Grand Ledge Card File Index - Eaton County Genealogical Society

Grand Ledge Card File Index - Eaton County Genealogical Society

Grand Ledge Card File Index - Eaton County Genealogical Society


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Irish Wallace Wallace Irish<br />

Irish Wallace S. Wallace S. Irish & Faye McPeek<br />

Irish Wallace S. Faye McPeek & Wallace S. Irish<br />

Irish Ward H. Karlene Kay Irish & Ward H. Irish & Adeline R. Finnis<br />

Irish Ward H. Ward H. Irish<br />

Irish Ward, Mr. & Mrs. & Baby Boy Ward, Mr. & Mrs. Irish<br />

Irish Will Oakwood Will Irish<br />

Irish Will G. Will G. Irish & Geo. E. Irish & Della Wallace<br />

Irish Will George Will George, Jr. Irish & Will George Irish & Kathryn May Kincaid<br />

Irish Will George, Jr. Kathryn May Kincaid & Will George, Jr. Irish<br />

Irish Will George, Jr. Will George, Jr. Irish & Will George Irish & Kathryn May Kincaid<br />

Irish William William Irish & Kathryn Kincaid<br />

Irish William Ronald Trescott Irish & William Irish & Janet Briggs<br />

Irish Wm. Kathryn Kincaid & Wm. Irish<br />

Irish William Sidney William Sidney Irish<br />

Ironside Lelia Marie Fleming Lelia Marie Fleming Ironside & Lelia Marie Fleming Fleming<br />

Irrer Clarence C. Clarence C. Irrer<br />

Irving Elizabeth Fred Courts & William Courts & Elizabeth Irving<br />

Irving Elizabeth Fred Courts & William Courts & Elizabeth Irving<br />

Irving Elizabeth Elizabeth Irving & Fred Courts<br />

Irving Lee Lee Irving<br />

Irving Roger Roger Irving & Elizabeth M. Tibbetts<br />

Irving Roger Elizabeth M. Tibbett & Roger Irving<br />

Irving Roger Elizabeth M. Tibbets & Roger Irving<br />

Irwin Charles Cathern Marsden & Charles Irwin<br />

Irwin Charles Charles Irwin & Cathern Marsden<br />

Irwin David James David James Irwin & H. W., Mr. & Mrs. Irwin<br />

Irwin H. W., Mr. & Mrs. Lieut. David James Irwin & H. W., Mr. & Mrs. Irwin<br />

Irwin Harold Harold Irwin & Dorothy Stapelman<br />

Irwin Harold Harold Irwin & Dorothy Stapelman<br />

Irwin Melissa Melissa Irwin<br />

Irwin Winifred Harold Jacobs & Winifred Irwin<br />

Irwin Winifred Winifred Irwin & Harold Jacobs<br />

Isaacs W. W. Isaacs & A. Elwood<br />

Isaacs W. A. Elwood & W. Isaacs

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