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Temple Guiting<br />

Church of England School<br />

David Ogden, Headteacher<br />

District Athletics Tournament<br />

Nearly four hundred youngsters from eleven schools converged on our<br />

playing field for the district athletics tournament. We were very<br />

pleased at how many of our pupils progressed to the next level.<br />

Science Festival<br />

The PTA are generously paying for each of our Juniors to go to the<br />

Cheltenham Science Festival this month.<br />

Summer Term Topics<br />

Class 1’s topic is ‘The Seaside’. Besides looking back to the golden<br />

age of Victorian seaside holidays, they will be making model beach<br />

huts, kites and homemade ice-cream. Class 2 have supported Water<br />

Aid this year and much of their work has been stimulated by what<br />

they have learnt of the importance of this vital commodity. Class 3,<br />

our oldest pupils, will be studying the fascinating history of our<br />

locality and hope to benefit from the knowledge of local amateur<br />

historians. A century ago, folk tunes and playground games were<br />

collected from our school and we are relearning them for a special<br />

concert at the Winchcombe Festival of Music and Art.<br />

admin@templeguiting.gloucs.sch.uk 01451 850304<br />

www.templeguiting.gloucs.sch.uk<br />


by Lise Evans<br />

All-weather pitch joy for school!<br />

Chipping Campden School is celebrating the<br />

completion of an ambitious sporting project as part<br />

of its 575 th anniversary in 2015.<br />

Work to finish a brand new £555,000 all-weather<br />

artificial grass pitch has come to an end and on<br />

Friday 1 May the new facility was handed over to<br />

the school by contractors S&C Slatters.<br />

The floodlit all-weather surface provides a full size hockey pitch or two<br />

junior pitches and a full size football pitch or three junior pitches. In<br />

addition there will be a cricket mat that will enable cricket training to take<br />

place regardless of weather conditions.<br />

The new pitches mean that the school will be able to significantly improve<br />

its sport offer to students all year round, and local clubs and the<br />

community will be able to access it at evenings and weekends.<br />

In order for the project to get off the ground, Chipping Campden School<br />

received grants from a number of sources including the school trust, school<br />

governors, Sports England, Cotswold District Council, Gloucestershire<br />

County Council and Gloucestershire Land Fill Fund.<br />

Principal John Sanderson said: “I can honestly say that seeing the<br />

excitement of the students as they first stepped out onto the completed<br />

pitches made the years of planning and fund raising all worthwhile. As a<br />

school we are very grateful to the various local and national grant fund<br />

holders for their partnership in enabling us to realise this ambition and<br />

must acknowledge the contribution made by S&C Slatters in delivering<br />

such a first class facility on time and on budget. To have built it during the<br />

year of our 575 celebrations is particularly special and I now look forward<br />

to seeing it being used as a major focal point for sport development at the<br />

school and in the wider community.”<br />

There will be an official opening on 4 July during the school’s Day of<br />

Celebration to mark 575 years the school’s founding in 1440.<br />

Any local sports group wishing to enquire about hiring the pitches should<br />

get in touch with the Chipping Campden School on 01386 840216.<br />

Blockley C of E School<br />

From Jenny Bruce<br />

Air Ambulance Art Competition All the<br />

children from Reception to Class 5 entered the<br />

Air Ambulance Art Competition. It was quite a<br />

tricky brief…to include St. George and the<br />

Dragon and an Air Ambulance helicopter in a<br />

drawing, painting or collage. Susie Godwin,<br />

Regional Fund Raising Manager judged the competition and was so<br />

impressed with all the entries that she asked if she could take them all<br />

back to the airbase to show the crews. Susie chose Kan Ikeda as the<br />

overall winner with Archie Fletcher as the winner in KS2 and Max<br />

Spodofora as the winner in KS1. Susie then announced runners<br />

up…..Max Bolam, Ruby Aylett-Magee, Cody Hutt, Zara Sampsan, Alice<br />

Webb and Freya Aylmore. All nine children have been invited to visit<br />

Strensham Air base on Friday 10th July to meet the crew, see the<br />

helicopter and learn more about the work of the charity.<br />

Knex Challenge Ben Denyar-Freeman and Jamie West travelled to<br />

Mill Academy, near Gloucester for the Knex Challenge. Each pairing had<br />

1 hour to complete their 'build'. The task was to build an International<br />

Rescue Vehicle, for land, sea, air, space or all. Additionally, each vehicle<br />

had to incorporate into its design a mobile unit and locking door. The<br />

boys made a Rescue Truck, with a grabber attached and a stretcher on<br />

a winch. They shared their ideas with the judging team very<br />

enthusiastically and eloquently.<br />

Friends of the School Blockey May Day was a great success with fine<br />

weather and a good number people attending. Thanks to all the<br />

helpers, in particular those pupils (past and present) who sold sweets,<br />

did fabulous face painting and encouraged people to buy cookbooks,<br />

key rings and enter the treasure map game, the friends raised<br />

approximately £150.<br />

Class 1 Celebration of St Georges Day Class 1 and<br />

their teacher celebrated St Georges Day by dressing<br />

up as knights and princesses. The theme this term is<br />

castles and so the imaginative play areas, both inside<br />

and out, have been transformed into a castle with<br />

appropriate dressing up clothes and artifacts to<br />

extend the play. On St Georges Day there were many<br />

other activities planned around the theme including<br />

making articulated figures of knights which the children had to colour<br />

in and then cut out. They were then fixed together with split pins. The<br />

children really engaged in this activity needing a little help but showing<br />

great perseverance. Another group made bunting.<br />


SCHOOL<br />

From Tracey Hampshire, Administrator<br />

During the Easter break the children of Longborough were all sent home<br />

with a tube of Smarties which they of course enjoyed eating, however they<br />

were set a challenge to fill the tubes with money earned by doing jobs<br />

around the house. Through their hard work and effort this year they raised<br />

over £100! Not only were the children working hard but so were the<br />

Parents on our Big Dig day. On Sunday 19 April, Parents and teachers gave<br />

up their own time to help clear our gardens and grounds ready for the<br />

glorious weather ahead of us, everyone worked really hard and the<br />

playground and surrounding areas look fantastic.<br />

We were able to add a further 18 books to our collection which were linked<br />

to the new topics in the National Curriculum as a result of a book bursary<br />

from Moreton & District History Society’s Book bursary, which we’re very<br />

grateful for.<br />

Lottie Oxton (on left) reached the finals of the<br />

Knex Challenge at Millbrook Academy in<br />

Brockworth. (pictured here with Lilly Arthurs<br />

from Swell).<br />

Class 1 visited Pebbly Hill Plant Nursery near<br />

Bledington to support their current science topic<br />

of plants. The children observed and drew plants growing at all different<br />

stages, from seed germination through to mature plants. A key objective of<br />

the visit was to support children's learning of plant names. Children chose<br />

their favourite plants to draw and name (including: snap dragons, red hot<br />

pokers and bears breeches). They also got to plant their own dahlia to take<br />

home, kindly donated by the Nursery.<br />


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