pdf - dance with me harry - Sahits

pdf - dance with me harry - Sahits

pdf - dance with me harry - Sahits


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small group in MI-5 knew that it was magic that did the deed. And they understood that Donovan<br />

knew because of what he was: a squib who could function in the Muggle world and whose<br />

knowledge of the wizarding world was invaluable to the govern<strong>me</strong>nt.<br />

Donovan took a deep drag on his cigarette before snapping open the cell phone. He hand dialed<br />

from <strong>me</strong>mory the phone number at 10 Downing Street that he dare not put on his speed dialer. He<br />

squeezed his fingers on the bridge of his nose under his dark glasses, a favorite Muggle law<br />

enforce<strong>me</strong>nt affectation of his, as the phone rang. It was picked up on the fifth ring, much to<br />

Donovan's annoyance.<br />

"Stan? Donovan here. The boy's going to be all right....No, not Riddle. The kid's guardians. They<br />

locked him in a closet for nigh on four days...The Headmaster says school is a no-go and his friends'<br />

places are out. Plessy from the church has an idea...yeah, that Plessy. How many Plessys do you<br />

know?...Yeah, the vicar can take him in...but we're going to need so<strong>me</strong> cash to the Archbishop's<br />

office as a sweetener. They'll kick in half, but Plessy says the church wants us to help this ti<strong>me</strong>...No,<br />

the vicar already knows...his wife, too. Plessy's already spilled it...Yeah, I know, but this kid's<br />

important...I don't care. Use the slush fund, if you have to...I tell you, this kid's the Statue of<br />

Liberty, the Eiffel Tower and Buckingham bloody Palace all wrapped into one in his world and he<br />

has to be protected or all hell will break lose in both our worlds. You got that? Good. We need a<br />

decision by morning....Yes, tomorrow morning...Ring up Plessy or Pearson at the Archbishop's as<br />

soon as you get the nod...Oh, and if you don't get the nod, I'm turning you into a vole....Right....Call<br />

<strong>me</strong> at this number. I'll be up all night, if need be....Okay. Later."<br />

Donovan took a last drag on the butt and flicked it out into the gutter and returned to the hospital.<br />

* * *<br />

Dumbledore sat down beside Harry's bed and watched him sleep. He leaned forward, his elbows on<br />

his knees and hands over his face. How could he have been so foolish. McGonagall had warned him<br />

from the start that the Dursleys were Muggles of the worst sort, but he had ignored her. He believed<br />

that it would be better to keep Harry out of the li<strong>me</strong>light as he grew up rather than allow him to<br />

beco<strong>me</strong> an arrogant, self-centered sod, living off his notoriety.<br />

Dumbledore shook his head. How foolish to let such whimsical notions send poor Harry through<br />

whatever hell he'd been living in for the past fourteen years.<br />

And Dumbledore began to have new doubts. What other silly, romantic notions had he been putting<br />

into play in his battle <strong>with</strong> Voldemort that may co<strong>me</strong> back to haunt him. Maybe Snape and Moody<br />

were right. Send out teams to assassinate Death Eaters. Turn the whole battle into a war of attrition,<br />

counting on Voldemort's <strong>me</strong>ager forces to crack. Maybe there was no room for the niceties of the<br />

law in a battle against such a foe. But the elderly Headmaster shook his head again. That would be<br />

like the wizarding world 150 years ago, where might made right and the ministry was an entity of<br />

terror, rather than the harmless den of cowards and fools that it had beco<strong>me</strong>.<br />

Dumbledore sighed.<br />

"Are you all right, Professor?" Harry croaked, having awakened from his nap.<br />

Dumbledore looked up. "Alas, Harry, it is I who should be asking you such a question. As long as<br />

you are well, I am pleased."<br />

Harry gave a wan smile. "I'm going to be okay. Only I'm probably going to miss the church <strong>dance</strong><br />

on Friday. I was really looking forward to that."<br />

Dumbledore gave a forced smile. "There will be other <strong>dance</strong>s, Harry."<br />

Harry's eyes were now a little clearer as he fully awakened from his sleep. He cleared his throat a<br />

couple ti<strong>me</strong>s. "Will there, professor? Will there?" he asked in mild reproof. "What's going to<br />


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