Jun 1992 - Newspaper Archives of Ocean County

Jun 1992 - Newspaper Archives of Ocean County

Jun 1992 - Newspaper Archives of Ocean County


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C ' . ' • • . ' " • ' ' • ' ' ' \ • • • • • • • - "<br />

J<br />

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•/•.'•'';V-v'-';';•;• T/ V^f^.^:'.V'-Vv.K-y :*•':;-^'v"^;r>v^^ ' • '\-; >: -'.-i*t i x' > :':\V"."•'>•.-• >v..- \*\--'i'•'*?•.•-J^X ;-V-',v.' •.•'•••.'• '••.."'/ .. ; : .<br />

according to policespokes- recently come Into the com- behind the boardwalk'^O.toOnecoed.^1<br />

'.;. •-•-:'.,. ,;'.?vcri" ftftcr .'.a,. -oiie^tr<br />

.. . man Lt Robert BIcvin. • munlty who are In-possea- ^between 9th and 10th According-to City Solid-, extertsiori on the aj<br />

I. Howevtfr, police do not sion <strong>of</strong> guns and Megal streets May 28 accidentally. *° r Gerald; p>rcoran,. 0e g^<br />

'" consider the case closed. . ; drugs; .':••. ../• hit scarce .overhead ^W^<br />

;"Bvort though we didn't , Accoiriing to o^^<br />

V.' ,; find, o weapon at, the. time; who did npt glve&cr name, ' about '.1,000people, Irtclud* .f^-" , ', .;,>»; ;•: ''•':,'?'•"••>'' '• |b~ZS*y^£W&&&2}te<br />

•I<br />

/ •JJ"08223 ' . "'<br />

to better<br />

jfarri Shore Memopal ti&spitdl<br />

'•'•''<br />

iaOAMI<br />


• ''•' - - ••-'.B .Sooth-J.<br />

\<br />

j.^w^occd"weekly<br />

TV talk sho^thaft good<br />

fo^ your health!<br />

port bf<br />

I<br />

>ion. li;.F i pptes f : j .during. Memorial Ddy-ccremony.V<br />

Opdra,Uo|\ p^jjrt^^rm. .' Wreaths' Were "placed j<br />

During \this- time,-, he the World War I inonumer. lvot fli , =^KS 19^3, . --<br />

assisted .in the successful by'Joseph JLaRoit ort'd, Ed\ .*The ctdd ivinfl ' on, the<br />

r^nv-rvy-several dpwned Town, <strong>of</strong> the Amwicah bcach-'did. not'deter specta- ^<br />

——: -^ LegioQ;.and -at the Veterans ^oW frOm accorhponylng <br />

, Momorthl FouAtalrf-by ^emb«r« <strong>of</strong> Boy Scouts<br />

Cotaimandpr Nflcholas..Troop 76 as thev-carrled a<br />

v -*^ul v,y.» ""* c*-»s»i ijuj. - 5jnall Txxit flllccl with flovV" '<br />

.Officer James Burke, ersiothebeach.-' • r ; -. -<br />

•'Jotfcc/Benevpknt. Assocja- : .. Awaltin S &?e Scouts were^:- r<br />

Hon. placed a tvrcatr. hon- member* oi trfc' Sea-I.sle ' r<br />

Or ' n K dc ceasea polloe. Ci^.Beach Patrol, who -•<br />

. blticers.<br />

u<br />

5. .'.! rowed.'the floral'tribute, to-•<br />

-A salutt by ihe .firing thenaval dead out tcfica. •<br />

squad pf the Ye CapevMay .-, ,. . ... •- • J<br />

* <strong>County</strong> MUiHX wlw> wear" •|-! h A«^>'?«.TOugh : j.r. ._,•<br />

qumentic.dnl/onns.bif.past ' Many peopl^ stayaxT<br />

Wars, followed ;jthq roli-.call glued to the railing oh the •<br />

Of menibcrs vyha hadd^ prornjauuie until' trie - Ufe-<br />

.thls.paat.fea/. , " " guards returned safely,'just .<br />

The mllitla,includi)ng ai many had ow-nited the .<br />

7- Tom Rt>clC> Mike Jar- s3x! return o? loved ones. '<br />

gewskyj Mike Cook, an;d. "during tho war that was, '<br />

. Ralph Kigg.'isi composed 0/ being remembered''thai' '.','•<br />

members <strong>of</strong> the "Sea Isle- dKy.!' . -. -, -.•"• ^ . .<br />

I M ^ dsion^ <strong>of</strong> today's<br />

es — prevention,<br />

newjKatQients ai>d procedures and<br />

. hiuch more — featuring pfominerii<br />

U l d f<br />

Shore Meihonal's staff.<br />

" : • ' • ' •'• • • ' H '• ',."•'<br />

"The WellnessTipbfikeWeek'V<br />

^ ^ ^ ^ y i S o r n 0<br />

en&» *3<br />

to »ix months. ElMwhwe, «iait o) tog-tAvksipci- K5<br />

W« y. <strong>Ocean</strong> toy W S<br />

WNCH1180<br />


» - ••<br />

1 • •<br />

' 1 :<br />

highlights<br />

^ Pro^gQ"tTft5<br />

^o^>moitgthppTc^d•":.',"'• smce me r^wspaper ?wUl ruus^^^d^ aYoiWbWi.' ;•'',;',..:.: ••.'..• v ••.• atthefoir..:,-'-:^.•:,•;....'.'•; •• ; , wood struck the side,<strong>of</strong> •«••.<br />

itatai^Paitricit" ;--• pul>li^'.fv^''--i«!nli.cf» i -Weekly^"TKc-^Sjiicei^udiw,|j:aM!!v-.'<br />

•ifekflMhw^;. ]..' ;l>egmA&i|['toclayr : ; .\ .•"•.•'••'. -:-;:V-lpyel',8oat, sub^uid 'r&xfigti^..<br />

in.ee«ng on Wednesday r -Star, 1 Spcccr.. .jph^erledders,;<br />

longtime P«mc^^':SS555?gS&' V;.3&«py5?#"<br />

. .In - addition to ^^ watering restrictions, other recommen da- ..SOM1BRSPOINT--The JCnrVAY AUTHORITY<br />

. fions include: Installation <strong>of</strong> rain sensor devices on Atlantic CpuriW Library Rp-ELECTSOFFICERS <strong>of</strong> the South Jersey Regional Bayv Avenue. Theatre .<strong>of</strong>fi*<br />

' automatic: sprinkler systems; restricting; the,use <strong>of</strong> hjewes " System/Somcrs Point will. ELWGOP". At the<br />

•—'• - '•' " ' ••'• - l A - '--*-'• "a new<br />

for washing <strong>of</strong>f sidewalks anc and driveways; encouraging<br />

restaurants to serve water only when specifically •<br />

requested by a customer, and'using automatic shut-<strong>of</strong>f'<br />

nozzles on hoses when washing cars and boats.<br />

Assembly passes repeal ./•.<br />

<strong>of</strong> assault weapons ban :<br />

S^jRT director<br />

is stepping asi <strong>of</strong> **?, according to Alken,but .^volved w 1 * ^ uneatre<br />

vice his^ suc<strong>of</strong>esor'nas not been<br />

TRENTON —The Republican-led Assembly voted<br />

' 5.S-18 Thursday to repeal the stale's stringent ban on j __^<br />

-'. scml-jjiutomatlcassault weapons thit.Gov. JljcniFlorio sue- noon Tuesdays, July' 7 to '^VW 'Oi t-amaen voaruy, .Alkert'said he wilTrcmaln<br />

ccssfuUy lobbied for two yean ago. , : .'-".•• Aug. TR Ir is open to l .chil-' tr o a »« c r 1 and Kenhem^ Har- toy^^rj^ gjj^^ py^^y<br />

Assemblyman Frank A- LoBlbhdo.R-lBt,who sponsored drcn jigcV 6 and older, bub rlsQn ** Atlantic <strong>County</strong>. *3c- wjih finding a hew borne:<br />

the, tWl^daHnn legislation wn'•'•• '.'••'.'<br />

-, •••••'. .' . .' serves -as., a commissioner ><br />

/', -The.bill would also crcate:fi^in~rrcc school zones. wKich<br />

. ,. ; . ..••'• '-. 65pm Atlantic <strong>County</strong>.:<br />

-' would .fact mandatory prison interices without parole .<br />

I.Storyiime at • Appointed: by .the govei^<br />

lurwfays, July 9 nor and ccspbnslbles forwcr-<br />

^i-Jaddaddin'anal minimum sentences for pos- .*". Au S r 20 - PP 0 ? to . ^r 'seeing opcrationo <strong>of</strong> the<br />

C'a funeajfm <strong>of</strong> ajvy kind while commitjing a drug- • l "V I > a KV* 3 1 /* to 5.. • • . • •44-mile' • Atloritlc "^CLty<br />

.; reMtedcrirne/ \ y .V. .' ..,'., •• .:• '_": v ., "_ ;.;/' ' '.; '^• G t j d Me ' "<br />

: - •• •<br />

r wou^d<br />

r. appeal^ co,urt ruling last week thjt effectively'disnurttk-d<br />

;ihe,state's hospltsri bilfing system Lrubrdf-r.to buy"tjmi> (or<br />

• state, buslnsis.iitd'hospital tndushfy-<strong>of</strong>ficial;./p p<br />

' an alterhatcv-'— ' ' ' .-•••• .• ..<br />

, ^ A fe<br />

" ter pending a hearingv The suspect livevin ,th TViJ[Uk ; '<br />

«jctioh<strong>of</strong> L6wer,-Townshlp. v .-' •'': ''<br />

P l i W ^ t i<br />

shooting apparently followed a fight • .<br />

Prudential cuts 16Q Jobs \ v<br />

from its Linwobd oiffjQe ".: " -<br />

' Ln^JWOOD i- Prutfenrinljlnidrnricc Co. <strong>of</strong> America ', . •<br />

ahnounced Friday that*4t Would cut another 160 positions'<br />

from Its <strong>of</strong>fice here by October, nccording to "The Preis <strong>of</strong><br />

. Atlantic City. ' . . ... .<br />

' The hew cuts, combined with reduction made la-si-Oct'o- •<br />

bcr. will result in d reduction <strong>of</strong> more- than half <strong>of</strong> tru/<br />

'. Compan/8 xvorkforce here; from 1,010 to 450 employe*.-*<br />

luayeor.. ''" ; ' ' * '' : ;i ' '<br />

Ab^ttO p p y<br />

odsUng<strong>of</strong>flce* in Woodbrldcc, The other 60 will be<br />

thiftpoVio u W?w^cxpar>dtdH»Itp in Rockland <strong>County</strong>, Y<br />

: according to»comp&ny epokeaWoman V ".<br />

Only worker* with the oqmpgny'K Northca*tcm Group<br />

Oj^rnttonfl;ooo<strong>of</strong> *lxdlylisJori)» nationwide, will be<br />

olfocted by thli move. The crbup«ell>«snployeo benefit<br />

product* in Ihc Northeast, Ifidudtrvg the mitaro health<br />

mnlntcrvancoplfln-; . '<br />

. rtTcmQny<br />

paity and<br />

'ReglorJal' Boarrd. <strong>of</strong>;<br />

" riU. Jvold, a special'.<br />

; ol 8 psix, TRurBdiy,<br />

]un^ 4 '(p oqpducf student<br />

'diidpLifiary-Winlnps,iri eicc?'-<br />

. a<br />

0; WE WOW HAVE<br />


t noii^ri Fresh'Dally'. v •<br />

2SiSTER;S<br />


730 Astib'ry'-Avel, <strong>Ocean</strong> City :<br />

i 1 ree Municipal Bonds<br />

.26°/o<br />

p<br />

Ih'iW f'.ll|<br />

t:\\<br />

John Shirk<br />

398-1755<br />

Edward IX Jones & Co.'<br />

SovtvjCoemir»tti9 Innaon Since IS71<br />

ttoh.:<br />

Houn by Apoontrrwi! .<br />

Indudno Evertnflj » SoaVtlBy<br />


<strong>Jun</strong>o tides<br />

«nMatt«Oi,SMMC<br />

TIdM 'brtShStro«drai»tx«o». FbrOmt<br />

3 Wed<br />

4Thu<br />

5.Frl<br />

3.0 \<br />

10^<br />

10:43 u> a 11^39 so &36, .oat 11:40<br />

6:22 -a.? Nona J 0^112:3<br />

37<br />

lool. bawd oo moan Iwt wotw<br />

' "'"" ' ' ° ':<br />

M<br />

>nd -.;. - : ;<br />

ApoOO-J.-!"4!<br />

;^v.:-^<br />

E:.v;-'.: : ;:::;..-:';v.^-. » :<br />

mk $0il >

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