong> grief stricken couple briefly<br />

embrace before Nalu breaks away. Grasping a nearby<br />

torch, he reluctantly lights the pit beneath his son.<br />

<strong>The</strong> couple grieves as the flames engulf their son's<br />

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body.<br />

Kal stares blankly into the dancing flames of the<br />

hearth. <strong>The</strong> pain of her loss is reflected in her worn<br />

face. In a show of companionship, Maka gingerly makes<br />

her way over and places an animal hide over Kal’s<br />

exposed shoulders. She eases to her grieving friend’s<br />

side, the two women embrace.<br />

After several seconds, Kal pulls back from Maka<br />

and places an open hand on Maka’s jutting stomach. <strong>The</strong><br />

inference is immediate, a soul freed, a life gained,<br />

so goes the circle of life.<br />

Several feet away the male members of the clan<br />

surround the elder clansman. <strong>The</strong>y watch intently as<br />

the elder clansman paces before them, a makeshift cane<br />

of hand carved, antiquated wood, aids each carefully<br />

placed step. He pauses on unsteady legs and leans<br />

forward, his jagged cane tip meticulously pushing<br />

loose earth into segmented fissures. A plan of attack.<br />

He lifts his eyes from the dirt and glances<br />

around the ancient den, all eyes are on him. He points<br />

to several members of the clan, gestures aggressively,<br />

pointedly. His eyes come to rest on Nalu, a momentary<br />

pause as their eyes lock. Nalu turns over his shoulder<br />

to Kal, near tears she nods. He turns back to the<br />

elder clansman and after a moment of contemplation, he<br />

thrusts his spear skyward. <strong>The</strong> clan erupts as battle<br />

cries echo throughout the cave. Both victory, and more<br />

importantly revenge, will be theirs.<br />

That intoxicating fusion of adrenaline and<br />

purpose that accompanies a call to arms, and<br />

subsequently gives rise to bravado, is unfortunately<br />

for them short lived. Fear permeates the Neanderthal<br />

dwelling as the opposing battle cry of their ancient<br />

foe emanates from just beyond the cave entrance. An<br />

uneasy, collective silence, they wait…<br />

<strong>The</strong>re enemy is among them.<br />

Closer, and more ferocious than the first, a<br />

second primitive bellow soon follows. <strong>The</strong> inhuman HOWL<br />

bursts forth from the beast’s powerful lungs, echoing<br />

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throughout the cave. Pandemonium.<br />

In hushed, barely audible GRUNTS, the elder<br />

Neanderthal orders the clan to take cover. Swiftly,<br />

they extinguish all fires and take refuge in the<br />

shadows. Smoke from the smoldering embers fill the<br />

room. Visibility limited to slivers of moonlight<br />

carried on plumes of swirling dirt and smoke, they<br />

wait.<br />

Several anxious moments pass and still no sign of<br />

the beast. A single entrance in, a single exit out,<br />

just beyond the darkness the beast awaits them. Long<br />

known to navigate these archaic catacombs, surely it<br />

too knows that passage without bloodshed is an<br />

impossibility.<br />

Hominids have long encroached on the territory of<br />

the ancient beasts, driving them further into the<br />

darkness where evolution has nullified their once<br />

great eyesight. <strong>The</strong>ir numbers have dwindled and seldom<br />

do they freely roam the fertile land outside as they<br />

once did, before the dawn of the ice age, before the<br />

rise of the hominid hunters, before fire.<br />

A long, uneasy silence.<br />

Etiuk, is huddled in the corner with Maka.<br />

Clutching her stomach, she wenches in pain. Maka is<br />

clearly in labor and makes every attempt to suppress<br />

the involuntary vocal wails associated with every<br />

increasingly intense contraction. Bad timing. Unsure<br />

of what to do Etiuk braves the darkness and crawls<br />

over to the elder Neanderthal.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y argue intensely in hushed GRUNT laden<br />

voices. Etiuk glances over to Maka who is breathing in<br />

and out rapidly in an attempt to slow her<br />

contractions. Her eyes meet his, a nauseating mixture<br />

of disbelief, sorrow, and inevitability is momentarily<br />

shared between them. He will not stand idly by as the<br />

cruel intentions of fate unfold. Etiuk turns to leave,<br />

the elder Neanderthal reaches out clutching his<br />

forearm. Etiuk stops mid-step turning to the elder<br />

clansman. <strong>The</strong>ir eyes lock, each pleading with the<br />

other.<br />

<strong>The</strong> two Neanderthals are joined by Nalu. More<br />

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ARGUING. Again, Etiuk looks to his pregnant mate.<br />

Maka, now joined by Kal and several other clan women,<br />

is in unbearable pain. It’s now, or never. His mind<br />

made up, Etiuk turns and rushes to his cherished mate<br />

and unborn child. He does this despite the objections<br />

of the elder...and his longtime friend.<br />

Back at Maka’s side, Etiuk helps her to her feet.<br />

Cautiously, the couple make their way to the<br />

smoldering hearth. Etiuk sticks the charred end of a<br />

recently extinguished torch into the embers. Fire<br />

illuminates the cave.<br />

Still no sign of the beast.<br />

Fellow clansmen watch from the shadows as the<br />

couple exits the cave. After hurriedly gathering some<br />

of their belongings Nalu and Kal soon follow. Nalu<br />

abruptly stops, turns over his shoulder to take one<br />

last look back at his fellow clan members dispersed in<br />

the scattered recesses of darkness. Uncertainty and<br />

regret visible on his harshly shadowed features, he<br />

disappears through the cave opening into the darkness…<br />

Several seconds pass. Nothing.<br />

Soon, other members of the clan begin to follow<br />

suit, the elder clansman is helpless to stop the mass<br />

exodus. During the commotion, Nalu has stumbled<br />

undetected back into the cave. He is bloodied and<br />

badly wounded. <strong>The</strong> others do not follow.<br />

Claw marks, like those made by the talons of a<br />

giant eagle, streak his broad sternum. He presses<br />

firmly, instinctively, on the shards of crimson soaked<br />

animal hide and loose flesh jutting from his chest.<br />

Blood flows freely through his fingers, down his<br />

forearm to the cave floor. He’s lost too much blood.<br />

Darkness sets in on his periphery, enveloping<br />

him. Nalu opens his mouth in an attempt to warn his<br />

people, but nothing emerges. A portion of his severed<br />

vocal cords exposed, his once strong voice fails him.<br />

Again, he opens his mouth and speaks, only an<br />

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unrecognizable whimper emerges. It’s too little, too<br />

late…the enemy has entered behind him.<br />

Utter pandemonium.<br />

<strong>The</strong> clan is viciously attacked. Gruesome shadows<br />

of violence dance on the cave walls. Splattered blood<br />

runs down the hand carved rendition of the clan.<br />

Neko Sparks 13

<strong>The</strong> X <strong>Species</strong><br />

SARAH<br />


“Long considered brutish cave dwellers,” Dr. Sarah<br />

Parker surmised as she strode confidently across the<br />

dimly lit stage. A slide of a life-like Neanderthal<br />

with piercing eyes is projected on the screen behind<br />

her.<br />

Oft regarded as a faculty outcast, Sarah revels<br />

in the euphoria of holding center stage as the packed<br />

room of her fellow Archaeologists, and most abhorrent<br />

critics, hang on to her every word.<br />

Sarah pauses mid-step and turns examining the<br />

Neanderthal on the screen to her rear. Briefly, her<br />

eyes trace the primitive features of this early<br />

hominid that has brought her much publicized academic<br />

accolades as well as professional condemnation.<br />

She turns back to the audience, an illustration<br />

of a cartoon Neanderthal dragging his mate by her hair<br />

appears next. Sarah offers the audience a slight<br />

smile. “...and evolutionary challenged step-cousins.”<br />

Slight laughter from the audience. Again she turns her<br />

attention back to the slide. “We've come a long ways<br />

girls.” More laughter.<br />

A third slide materializes, this one depicting an<br />

illustrated evolutionary time lapse from Ape to<br />

Neanderthal to Modern Man. “Neanderthals were believed<br />

to be bred out of existence by modern Homo Sapiens,”<br />

Sarah continues in a tone that conveys her skepticism.<br />

“In 1921, influential Geneticist and Military<br />

Strategist, Colonel Nikalov Sarkowsky, chronicled his<br />

team's experience while on an Everest Reconnaissance<br />

Expedition for the Russian government,” An aged black<br />

and white photo of Sarkowsky and his team from atop a<br />

snowy ridge on Mt. Everest emerges on screen.<br />

“In his writings, Sarkowsky maintained his team<br />

was attacked by, and I quote, 'An unknown hominid,<br />

Neko Sparks 14

<strong>The</strong> X <strong>Species</strong><br />

half-man and half-beast that outmaneuvered us at every<br />

turn. In these ungodly conditions we - despite our<br />

specialized military training - became easy prey at<br />

the hands of the beast.' End quote.”<br />

Another image materializes behind her. This one<br />

of a bespectacled man, with a scholarly air,<br />

delicately palming a partial skull. Workers at various<br />

stages of the excavation process are visible to his<br />

rear. “Ahminhar Cave, Eastern Nepal,” Sarah pauses<br />

momentarily, part for dramatic effect, part due to<br />

nerves. “Ahminhar Cave was Discovered in 1925 by<br />

exiled Russian scientist Dr. Mikhail Ivanhoff,” Again<br />

the slide changes, this time unveiling an antiquated<br />

map on frayed, aged paper. Details of the planned<br />

expedition route, topographical landmarks, and<br />

Sarkowsky's faded scrawling are still visible.<br />

“Ahminhar Cave sits just a quarter of a mile to<br />

the East of where the Sarkowsky team went missing.”<br />

Murmuring amongst the audience members.<br />

“Intrigued by the encounters of Sarkowsky, as<br />

well as Darwin's writings in <strong>The</strong> Origin of <strong>Species</strong>,<br />

Dr. Ivanhoff began his foray into a series of highly<br />

confidential genetic engineering experiments based on<br />

his expedition finds. He did so, I might add, with the<br />

blessing of the Polit Bureau of Moscow, and it is<br />

rumored Stalin himself...”<br />

Within a stones throw of the Kremlin, Dr.<br />

Ivanhoff's clustered early twentieth century lab<br />

fosters the perfect environment for hoped for advances<br />

in human genetic engineering. Windowless, sparsely<br />

decorated and heavily guarded, Ivanoff can work in<br />

complete autonomy here. At this moment, Inga, a twenty<br />

two year old pheasant from a neighboring village<br />

cowers in the corner of the dingy laboratory. A<br />

perfect specimen. Weary, and somewhat catatonic she<br />

watches Ivanhoff from the shadows. Not even the smell<br />

of feces from her neighboring primate cellmates, nor<br />

her own vomit dried and caked beneath her, is enough<br />

to rouse her drug inhibited senses. Her wrists and<br />

ankles scarred and bruised from her cast iron<br />

constraints, she has learned from times past that<br />

escape is futile.<br />

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She stares long and hard at her distorted<br />

reflection in the tin plate, from what seems days ago<br />

from which she ate. Her blue eyes sunken and listless,<br />

her once youthful skin ashen and gaunt, she mourns the<br />

loss of her beauty. And a youth long gone. Ivanhoff<br />

lifts his eyes from the antiquated microscope<br />

viewfinder and levels his indifferent gaze on Inga.<br />

Mustering all her strength and resolve, she stares<br />

back.<br />

Still seated, he roles his chair over to a test<br />

tube rack, carefully removes a single tube and raises<br />

it to the light examining it. A feint smile crosses<br />

his thin, chapped lips as he stands and moves<br />

purposely toward a bank of uniform metal cabinets at<br />

the far end of the tiny lab. En route, he stops<br />

standing first in front of the caged primates, then in<br />

front of Inga. Though a tiny, slightly frail man in<br />

his late fifties he is gifted at the art of<br />

intimidation. He stares at her, this time she dare not<br />

stare back. Her defiance and resolve now replaced by<br />

unadulterated fear, she can no longer lift her eyes to<br />

meet his.<br />

Now shuffling through the multiple vials in the<br />

medicine cabinet he removes one, plunges an inch long<br />

syringe into its rubber top, and slowly extracts the<br />

milky white substance emptying the vial. Ivanhoff<br />

theatrically sprays the excess into the putrid air for<br />

all to see.<br />

“<strong>The</strong> end goal -- a form of biological warfare. A<br />

super soldier combining human intelligence with<br />

superior primate physical agility and strength.”<br />

Dr. Ivanhoff moves slowly, menacingly, towards<br />

Inga. <strong>The</strong> syringe protruding from his fingertips...<br />

“A last ditch effort to boost Stalin's faltering<br />

troops, turn the tide of the war.”<br />

Inhuman primate cries as Ivanhoff approaches the<br />

cages. <strong>The</strong> deafening clanking of fearful primates<br />

violently rattling their cages. Trapped. Inga<br />

unleashes a horrific scream. She screams for her life.<br />

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<strong>The</strong> X <strong>Species</strong><br />

Sarah scans the audience letting her impromptu<br />

history lesson settle in. “When the politically<br />

influential Russian Orthodox Church caught wind of Dr.<br />

Ivanhoff's forays into interspecies breeding, he was<br />

admonished by his political backers and imprisoned.”<br />

Curled in a fetal position, as if to rekindle the<br />

primordial security of the womb, Dr. Ivanhoff shifts<br />

unconsciously on the dusty cell floor. Manageable<br />

comfort was not among his captor's priorities. A<br />

circular grotto, far too cramped for a grown man, the<br />

abutting stone walls and low ceiling further add to<br />

the inescapable sensation of claustrophobia. Except<br />

for the scant swathes of light from an adjoining<br />

corridor there is only darkness. A desolate space<br />

reeking of rot and mildew he is not alone.<br />

At this moment as he drifts between dream and<br />

semi-consciousness he watches in the distance as an<br />

insect he can't quite make out hastens up an adjacent<br />

wall, followed shortly by a mangy rodent who too<br />

thought it the ideal time to emerge from the bordering<br />

shadows. As it emerges from the recess it levels but a<br />

cautionary glance to the human before him. Stilling<br />

himself, Ivanhoff watches the rodent crossing mere<br />

inches from his bound feet. Aware of the abundance of<br />

diseases carried by creatures such as these, Ivanhoff<br />

jerks reflexively startling the rodent and sending it<br />

scurrying back into the darkness.<br />

Malnourished, his physical condition has<br />

deteriorated to a point beyond recognition. Matted<br />

gray hair, bruised skin caked with dirt and dried<br />

blood, and a thick beard hiding his once dignified<br />

features, hopeless and dying he is a mere shell of the<br />

man he once was.<br />

“So impressed with Dr. Ivanhoff's pioneering<br />

discoveries in the fields of genetic engineering and<br />

human and primate reproduction...” Sarah continues.<br />

Blood is everywhere. Inga cries out in pain as<br />

she gives birth. <strong>The</strong> doctors gaze down in disbelief at<br />

the newly delivered infant. It's body partially<br />

covered in deep brown fur, an inhuman cry escapes its<br />

Neko Sparks 18

<strong>The</strong> X <strong>Species</strong><br />

part human, part primate lungs.<br />

“...that the political powers to be secretly released<br />

him from prison.”<br />

A soldier kicks Dr. Ivanhoff to rouse him.<br />

“Helping him to flee his native Russia and<br />

continue his controversial experiments far from the<br />

watchful eye of the Russian Orthodox Church.”<br />

Neko Sparks 19

<strong>The</strong> X <strong>Species</strong><br />

Neko Sparks 20

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