draft program 30-04-2011

draft program 30-04-2011

draft program 30-04-2011


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Wednesday 01-06:<br />

18:00-21:00 Registration: The Kings Arms Pub, Oxford<br />

(at the corner of Holywell Street and Parks Road)<br />

Day 1: Thursday 02-06 Morning<br />

08:00 Registration (at St Catherine's)<br />

08:50 Welcome (M Fischer & organisation)<br />

Session 1 Chair: tba<br />

09:00 Keynote: Dr. Katriona Shea<br />

Disturbance, Diversity and Invasion<br />

09:45 Luis Santos<br />

Patterns of early sex allocation and growth across Pinus pinaster<br />

populations<br />

10:00 Silvia Winter<br />

Population biology of the toxic grassland weed Colchicum<br />

autumnale<br />

10:15 Anne Marie Labouche<br />

Silene latifolia corolla tube depth affects oviposition site choice<br />

of its pollinator-seed predator Hadena bicruris<br />

10:<strong>30</strong> Eelke Jongejans<br />

Importance of individual and environmental variation for<br />

invasive species spread: a spatial Integral Projection Model<br />

10:45 COFFEE<br />

Session 2 Chair: tba<br />

11:15 Maik Bartelheimer<br />

Mechanisms of plant-plant root interactions investigated by means of<br />

gene expression analysis<br />

11:<strong>30</strong> Thomas van Hengstum<br />

Effects of non-native (transgenic) plants on natural communities<br />

11:45 Lucie Hemrova<br />

Impact of herbivory on prospect of Scorzonera hispanica L. at<br />

landscape level<br />

12:00 Madalin Parepa<br />

Mechanism of interference between invasive knotweeds and their<br />

native competitors<br />

12:15 Alistair Jump<br />

Interactions between genetics and demography in forest<br />

fragmentation<br />

12:<strong>30</strong> LUNCH (at St Catherine's) & Informal Poster session

Day 1: Thursday 02-06 Afternoon<br />

Session 3 Chair: tba<br />

14:00 Keynote: Dr. Miguel Verdú<br />

Evolutionary Ecology of Plant Facilitation<br />

14:45 Heidi Hirsch<br />

Are invasives the better – A comparison of hydrochoric spread and<br />

germination performance between native and invasive Ulmus<br />

pumila populations<br />

15:00 Yuan-Ye Zhang<br />

Epigenetic variation can cause heritable variation in complex<br />

traits and phenotypic plasticity<br />

15:15 Susanne Lachmuth<br />

The role of climatic differentiation and pre-adaptation for the<br />

invasion of Senecio inaequidens in Europe<br />

15:<strong>30</strong> Andrea Case<br />

Are all female plants created equal Comparing patterns of<br />

population variation across diverse gynodioecious species<br />

15:45 TEA/COFFEE<br />

Session 4 Chair: tba<br />

16:15 Katrin Heer<br />

Fine-scale spatial genetic structure of Neotropical bat-dispersed<br />

fig species (Ficus spp., Moraceae)<br />

16:<strong>30</strong> Jarmila Gabrielová<br />

Can we distinguish plant species which are rare and endangered<br />

from other plants using their biological traits<br />

16:45 Mark Bilton<br />

Observed rainfall preference predicts climate change response of<br />

Mediterranean plants<br />

17:00 BREAK<br />

17:15 Yorike Hartman<br />

Using QTL-analysis to localize areas under negative selection:<br />

possibilities for minimizing transgene escape in lettuce<br />

17:<strong>30</strong> Hana Skálová<br />

Species traits, plasticity and local differentiation in invasive and<br />

native Impatiens species<br />

17:45 Zuzana Münzbergová<br />

Intensity of seed rain has significant effect on diversity and<br />

composition of artificial plant communities<br />

18:00 End of Day 1

Day 2: Friday 03-06 Morning<br />

Session 5 Chair: tba<br />

09:00 Keynote: Prof. John N. Thompson<br />

The assembly of coevolving webs of life<br />

09:45 Andrea Vaupel<br />

Population structure and genetic diversity of Carduus<br />

defloratus from the centre to the periphery of its distribution<br />

10:00 Antoine Dornier<br />

Colonization and extinction dynamics of an annual plant<br />

metapopulation in an urban environment<br />

10:15 Anne Kempel<br />

Tradeoffs associated with constitutive and induced plant<br />

resistance against herbivory<br />

10:<strong>30</strong> Maia Bailey<br />

Pollen viability across a landscape: geographic variation in the<br />

cost of restoration in Lobelia siphilitica<br />

10:45 COFFEE<br />

Session 6 Chair: tba<br />

11:15 Julia Sanchez Vilas<br />

Sexual dimorphism in the dioecious herb Mercurialis annua<br />

11:<strong>30</strong> Jan Håkon Vikane<br />

Temporal and spatial spread of a non-native conifer species in<br />

Norwegian coastal heathland<br />

11:45 Maria Clara Castellanos<br />

Genetic consequences of plant facilitation<br />

12:00 Anne Muola<br />

The geographic mosaic of coevolving plant-herbivore<br />

interactions: genetic variation, local adaptation and plant<br />

secondary chemistry<br />

12:15 Philippine Vergeer<br />

Adaptation at range margins: common garden trials and the<br />

performance of Arabidopsis lyrata across its northwest European<br />

range<br />

12:<strong>30</strong> LUNCH (at St Catherine's) & Informal Poster session

Day 2: Friday 03-06 Afternoon<br />

Session 7 Chair: tba<br />

14:00 Keynote: Prof. Rosie Hails<br />

tba<br />

14:45 Raj Whitlock<br />

The spatial and temporal genetic structure of a natural limestone<br />

grassland community<br />

15:00 Rebecca Ross<br />

Weak ecological selection and high hybrid fitness under field<br />

conditions in a Senecio hybrid zone on Mount Etna, Sicily<br />

15:15 Tobias Zuest<br />

Aphids as drivers of natural selection<br />

15:<strong>30</strong> POSTER SESSION (authors present at posters)<br />

Session 8 Chair: tba<br />

17:00 Roberto Salguero Gomez<br />

Matrix dimensions bias demographic inferences: implications<br />

for comparative plant demography<br />

17:15 Marcos Siqueira<br />

Microsatellites polymorphism in water yams (Dioscorea alata)<br />

from different Brazilian regions<br />

17:<strong>30</strong> Vit Latzel<br />

Epigenetic variation causes heritable variation in induced plant<br />

defences and pathogen resistance<br />

17:45 Katja Tielbörger<br />

Cherchez la femme- is invasiveness maternally inherited<br />

18:00 DRINKS in the venue<br />

19:<strong>30</strong> CONFERENCE DINNER<br />

Cherwell Boathouse, Oxford (walking)<br />

**:** End of Day 2

Day 3: Saturday <strong>04</strong>-06<br />

Session 9 Chair: tba<br />

09:00 Keynote: Dr. Anna Traveset<br />

Mutualistic networks in the Galapagos Islands. Impacts of<br />

invasive species on their structure<br />

09:45 Raúl García-Camacho<br />

Is survival in annual plant communities affected by species<br />

phylogenetic relatedness Variations along an aridity gradient<br />

10:00 Niek Scheepens<br />

Monocarpic perenniality of Campanula thyrsoides results in high<br />

population differentiation despite high pollen flow<br />

10:15 Sven Hanoteaux<br />

Density and spatial distribution of an attractive species: effects on<br />

plant-pollinator interaction structure in grasslands.<br />

10:<strong>30</strong> Elze Hesse<br />

Density-dependent pollen limitation and reproductive assurance<br />

in a wind-pollinated herb with contrasting sexual systems<br />

10:45 COFFEE<br />

Session 10 Chair: tba<br />

11:15 Camille Guilbaud<br />

A simple, useful growth model for annual plants<br />

11:<strong>30</strong> Mathilde Dufay<br />

How do females survive in a (harsh) world of hermaphrodites<br />

The effects of selection vs. population structure<br />

11:45 Corina Del Fabbro<br />

Do invasive species create a more negative soil-feedback than<br />

their native congeners<br />

12:00 Lauri Laanisto<br />

Microfragmentation theory explains non-positive environmental<br />

heterogeneity-diversity relationships<br />

12:15 Jonathan Silvertown<br />

Experimental investigation of the origin of fynbos plant<br />

community structure after fire<br />

12:<strong>30</strong> Farewell & next meeting announcement<br />

13:15 LUNCH (at St Catherine's)<br />

14:00-18:00 PopBio EXCURSION<br />

Wytham Woods (by bus)

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