Sorelle Week 2 Term Three - Mercedes College

Sorelle Week 2 Term Three - Mercedes College

Sorelle Week 2 Term Three - Mercedes College


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<strong>Mercedes</strong> <strong>College</strong> Newsletter<br />

Vol. 39 Number 11 / <strong>Week</strong> 2 <strong>Term</strong> <strong>Three</strong> / 2 August 2012<br />

Gospel Reflection<br />

Sunday, 12 August 2012:<br />

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary<br />

Time - Year B<br />

Jn 8:41 - 51<br />

This week’s gospel reading<br />

continues the exploration of John Ch.<br />

6 that began two weeks ago and will<br />

continue for another few weeks.<br />

Today’s passage begins the<br />

extended discourse on the ‘Bread of<br />

Life’ image that runs throughout this<br />

chapter.<br />

One of the great concerns of the<br />

Gospel of John is to convey an<br />

understanding of who Jesus is. This<br />

powerful message is explored<br />

through a number of significant<br />

discourses – with Nicodemus, with<br />

the Samaritan woman, with the Jews<br />

etc. The gospel contains some of the<br />

‘great’ images that we have for<br />

Jesus: living water; living bread; light<br />

for the world; the good shepherd; the<br />

way, the truth and the life. Such rich<br />

images<br />

There is an obvious connection<br />

between this week’s reading and the<br />

sacramental celebration of Eucharist.<br />

Jesus describes himself as living<br />

bread and then says whoever eats<br />

this living bread will live forever.<br />

These words capture the essence of<br />

the Church teaching about the real<br />

presence of Jesus in the Eucharist,<br />

when the bread and wine become his<br />

body and blood. Through our<br />

celebration of the Eucharist, Jesus<br />

offers us his continuing, enduring<br />

presence.<br />

This is a significant message for us<br />

as a Mercy Community as we<br />

prepare for The Feast of the<br />

Assumption on Wednesday 15<br />

August. This Eucharistic celebration<br />

will invite us to gather as a whole<br />

school community, be mindful of the<br />

significance of Mary the mother of<br />

Jesus in our lives and be gifted with<br />

the real presence of Jesus that<br />

promises to transform us like a tiny<br />

handful of dough and leaven into a<br />

rich and wholesome loaf of bread, a<br />

staple of life.<br />

Questions to ponder<br />

Q. In what ways is ‘bread’ both a<br />

suitable and challenging image for<br />

Jesus<br />

Q. Why is the regular reception of<br />

communion such an important<br />

element of the Catholic faith<br />

Officer, who again has given hours and hours of both work and personal time to<br />

ensuring that all of the above community events were well planned and<br />

organized. Thank you Jackie.<br />

This week the students and staff were also informed that Mrs Loretta Wholley,<br />

our Deputy Principal Academic Services, has accepted a principalship at Merici<br />

<strong>College</strong> in Canberra as of the beginning of 2013. Loretta has been with us for<br />

two and a half years and has certainly brought an enthusiasm and great<br />

passion for learning, teaching and pastoral care to her role. We will certainly<br />

miss Loretta but her new role is greatly deserved and Merici <strong>College</strong> will no<br />

doubt go from strength to strength under her leadership.<br />

This semester we continue our focus on our Mercy Values by reflecting on our<br />

value of Justice. Our work for justice is inspired of course by Catherine McAuley<br />

who recognized and fostered the dignity of every human person. Catherine<br />

dedicated her life to the service of others working with women and children in<br />

dire need. Her spirit of compassionate service continues to inspire all Mercy<br />

people. To be compassionate towards others, to treat all human beings with<br />

respect, to value the difference in people and to empower ourselves and others<br />

– that is what it means to be merciful. We must work for the common good, be<br />

responsible stewards of our environment and advocates for social justice. We<br />

must encourage each other to be active in spreading good and peace in the<br />

world and to try as hard as we possibly can to help those who are less<br />

fortunate, most vulnerable and most distressed. As with Catherine, these<br />

actions begin with each one of us and it is crucial that we see the world with<br />

eyes wide open and use whatever means we can, especially in our local<br />

community, to become involved in solving the problems that created the<br />

injustice in the first place. That is what will set us apart as people of Mercy.<br />

Parents could I please urge you to check your daughter’s uniform and personal<br />

grooming to ensure that it is in keeping with the <strong>College</strong> requirements Some of<br />

our young women have grown very quickly and uniforms need to be let down.<br />

Please familiarize yourself with the uniform code so that, in the unlikely event of<br />

your daughter getting a uniform or grooming infringement, you know why.<br />

The Teen Commandment for the next fortnight – you shall not offer helpful<br />

suggestions on homework management. Don’t you know they’ve got it under<br />

control Instead, drop small, time-oriented bombshells periodically, like “When<br />

you have that maths done, we’ll have ice cream” or “I put off dinner with<br />

grandma this weekend knowing you have a huge history project”.<br />

Finally, remember, all children are gifted. Some just open their presents later<br />

than others.<br />

Peace and best wishes.<br />

Sheena Barber, Principal<br />

Gracious God,<br />

You have blessed this ancient land<br />

with many gifts, especially its people.<br />

We thank you for the Year of Grace,<br />

a time to start afresh from Christ.<br />

You invite us to contemplate the face of Jesus your Son,<br />

that we may experience a new wave of grace,<br />

and that the light of Christ may burn more brightly in our lives.<br />

Attune our hearts and minds<br />

to the presence of your Holy Spirit,<br />

that our Church may be transformed,<br />

our relationships be healed,<br />

and our nation grow in compassion and justice.<br />

With the intercession of St Mary MacKillop,<br />

who showed us new ways of living the Gospel,<br />

we make our prayer<br />

through Christ our Lord. Amen.<br />

Mary, Help of Christians, pray for us.<br />


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