11:29 banana Headlines

11:29 banana Headlines

11:29 banana Headlines


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<strong>11</strong>:46 ill_repute Savik can tell that one of the combatants is kindred,<br />

robe with the collar on backwards and the unmistakeable<br />

behind her back. She's watching him, waiting for him to<br />

knives and *grenades* on his kevlar-reinforced uniform;<br />

right?<br />

<strong>11</strong>:46 VoxPVoxD Cian slows a bit, letting the other disembarking<br />

passengers move around him. That is what they are,<br />

around him. He is certainly not of them. He<br />

concentrates for a moment on the musing, thinking<br />

perhaps he'd heard it before. But he hadn't. A moment<br />

later he continues on.<br />

<strong>11</strong>:46 dammitwho Sarah is mingling for the moment, soaking in the latest<br />

gossip and spreading a little of her own. Ah, and<br />

there's that inquisitive Dragon again. She moves<br />

unhurriedly toward Adrian.<br />

<strong>11</strong>:47 mattbaby Anton is taking a liesurely pace to his meeting with<br />

Simon Peter. In the meantime, he's examining his new<br />

territory. Fucking bad ass. But what a headache! So<br />

Much To Organize!<br />

<strong>11</strong>:48 <strong>banana</strong> At the bottom of the ramp is a small open area, where<br />

confused passengers hesitate; Cian has no need, since<br />

he can tell who's here to meet him. Wearing a priest's<br />

taint of the Beast is a slight woman, arms crossed<br />

approach.<br />

<strong>11</strong>:48 Nicolae Can a Kindred get a description of the mansion roof<br />

situation?<br />

<strong>11</strong>:49 VoxPVoxD Cian does approach, and approach swiftly. The night<br />

carries no mark of the predator to his greeter,<br />

however. He has... occluded that, from himself. He<br />

inclines his head towards her, a gesture of greeting<br />

and respect.<br />

<strong>11</strong>:49 dammitwho "Mr. Khas! It's rare we see you at Elysium and now<br />

what, twice in as many nights? This is a surprise."<br />

<strong>11</strong>:50 <strong>banana</strong> On the roof!<br />

<strong>11</strong>:51 <strong>banana</strong> The Chief stands four metres from Dietrich, braced<br />

against a chimneypot. He holds a submachine gun akimbo<br />

- a couple of bullets have gone through your leg<br />

already, but it didn't hurt - and in the other hand<br />

holds an automatic pistol in each of two massive<br />

fingers. His thumb flicks rapidly back and forth<br />

between the triggers.<br />

<strong>11</strong>:51 <strong>banana</strong> Almost more worrying to you than the guns are the<br />

he's obviously strong enough to use the former, since<br />

when the roof of the parlour first collapsed on you<br />

both he threw aside chunks of falling stone like they<br />

were nothing.<br />

<strong>11</strong>:51 <strong>banana</strong> Of course, so did you..<br />

<strong>11</strong>:51 <strong>banana</strong> Roll initiative.

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