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1582 (rdday) ii the Crcgorian alendd. Ther.by aU dare conversioo algoilbms have to<br />

kecp accoul of thh skipping of days in r]te solar calendar. Difercnl counrries, culluics<br />

and Fligiou omhMiiics adaprd to rhis DodilicElior ar diff@.1 !inc. Ir is lheEtorc a<br />

high hrk for hisrorifls ro tccp racl of r]E apprepriare dalcs.<br />

,n every solr qlendr thft @ iwctle mo.lbs. For simple dithmcric Ea$ns<br />

theE colld hdve been seven months of 30 dars and fi ve of I I days (in a nomal ye.r and<br />

six ofl0 days plw 3ix or 3l days in a lcap re&). How;ver in pncrice sincc rh€ ime of<br />

CEek it w6s knoM lhar d€ wi.r6 h.lfofa nodat ,€u h6 l8l days whee6 rhc<br />

summ.rhalf@ ains I84 days. The it&n for ih. sue is lie faler molio. of thc Eznh<br />

rhc Frihelion. thc Eanh c<strong>lo</strong>ssr ro $; Su dar oeun on aound January 4,i. Srdnins<br />

with January cvery ancinale nonlh is of3t days tiu Juty. rcbru.ry h of28 days (o.29<br />

days for a le.p yctu) sd lhe Br G ofto days.&h. The.ltdar€ nonrLs ofjl days<br />

dd l0 dals omintB $.d frcm AuSul ro DMnber<br />

ln a Strictly Lunar cat€ndd, lhar is ba$d on $e luharion pcriod in one year lhcle<br />

arc eilher 354 days or 155 days. Tbe clrcnr ave!.8. of$e lunation period h 29.510589<br />

days or 29 days, 12 hou6. 44 ninui4 dd 2.9 $con.l$(A$nrcmical Atnaiac. 2007).<br />

HoEEr ihis aEase is.hrging, Aaodin8 ro rh. tun5. lltery of Chaprcnl-Tou&, dd<br />

chapont lh.e vdiadons !E eoukd for by the to<strong>lo</strong>wing cxpEssion (Chdpon!<br />

'lbur'ind Chapro , 1988):<br />

20.5305888511 + 0.o0oo0o2t62l, a_ I.o4! IO.<br />

o ! a. Da)5 ( r.4 r)<br />

whce T n givcn b, ( L4.2). An, rrEdicutu phe cycl. my v.ry fmn te nes hv uD to<br />

seven hom. Tnus rhis priod vtuj.s froh !romd 29.2 days ro mor lnan 29.3 days fom<br />

nontn <strong>lo</strong> nonlh. Tnerefore in aU Iutu calend&s rhe numbe! ofdays in a nomh is eithcr<br />

29 or 10. l. Arithmetic Lunar calcndq rheE $ lllenate hontns of29 and 30 davs. tn<br />

obiwrional lue Rt.ndd $.8 6 bc s mey 4 rhE. rcns{ulirc mon$s o, 2,<br />

days qch od d mdy s folr conKud@ momh5 of 30 days e.ch { oys, I 994). In an<br />


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