“THE SCREWTAPE LETTERS” by C.S. Lewis Week 9 THE ...

“THE SCREWTAPE LETTERS” by C.S. Lewis Week 9 THE ...

“THE SCREWTAPE LETTERS” by C.S. Lewis Week 9 THE ...


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accurate historical picture of the life of Jesus. The biblical description of Jesus is sometimes referred to as the<br />

Christ of Faith in this context. The Historical Jesus is thus based on the ancient evidence for his life such as in<br />

fragments of early Gospels, and as preserved independently in the writings of neutral or hostile witnesses of the<br />

period, such as in the writings of Jewish historian Flavius Josephus (see Josephus on Jesus and the Testimonium<br />

Flavianum) and various Roman documents, such as the Lives of the Twelve Caesars <strong>by</strong> imperial biographer<br />

Suetonius, and the correspondence of Pliny to Emperor Trajan. The purpose of research, into the Historical Jesus<br />

is to examine the evidence from diverse sources and critically bring it together in order to create a composite<br />

picture of Jesus. Use of the term the Historical Jesus implies that the figure thus reconstructed will differ from<br />

that presented in the teaching of the ecumenical councils ("the dogmatic Christ").<br />

Screwtape cites four reasons, to his advantage, for devotion to the “historical Jesus”:<br />

1. They all direct men’s attention to something that does not exist, for each “historical Jesus” is<br />

_________________.<br />

2. The construction of each “historical Jesus” places an importance on some peculiar theory and distracts<br />

people’s minds from ________ He is and ________ He did.<br />

3. The “historical Jesus” destroys the ____________ __________ in the patient.<br />

4. The “historical Jesus”, as biography, does not bring ___________ or ____________ to a saving<br />

knowledge of God and therefore, into the Enemy’s camp.<br />

In addition to the “historical Jesus”, Screwtape encourages Wormwood to exploit the natural connection between<br />

Christianity and politics: “… make men treat Christianity as a means; preferably as a means to their own<br />

advancement, but failing that, as a means to anything – even social justice.” (or, we could add, a Republican- led<br />

executive or legislative branch!)<br />

So what, then, is the heart of the Gospel<br />

I Corinthians 15: 12-18 12 Now if Christ is proclaimed as raised from the dead, how can some of you say that<br />

there is no resurrection of the dead 13 But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been<br />

raised. 14 And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain. 15 We are even<br />

found to be misrepresenting God, because we testified about God that he raised Christ, whom he did not raise if it<br />

is true that the dead are not raised. 16 For if the dead are not raised, not even Christ has been raised. 17 And if Christ<br />

has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins. 18 Then those also who have fallen asleep in<br />

Christ have perished.<br />

“You see the little rift ‘Believe this not because it is true, but for some other reason.’ That’s the game.”<br />

-Screwtape<br />

Letter XXIV<br />

Theme:<br />

“You must teach him to mistake the contrast between the circle that delights and the circle that bores him for the<br />

contrast between Christians and unbelievers. He must be made to feel (he’d better not put it into words) ‘how<br />

different we Christians are’; and <strong>by</strong> ‘we Christians’ he must really, but unknowingly, mean ‘my set’; and <strong>by</strong> ‘my<br />

set’ he must mean not ‘the people who, in their charity and humility, have accepted me,’ but ‘the people with<br />

whom I associate <strong>by</strong> right.’” pp 112, 113<br />

Screwtape calls ____________ _______________ the “strongest and most beautiful of the vices”. Why do you<br />

think he believes this<br />

Screwtape tells Wormwood to keep the patient confused: “What you want is to keep a sly self-congratulation<br />

mixing with all his thoughts and never allow him to raise the question ‘What, precisely, am I congratulating<br />

myself about’” What persons in the New Testament exhibited a similar attitude

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