Vol. 14, Number 3 - Yale University

Vol. 14, Number 3 - Yale University

Vol. 14, Number 3 - Yale University


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Oakland, California - September 1 - 3,1972<br />

The Natural Sciences Division of The Oakland Museum will host.<br />

Dr. Don MacNeill, Senior Curator of Natural Sciences, is in charge of local arrangements and information on Motels may<br />

be obtained from him. Anyone wishing to present a paper may write to Dr. MacNeill, Nat. Sci. Div., Oakland Museum, 1000<br />

Oak St., Oakland, CALI F. 94607, or to Dr. Jerry A. Powell, Department of Entomology, <strong>University</strong> of California, Berkeley,<br />

CALIF. 94720, giving the title of the paper, approximate time required for presentation, and whether or not slides are to be<br />

presented. This information should be submitted to MacNeill or Powell no later than June 30. The Annual Banquet will be held<br />

Saturday, September 2; speaker, place and cost will be announced later.<br />


The Northwest Butterfly Survey has been founded as a research body for the accumulation, collation and presentation of<br />

information about the Rhopalocera of northwestern North America. The area of study includes Oregon, Washington, Idaho,<br />

British Columbia and the Yukon Territory. This area represents a massive gap in the continental butterfly knowledge, as well<br />

as a zoogeographic unit of reasonable integrity. Our intellectual concerns include the full biology of natural history of the organisms<br />

and their realm. The decline of and prognosis for populations will be a special area of inquiry.<br />

A base work for Washington (Pyle) is at press, one for Oregon is well toward completion (Dornfeld) and one for British<br />

Columbia is incipient (Shepard). Studies on the two remaining units are being planned. Principal collaborators are Dr. Ernst<br />

Dornfeld and David McCorkle in Oregon, E. J. Newcomer in Washington and Robert L. Chehey in Idaho. Data from any other<br />

contributors are warmly solicited. Queries and communications will be welcomed at the following addresses:<br />

The Northwest Butterfly Survey - Co-Coordinators:<br />

Robert M. Pyle<br />

c/o Seattle Audubon Society<br />

Joshua Green Building<br />

Seattle, Washington<br />


Jon Shepard<br />

Rural Route No.2<br />

Nelson,<br />

British Columbia, Canada<br />

FERGUSON, DOUGLAS C. 1972. Moths Qf America North QJ Mexico, Fasc. 20. 2A, Bombycoidea: Saturniidae (part), 153<br />

pp., 11 colored plates. Paperbound. Curwen Press, London. U. S. distributor: Entomological Reprint Specialists, Box<br />

77971, Dockweiler Station, Los Angeles, CALIF. 90007, U. S. A. $32.50 for subscribers; $39 for non-subscribers.<br />

MICROLEPIDOPTERA PALEARCTICA. This important undertaking has advanced to the point at which the first 3 parts<br />

have been published: Band 1, Crambinae, by Dr. S. Bleszynski; Band 2, Ethmiidae, by Dr. K. Sattler; and Band 3,<br />

Cochylidae, by Dr. I. J. Razowski. Information on purchase may be requested from Hans Reisser, Rathausstrasse 11,<br />

A-l0lO, Vienna I, AUSTRIA. A must for serious students of Microlepidoptera.<br />

GOMEZ BUSTILLO, M. and F. FERNANDEZ RUBIO, 1971. A morphological and geographical revision of the Parnassius<br />

~(L.) species in the Iberian Peninsula (in Spanish). 32 pp, 22 black and white plates, paperbound. $5.50 postpaid<br />

(air mail). Covers descriptions of localities and 21 races, including 3 new ones. Order from: Dr. M. Gomez Bustillo,<br />

Torre de Madrid 5-12, Madrid (13), SPAIN.<br />

MID-CONTI NENT LEPIDOPTERA SERIES: Recent publications include No. 28, a preliminary list of the butterflies found at<br />

the Capulin Nat. Monument, New Mexico, by F. Martin Brown; No. 31, a study of interspecific hybridization of Limenitis<br />

arthemis in Minnesota by W. A. Bergman; No. 33, a check-list of the butterflies of Jamaica, by F. Martin Brown & B. Heineman;<br />

No. 32, report on a collection of butterflies made mostly at Ft. Chimo, Ungava, Hudson Strait, by L. M. Turner in 1883-84,<br />

by W. H. Edwards (reprint); No. 50, Butterflies of Rocky Mountain Nat. Park, Colo., by P. C. Ritterbush; No. 51, a checklist of<br />

Utah butterflies and skippers by K. B. Tidwell and C. J. Callaghan; No. 52, Ecological and distributional notes on butterflies of<br />

the genus Erebia in Manitoba, by J. H. Masters; No. 53, a checklist of Scandanavian butterflies, by T. W. Langer; No. 54, the<br />

butterflies of Washington, by B. V. Leighton (reprint); No. 55, a preliminary checklist of the butterflies of southern California,<br />

by T. C. Emmel; No. 56, an annotated list of the butterflies of Nebraska, by R. A. Leussler (reprint); No. 57, check list of<br />

Oregon Rhopalocera, by anonymous authors. These are available at $1.50 each for nos. 28, 31,32, and 33, and $1 each for<br />

the others; subscription information upon request. John Masters, P. O. Box 7511, St. Paul, MINN. 55119, U.S.A.<br />

Internationale Zeitschrift fur Lepidopterologie, a new international journal to appear 3 times per year on various subjects regarding<br />

Lepidoptera, is planned to begin this year. Subscriptions are 50 OM/year (roughly $15 U.S.). Write for information to:<br />

Dr. U. Roesler, Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, GERMANY.<br />

HIGGINS, L. G. & N. D. RILEY, 1970. ~ Field Guide to the Butterflies Qf Britain and Europe. Collins, London. 380 pp.,<br />

60 colored pis. £ 2.10. Also French and German Editions.<br />


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