Our Latest Issue - Business Jet Traveler

Our Latest Issue - Business Jet Traveler

Our Latest Issue - Business Jet Traveler


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Market Week Pullout Market Rocket: Stocks Up 7% on Week Page M3<br />

TheDowJones<strong>Business</strong>andFinancialW December 5, 2011 $5.00<br />

INSIDE:<br />

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<strong>Latest</strong><br />

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<strong>Issue</strong><br />


Hip,hip,hooray<br />

fortheapocalypse<br />

STREETWISE • 11<br />

Can’tanybody<br />

playthisgame?<br />

COMINGIPO • 18<br />

Facebookfeverrises;<br />

Grouponturnscold<br />

NO.2E-TAILER • 21<br />

Staples’bestbuy:<br />

itsbatteredstock<br />

UGLYPICTURE • 22<br />

Shutterflylooks<br />

overexposed<br />


Disney’sQuiet<br />

Mouseketeer<br />


HowPutinAide<br />

Got$119Million<br />

><br />

63142<br />


P16 BARRON’S December 5, 2011<br />

CastlesintheAir<br />

Howtofurnishatop-flightjet<br />

From top, Photos Courtesy of: EAD Aerospace; Air<strong>Jet</strong> Designs; Edése Doret IndustrialDesigns; Gore Design Completions; L-3 Platform Integration<br />

ByKirbyHarrison<br />


jets are literally pushing the boundaries. We’re talking<br />

walls of ferns.<br />

The New York-based firm Edése Doret Industrial Designrecentlycreatedreal,livewallsoffernsfortheanonymousbuyerofaBoeing787-8i,theprivate-ownershipversionofBoeing’smuchheraldedDreamliner.Theplanewill<br />

havethegreeneryinthestateroom,thecorridor,thelavatory<br />

and the lounge. A turbulence-proof irrigation system<br />

built into the walls will provide water, while an elaborate<br />

system of mirrors will direct sunlight to the plants. Next<br />

thingyouknow,they’llbegrowingtomatoesinthecockpit.<br />

Innovationslikethatinvariablyturnupfirstinthecabins<br />

of the very largest private jets, which can cost more<br />

than $500 million. These are big commercial models, retooledandluxedupforprivateuse.Bysomecounts,about<br />

500oftheseplanesarenowinuseandmoreareontheway,<br />

catering to the sometimes quirky tastes of oil sheiks, oligarchs<br />

and other high-flying billionaires.<br />

Theownersofthemassiveplanesarenotoriouslymum<br />

abouttheiropulentaviation. Butsometimeswordgetsout<br />

aboutwhoisbuying:Airbus,forinstance,hasbeenbuilding<br />

anairframeforanexecutiveversionofitshugeA380airliner<br />

for Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal. Because the prince<br />

placed the first order for this line of planes, Airbus has<br />

openly referred to the massive jet as a “flying palace.”<br />

Theprinceisnotsayingawordaboutwhat’sinside.Nor<br />

are others. The interiors are constructed by third-party<br />

“completioncenters”—atpricesashighas$200million—and<br />

thebuyeroftenrequiresthecentertosignanondisclosure<br />

agreement,withstiffpenaltiesforviolatingit.PrinceAlwaleed<br />

won’t name the completion center he is using.<br />

True to form, Donald Trump hasn’t been so secretive.<br />

TheDonaldhassomeseriousin-flightentertainmentaboard<br />

hisnewBoeing757—avideoscreeningroomand18IMAXlevelspeakers.<br />

Itwasa“totallycustomizedsystem,designed<br />

toexceedMr.Trump’sexpectations,”saysGreggLaunerof<br />

FortLauderdale,Fla.-basedSkyTheater,whichdidthework.<br />

ButTrumpkeptalidonmostofhiscosts,gettingthecompletedplanefor$75million,andmaybeless—ineithercase,<br />

a pittance by Alwaleed standards.<br />

Mostofwhat’sknownaboutinteriorscomesfromphotos<br />

and anecdotes circulated among industry insiders. That’s<br />

howweknowthatonemogul’sBoeing777hasatransparent<br />

floorthatletsguestspeerdownintothecargobay,sothey<br />

can admire the collection of classic cars that always travel<br />

withtheowner.Anotherwide-bodyhasamechanizedroyal<br />

thronethatinterfaceswiththeaircraft’sGPSinsuchaway<br />

thatnomatterwheretheplaneisheading,thethronealways<br />

faces Mecca.<br />

Thespacethatdesignershavetoworkwithinthesebig<br />

birds—from2,000to6,000squarefeet—hasfiredtheimaginationsoftheinteriorsspecialistsattwodozenorsoindependent<br />

completion centers and aircraft interior-design<br />

houses, from Andrew Winch Designs in London to Gore<br />

Design Completions in San Antonio.<br />

Swiss cabin-completion specialist <strong>Jet</strong> Aviation found<br />

roomforacasino,barandspiralstaircaseinoneofitsproposalsforanAirbusACJ380.AnddesignersatGreenpoint<br />

TechnologiesinKirkland,Wash.,areoftenaskedtocreate<br />

videogame rooms, well-appointed offices, and spacious<br />

staterooms with private lavatories and showers.<br />

L-3 Platform Integrated Systems, a cabin completer in<br />

Waco,Texas,recentlydesignedanArtDecodiningroomfor<br />

aBoeing747-8i,heavyonlinearsymmetry,raremetalsand<br />

stained glass. Images of the iconic<br />

Donald Trump<br />

has 18 IMAXlevel<br />

speakers<br />

for movies on<br />

his Boeing 757.<br />

ChryslerBuildingemblazonedonthe<br />

bulkheads leave no doubt as to the<br />

style.L-3alsohasdesignedanelevatortowhiskuptofourpassengersbetween<br />

that jet’s distinctive “hump”<br />

and the ground, with stops at the<br />

maindeckandeventhebaggagebay.<br />

Ataminimum,theseplanesofferagreatInternetconnection.<br />

Gogo Biz, a system from aviation-broadband specialist<br />

Aircell, offers data-transfer speeds that virtually<br />

matchthoseof homesandoffices—nosmallfeatwhentravelingatMach0.85and40,000feet.AGogosystemmayrun<br />

wellnorthof$150,000,installed,andthemonthlychargefor<br />

unlimited use is $1,995.<br />

Asbillionairesproliferate,expectaplethoraofinnovations.<br />

In-flight ice skating, anyone?<br />

For good or ill, very little of the giant jets’ gear will<br />

trickledowntostandardcorporatejets.Mostboardsofdirectors<br />

wouldn’t be amused by airborne game rooms. But<br />

CEOscanstillgetfinickyabouttheirplanes.InhisnewbiographyofSteveJobs,<br />

WalterIsaacsontellshowtheApple<br />

chief likedtheinteriorofOraclebossLarryEllison’sGulfstreamVsomuchthatheorderedavirtualreplica,withtwo<br />

changes:WhereadoorbetweencabinsonEllison’splanehad<br />

“open”and“close”buttons,Jobswantedasinglebuttonthat<br />

toggled.AndwhereEllison’sbuttonsweremadeofpolished<br />

stainless steel, Jobs demanded brushed metal.<br />

It’sonlyamatteroftimebeforesomebuyerofagiantjet<br />

orders ferns in a darker shade of green. <br />


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