EducoBrochure - Dialogue Ireland

EducoBrochure - Dialogue Ireland

EducoBrochure - Dialogue Ireland


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®EDUCO®<br />

The 21 st Century Life-Changing Mind Technology<br />


In conjunction with Human Potential Research<br />

presents…<br />






AND<br />




EDUCO<br />

The 21 st Century Mind Technology<br />

Life-Changing Information<br />

You as a person, your quality of life – from happiness to success – and your<br />

lifestyle have all been determined by your mind. For the rest of your life your<br />

mind will continue to be the determining and most influential factor. Your<br />

mind is the seat of your consciousness and your means of contact with life.<br />

You interpret everything that happens in your life through your mind. You are<br />

completely dependent on your mind. Most likely, to a greater or lesser extent,<br />

others are also, such as your family, friends, your business etc. Your mind<br />

makes all your decisions.<br />

Here is quite possibly the most important question you have ever been asked:<br />

How good a job is your mind doing?<br />

Because now for the first time ever a choice has become available.<br />

You can decide to improve and upgrade your mind to a better and higher capacity.<br />

You Can Have Greater Mind Power<br />

Then you can apply this greater mind power to you and your life to get the results that you want.<br />

This is the breakthrough of your lifetime because your mind impacts on every second of your life.<br />

Upgrade your mind and you give yourself a truly life-changing advantage. It may well be the most<br />

important step you can take.<br />

Educo ® – The first educational system to teach:<br />

• How your mind works.<br />

• How to operate your mind for the best results.<br />

• How to have more mind power.<br />

• Using the More to achieve your goals and success.<br />

• Applying the More to your daily life for a higher standard of living<br />

and greater happiness.<br />

• Using the More to know and express your real self.<br />

• Using the More to change your mind and your past, present and<br />

future for the better.<br />

This will increase your possibilities for success at the business of living.<br />

Educo ® – Producing the Better Minds of the Future – Today!<br />

©2010 Human Potential Research Limited. This brochure is published by Human Potential Research Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this<br />

publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means whether it be electronic, photocopier, mechanical, recorded or<br />

otherwise or stored in any retrieval system without the written permission of the copyright holder and publisher any application for which<br />

should be made to the publisher. ‘Educo’ and ‘Blueprint for Successful Living’ are registered trademarks of Tony Quinn.

The Educational System of the Future – Today!<br />

Ask yourself this question:<br />

‘Do you know more about operating your computer<br />

and mobile phone than your own mind?’<br />

Read on to learn something of how your mind works.<br />

Your Unconscious is Making the<br />

Decisions.<br />

The mind can be divided into two areas,<br />

the conscious mind and the larger<br />

unconscious mind (sometimes referred to<br />

as the subconscious mind). Think of the<br />

conscious mind as more on the surface<br />

and the unconscious as the greater and<br />

deeper part of the mind. Research shows<br />

that the unconscious is largely making our<br />

everyday decisions, with some research<br />

showing as low as 5% conscious input -<br />

the 95% coming from the unconscious.<br />

This realisation, however, is not new. Way<br />

back, Freud maintained that we were puppets in the hands of the<br />

unconscious.<br />

Programs.<br />

Part of the unconscious can be likened to a computer. Think of<br />

the unconscious as the storage hard drive of the mind. The<br />

programs that become imprinted on the person’s mind form their<br />

life. Let’s look at some examples. Take your seven-times<br />

multiplication tables that we learn as children in school. We learn<br />

by repetition using the conscious mind, so we continuously repeat<br />

‘seven ones are seven, seven twos are fourteen, seven threes are<br />

twenty-one’ etc. Eventually this information is stored in the<br />

memory in our storage hard drive - our unconscious. This stored<br />

learning we are calling a program. Now we can operate from this<br />

learning almost without thinking.<br />

If I say to you ‘What is seven times seven?’ the answer, forty-nine,<br />

will be produced instantly by your unconscious. Similarly you<br />

learn a language, how to spell, drive a car etc. Ultimately, a car is<br />

largely driven by your unconscious because you can talk away to<br />

your friends and you do not have to think about it. In short, it’s a<br />

program. However, you began learning to drive using your<br />

conscious mind. You asked yourself ‘Where is the accelerator,<br />

brake, clutch, handbrake?’ No doubt you often had trouble with<br />

the gears and there was much jerking and cutting out of the<br />

engine. With everything, the conscious<br />

learning stage is generally confusing and<br />

stressful. However, once the learning is<br />

accepted by the unconscious it becomes<br />

for the most part automatic and effortless.<br />

The types of programs, both good and<br />

bad, which we all have stored consist of<br />

our learnings, experiences, memories,<br />

mindsets, beliefs, fears, phobias, selfimage<br />

etc. We can have programs for<br />

inferiority or confidence, failure or<br />

success, happiness or unhappiness. Let’s<br />

take a quick look at yours.<br />

Can You Perform an Astonishing Mental Feat Right<br />

Now?<br />

If you were asked right now ‘Are you a success?’ you would<br />

quickly be able to give an answer. Do it and see. To produce this<br />

answer you performed an astonishing mental feat. With truly<br />

lightning speed you sifted through all of your programs of a<br />

lifetime, weighed up the good and the bad and came up with the<br />

answer ‘Yes, I consider myself a success!’ or ‘No, I’m not!’ If the<br />

question is ‘Are you happy?’ what is your answer? Again, you<br />

quickly performed the same amazing feat. Ultimately, whatever<br />

stands out the most when you look inside your mind, wins. This<br />

will be whatever made the most powerful impression, and<br />

therefore became deeply imprinted on your mind.<br />

A person could have a very happy life and then have one truly bad<br />

experience and this makes such a deep imprint on their mind that<br />

it literally wipes out all the good from the past. Consequently, this<br />

bad experience casts a shadow over the person’s everyday life<br />

and now they are unhappy. In turn, the experience can severely<br />

reduce or even prevent future happiness. Equally, a person could<br />

continually bemoan their lack of success, then have one big<br />

success and bask in the glory of that for the rest of their life.<br />

So, as we have seen, deep imprints can cast big shadows.<br />

The deepest imprints on your mind, good or bad, control and form<br />

you and your life.<br />



EDUCO ®<br />

– The New Mind Technology<br />

Introducing Tony Quinn, the<br />

Originator of Educo ® …<br />

My lifelong interest and in particular my<br />

specialised field of study for the last twenty<br />

years has been the area of how the<br />

unconscious controls our personal and<br />

global lives. In addition, my aim was to find<br />

ways to gain access to the unconscious, to<br />

enable us to imprint the programs we want<br />

and so have greater control over our own<br />

lives. In the process I discovered how to<br />

have greater mind power.<br />

Mind Technology.<br />

Consider how computer technology has<br />

changed the world. My vision is to change<br />

the world through mind technology. This new field has even<br />

greater potential for change: Teaching people how to gain<br />

access to the storage hard drive in the computer part of their<br />

minds, then how to write the programs they desire and imprint<br />

them. This mental technology offers greater possibilities for<br />

everybody’s life because for the first time it allows us to get into<br />

the control centre and start making the changes we want. The<br />

beauty of this is that the technology is easy to learn and use.<br />

Using this approach I help people in businesses to achieve their<br />

goals and in particular people who want to live the ultimate life<br />

and bring about a better world.<br />

A Mindset for Success.<br />

My understanding is that whatever we want in our lives, be it<br />

success, financial freedom, happiness, good relationships etc.,<br />

we must imprint these programs so deeply in our minds that<br />

they stand out much stronger than any opposing negative<br />

programs. This allows us to literally set our minds for success at<br />

the business of living. This truly is a quantum leap because<br />

previously we were at the mercy of the main imprints on our<br />

unconscious. Educo ® empowers us to imprint what we want.<br />

Unconscious Attention.<br />

The essence of the approach I use for the deepest imprinting<br />

possible is called Unconscious Attention. I was awarded a<br />

Master of Science degree for original research in this area. (For<br />

the research to qualify as original it must add to the sum of<br />

human knowledge on the subject). In the process of doing this<br />

research the big breakthrough came with the discovery of what<br />

has been named Unconscious Attention.<br />

With Unconscious Attention we have what the name implies -<br />

the attention of the unconscious. Therefore we are using more of<br />

our mind. Now we have greater mind power to apply in any area<br />

we choose. This allows you to take three major positive steps:<br />

1. Renew your mind.<br />

2. Create a Designer Blueprint.<br />

3. Have a higher standard of living and<br />

happiness.<br />

Renewing Your Mind, So It<br />

Becomes Your Best Friend.<br />

Unconscious Attention allows you to<br />

change your past, present and future for<br />

the better by renewing your mind. To do<br />

this we first take the very best of the<br />

person’s good memories such as the<br />

happiest, most successful, greatest<br />

achievements etc. Now through applying<br />

Unconscious Attention these memories<br />

become more deeply imprinted and stand<br />

out in the mind more powerfully than ever<br />

before. This deeper imprinting of good<br />

memories provides the perfect foundation, support and launch<br />

pad for an even better life.<br />

Having done this, if you were to do the previous Success and<br />

Happiness exercises you could be certain of a positive<br />

response. This renewing of the mind causes a person to feel<br />

good when they look inside their mind at the past, to be happy<br />

in the present and confident and empowered for the future. This<br />

solves the problem that so many people face in their daily lives:<br />

their own minds working against and sabotaging them.<br />

Indeed, for some, their own minds are their greatest enemies.<br />

Consider how from moment to moment in our daily lives we<br />

keep checking with our minds about what we are experiencing,<br />

looking for reassurance, feedback, help and decisions. Now we<br />

have a new best friend who is always there for us, who is<br />

supportive, confident, capable, cheerful and always working in<br />

our best interests.<br />

Create Your Own Designer Blueprint for<br />

Successful Living.<br />

The key to any success I’ve had with any individuals,<br />

companies or my own has been my and their ability to deeply<br />

imprint the desired success on the minds of those concerned.<br />

This I believe to be the key to all achievement, to success in<br />

every area from business to happiness, confidence to<br />

relationships, satisfaction with life etc.<br />

What everyone needs to know is that your unconscious mind<br />

must be imprinted with the final outcome / goal you want (as if it<br />

had already happened). Then, your unconscious begins to form<br />

your new life from this blueprint.<br />

This is the truly life-changing information that I want to impart to<br />

everyone. Information that is so powerful that it can move your<br />

dreams from wishful thinking to reality. If anyone reading this is<br />

struggling with their life, with their goals or just starting out then<br />

take this on board – it is the answer! The program must be<br />

imprinted on the storage hard drive of the computer part of your<br />

mind. Then your mind is set for success in that direction.<br />

PAGE 2<br />


The Educational System of the Future – Today!<br />

A Higher Standard of Living and Happiness.<br />

William James, regarded by many as America’s most<br />

influential philosopher/psychologist said that what separated the<br />

genius from the norm was their far greater capacity for mental<br />

attention. If even an Educational System could be developed to<br />

increase attention, it would be the Educational System par<br />

excellence.<br />

Consider that attention is the medium through which information<br />

appears in consciousness. The more we can increase our<br />

mental attention the greater the information from moment to<br />

moment. Unconscious Attention allows the person to do what<br />

William James hoped for, increase mental attention. Remember<br />

that Unconscious Attention brings into play the more of the mind<br />

in the form of the unconscious. Can you even begin to imagine<br />

the benefits if you could apply greater mind power to any area of<br />

your life that you wished? With greater information the world<br />

looks different to you. This makes it easier to solve problems,<br />

make decisions, see new possibilities and opportunities.<br />

There has been extensive research carried out over many years<br />

on people capable of deep attention. For example, 19<br />

universities and numerous researchers carried out research<br />

beginning in 1971 which showed that deep attention when<br />

applied to everyday life resulted in everything being done better,<br />

easier, to a higher standard and with greater skill. One of the<br />

main conclusions was that this deeper participation in life was<br />

the key to happiness. Overall, this ability enables people to enjoy<br />

a higher standard of living and happiness.<br />

Educo ® .<br />

I believe Mind Technology<br />

is a field whose time has<br />

come. I hope that reading<br />

this is proving to be an eye<br />

opener for you. Now you<br />

know there are greater<br />

possibilities available to you<br />

by just using more of your<br />

mind. Hence the use of the<br />

Latin word ‘Educo’ which<br />

means ‘to draw out’ - the<br />

more. The word educate comes from ‘Educo’.<br />

In this the 21st century, people are more concerned than ever<br />

with physical fitness. Just a few short years ago it would have<br />

been inconceivable for most people to even think of going to a<br />

gym. Clearly fitness is seen to be an advantage. Now for the first<br />

time ever, greater mental fitness has become possible. In the<br />

future will mental training become the norm, with greater mind<br />

power seen as the advantage?<br />

With greater mind power a whole new world of possibilities<br />

opens up to you. You can explore new areas and new interests<br />

and even do the old ones better. Ultimately, we can only guess<br />

where your newly upgraded mind could take you - to a better<br />

you, a better life, a better world? However, of one thing we can<br />

be certain. You would have taken a pioneering step in your own<br />

mental evolution.<br />



Here are the results of university and human potential research on people<br />

who were trained in 'how to use more of their minds'. It all began with a<br />

2-week seminar. Then these people agreed to be tracked over a 3 year<br />

period to see what difference the training had made in their lives. Many<br />

claims are made for ‘success systems’ but none are supported by<br />

scientific studies. They all tell of amazing results achieved with a few<br />

exceptional individuals. Clearly the results are not typical. Here it is<br />

important to note that you are reading about the average result achieved.<br />


I can confirm that I was the<br />

supervisor of Tony Quinn who<br />

was conducting several studies<br />

into the potential of Educo as<br />

part of a degree programme.<br />

RESULTS…<br />







I can further confirm that the<br />

series of studies were<br />

conducted under the rules and<br />

regulations pertaining at the<br />

University of East London.<br />

Kind regards,<br />

Professor Brian R. Clifford.<br />

B.A., MSc., Ph.D., D.P.E., D.Ed., AFBPS,C.Psychol.<br />




Business – 360% Average Increase over 3 Years!<br />

If you own a business, what difference would it make to you and your employees’ lives<br />

if you were to more than double the turnover? In real-life research that is what happened<br />

on average to the businesses monitored. There were 102 businesses involved in the<br />

study. The average result was that they doubled their revenue over 3 years. The first<br />

year’s turnover was up 62%, the second year up 108% and the third 190%, for a total<br />

of 360% increase! Please note that after the seminars, participants were able to go back<br />

Revenue<br />

+360%<br />

to their own businesses and where necessary train their employees. This demonstrates clearly that they not only understood and<br />

could use the material, but could do so to a level which allowed them to train others to achieve outstanding results.<br />

T-Test Results.<br />

Dr. Andrew Moore, Ph.D. Psychology,<br />

conducted independent T-tests which<br />

showed that the possibility of a business<br />

normally achieving these results<br />

was less than 1 in 1000.<br />

Independent T-tests<br />

1 in 1000<br />

Goals – Ability to Achieve Goals Up 67%!<br />

Participants in the seminars were asked to list their main goals in life at the beginning of<br />

the seminar and to report on whether they achieved each goal in a follow-up<br />

questionnaire (between three and six months later). Using the normal goal-achieving<br />

graph used in such tests, results jumped off the graph and showed that the seminar had<br />

a remarkable effect on goal-achieving. Tracking 75 people over a three year period showed that their goal-achieving capacity had<br />

increased by 67%! They had found the answer to achieving what they wanted in life.<br />

Goal Achievement<br />

+67%<br />

Finances – 88% Average Increase Each Year!<br />

The study tracked 270 seminar participants (some for over 3 years) to see the effect on their<br />

finances. The average income increase was 88% each year producing a total of 264% for<br />

3 years. This held true whether the person was an employee or owned their own business.<br />

Finance<br />

+264%<br />

Satisfaction with Life – 55% More Satisfaction on Average!<br />

A before-and-after study of participants of the first 6 seminars showed that 3 to 6 months<br />

afterwards their satisfaction with life had increased by 32%, while a 3 year follow-up study<br />

showed their satisfaction with life had further increased to 55%. Using a standard research<br />

psychological test scale, the participants score themselves at the beginning of the seminar<br />

using a 1 to 7 point score on what have been found to be the five main areas in peoples’<br />

lives. The results are then calculated in percentages.<br />

Life Satisfaction<br />

+55%<br />

PAGE 4<br />


Surgery.<br />

Four people were trained to use more of their minds to achieve<br />

pain-free surgical operations and recovery without the use of any<br />

anaesthetic. The resulting operations were a complete success<br />

and were shown on The Late Late Show - the most prominent<br />

Irish TV show - and on American television. The four doctors<br />

involved attested to the fact that no pre or post-operative<br />

painkillers were needed as no pain was felt. Each operation<br />

lasted approximately one hour and the attending surgeons<br />

insisted that normally a patient would not be able to endure the<br />

resulting pain, which could continue for a number of weeks after.<br />

(Never before achieved under university research conditions).<br />

The operations demonstrate clearly the power of using ‘more’ of<br />

the mind. The training and operations were filmed and are now<br />

used for study on the seminars.<br />

Body Sculpture – the Study that Became a Franchise!<br />

Another study centred on whether<br />

mind training could help a person<br />

get into better shape. This took<br />

place over a twelve-day period and<br />

the results are being hailed as<br />

ground-breaking because they<br />

show the role the mind can play.<br />

There were 60 people involved, 30 in the<br />

Bahamas (an entire seminar) and a control<br />

group of 30 people in <strong>Ireland</strong>. Both groups<br />

used a similar weight-training programme, diet<br />

and food supplements. The only difference was<br />

that the Bahamian group was trained to use<br />

more of their minds. While the control group<br />

achieved above average results, people in the<br />

Educo ® group were literally transformed in just<br />

twelve days! The average result was over a<br />

three pounds gain in muscle and a seven and a<br />

half pounds loss of fat.<br />

If you were to take three pounds of lean meat<br />

and put it on your table and put beside it seven<br />

and a half pounds of pure fat, then you would<br />

Body Sculpture<br />

-7.5lbs +3.0lbs<br />

of Fat of Muscle<br />

appreciate why this amount of change in a<br />

normal person's body would result in a<br />

transformation. (There is no other study on<br />

record that has been able to achieve these<br />

results in such a short time). For the ‘before’,<br />

each person was weighed, tape measured, had<br />

fat levels taken and was photographed. The<br />

same procedure was followed for the ‘after’.<br />

They weight trained for 20 minutes daily - a<br />

total of just 4 hours over the 12 day period.<br />

Normally the fate of such a study would be to<br />

lie on a shelf somewhere gathering dust. Here,<br />

the results are so unique that they gave birth to<br />

what has become educogym ® . This is now an<br />

international franchise.<br />

Tony Quinn winning<br />

Mr. <strong>Ireland</strong>.<br />

LOST 7.5 LBS<br />

OF FAT<br />

GAINED 3.0 LBS<br />


This picture shows precisely 7.5 lbs of fat and 3.0 lbs of muscle compared to the human body.<br />



NOTE:<br />

Tony Quinn has had an input at various levels into a few hundred businesses. Some of the main<br />

ones are Belize Natural Energy and International Natural Energy (oil companies), xJet (an<br />

aviation company), Human Potential Research Ltd., Educogym franchise, Tony Quinn Health<br />

Stores, The Irish Association of Holistic Medicine and the Irish Health Culture Association.<br />

Belize Natural Energy.<br />

Susan Morrice, Chairperson /<br />

Director, BNE & INE.<br />

It is everyone’s dream to<br />

make a positive difference<br />

in the world. This is<br />

exactly what happened<br />

for a group of people who<br />

came to the seminars.<br />

They made a difference<br />

to a whole country. Belize<br />

(formerly British Honduras)<br />

is an Englishspeaking<br />

country in<br />

Central America, roughly<br />

the size of Wales, with a<br />

population of around 297,000. The background to this<br />

story is that 50 oil companies over a period of 50 years<br />

had all searched for oil in Belize, at a cost of $450 million<br />

and failed. In 1984, Susan Morrice, an Irish-American<br />

geologist went to Belize to find oil. $5 million later, (a<br />

serious amount of money then), it all ended, with no<br />

result. In 1988 she met Mike Usher, a Belizean. Mike<br />

believed that there was oil in Belize and if it could be<br />

found the country would be transformed. He talked about<br />

his dream to anyone who would listen. Susan believed in<br />

Mike’s dream and over the next fifteen years they<br />

searched for oil at a cost of $12.5 million with no success.<br />

Then they attended a seminar.<br />

Susan Takes Up the Story…<br />

After the seminar we were convinced that we now had the<br />

secret to success and we founded a new company, Belize<br />

Natural Energy (BNE) and its parent company<br />

International Natural Energy (INE). The only problem was<br />

that we had no money. So we began to tell the dream to<br />

people who had attended Tony’s seminars and they<br />

became investors. My husband Alex Cranberg’s company<br />

CHx, was the only oil company to invest. Tony worked<br />

with the people who were to drill giving them programs<br />

with the goal of finding oil.<br />

Two Needles in a Haystack…<br />

The company had just enough money to drill 2 dinner<br />

plate sized holes in 500,000 acres of land. Truly, two<br />

needles in a haystack. In the oil business on average you<br />

have to drill 15 wells before you strike oil. On the evening<br />

of the first day of drilling we struck oil. The impossible had<br />

happened, an oil strike in one. Then, amazingly, the<br />

impossible happened four more times in a row.<br />

At present we have a total of ten wells producing oil.<br />

Today, BNE is pumping 5,000 barrels of oil per day, with a<br />

gross revenue of $112 million in 2008. An oil well could<br />

produce for as long as 25 years. BNE is now the number<br />

one revenue generator in the country.<br />

This unheard of success and global reputation of the<br />

company has all been possible due to the critical<br />

involvment of Dr. Tony Quinn and the Educo ®<br />

Seminars.<br />

Over 90% of the shares are held by 330 people who have<br />

been on the Educo ®<br />

Seminars, and who believed in the<br />

importance of the holistic model in making their<br />

investment. Many of the members have expressed their<br />

gratitude to Tony already and the board of directors would<br />

like to join them in thanking him for all he has done and<br />

his undaunted commitment to the company.<br />

PAGE 6<br />


Boxing – The World Super-Middleweight Championship.<br />

I could not have asked for a better person than Steve Collins. The man is not only a superior<br />

physical athlete, but also absolutely fearless. Steve used Educo ® to install his programs of<br />

being an unbeatable fighter, defeating Chris Eubank (who was undefeated in his previous 43<br />

fights) to become the World Super-Middleweight Champion and achieve the lifestyle that he<br />

wanted. This included a complete change in his boxing style. In addition, I designed his<br />

nutrition, fitness and weight-training programmes and negotiated his boxing contracts with<br />

Frank Warren, the top English boxing promoter. I worked with Steve for 3 fights. Steve was<br />

a joy to work with because of his superior mental abilities, total commitment and the true<br />

champion that he is. He retired undefeated.<br />

Pioneer of the Anti-Ageing Movement.<br />

Dr. Bob Delmonteque as He Heads into His 90s Reveals His No. 1 Secret.<br />

Reprinted by kind permission<br />

of Blueprint for Successful<br />

Living newspaper.<br />

Bob, a Naturopathic Doctor<br />

from California tells his story of<br />

how, at 65, he felt that he was<br />

going downhill and had<br />

wondered what he could do<br />

about it. He had spent a<br />

lifetime in the field of health.<br />

Bob decided that he would<br />

make use of all that he had learned and would attempt to<br />

do what was considered the impossible. Could he grow<br />

younger as he grew older and therefore defy the ageing<br />

process? It had never been done before but if he could<br />

make such a breakthrough, then he could make the secrets<br />

available to every person on the planet. In pictures of<br />

himself at 65 and then 77 the difference was remarkable!<br />

Bob and Tony Quinn met in 1995 and working together they<br />

produced two DVDs entitled, ‘Secrets to<br />

Lifelong Fitness’. When Tony approached<br />

Bob with the possibility that using more of<br />

his mind could be the next step he was<br />

looking for he jumped at the opportunity.<br />

They agreed that Bob would attend one of<br />

the seminars.<br />

Direct from Dr. Bob…<br />

If you could take all of my secrets and I<br />

could only avail of one of them, then it<br />

would have to be using more of the mind.<br />

It comes closer to being THE answer than<br />

anything else I’ve discovered. It is the<br />

most compelling revelation I have ever<br />

experienced.<br />

When I was exposed to Dr. Quinn’s<br />

System, which I believe is one of the bestkept<br />

secrets in our world, I realized that I was already using<br />

much of what he was teaching.<br />

This was perfect for me. I already had my big goal and the<br />

passion. Tony taught me to relax deeper than ever before<br />

and to use what he calls Unconscious Attention to increase<br />

my concentration and then to play my anti-ageing program<br />

we designed.<br />

My Greatest Rejuvenation and Health Secret…<br />

This is what happened during my program. All mental effort<br />

just fell away, freeing me. I felt every cell in my body being<br />

cleared, then activated and filled with energy. This was the<br />

first time I ever experienced this, the freeing up of my own<br />

energy. It was like being reborn. A tremendous feeling came<br />

over me of how energized I felt. I was experiencing energy<br />

and life-force like never before. Tony calls his system<br />

‘Educo’, a Latin word which means ‘to draw out from<br />

within’. That’s exactly what I was able to do, to draw out my<br />

life-energy from within and activate all of my cells with it.<br />

People carry around all that mental<br />

negativity – including from their past.<br />

Now I tell people to clear it all out and<br />

it will be replaced with life. Then, like<br />

me, you will say ‘I am full of life’.<br />

Learning to use more of my mind has<br />

given me greater control than ever<br />

before over my body, energy and<br />

health. In all my years in the gym<br />

business, as part owner of 500 gyms,<br />

no one ever gave much thought to<br />

the mind when it came to getting into<br />

shape. So here I am heading into my<br />

nineties with more to offer and tell<br />

people about anti-ageing than ever<br />

before. I gotta’ tell you folks, I am so<br />

excited, I am electrified!<br />



From Bush Pilot with No Previous Business Experience to a<br />

$971 Million Company and Largest Oil Investor – All in Five Years!<br />

Josh Stewart, Founder and President of XJet comes from Belfast<br />

in Northern <strong>Ireland</strong>. He spent eight years in Africa as a bush pilot.<br />

Josh went on a seminar and it was there that he came up with the<br />

idea of a private aviation company as his goal. With<br />

encouragement and guidance from Tony he formed XJet in 2004<br />

in Denver, USA. Josh’s vision attracted others who also attended<br />

the Educo ® Seminar, and soon they were a fully committed team.<br />

Best of the Best...<br />

After successfully raising $35 million, they built their awardwinning<br />

flagship facility in Denver, Colorado. They were fully<br />

subscribed with members and 15 jets, a luxurious clubhouse for<br />

their members, auto spa for the aircraft and vehicles, outstanding<br />

hangarage for the jets and high-end office and retail space.<br />

About Dr. Tony Quinn<br />

The leading lifestyle publication The Robb Report named<br />

them the BEST OF THE BEST in 2007. Right after that<br />

they were awarded the American Institute of Architects<br />

(AIA) award for the finest designs within the US and the<br />

prestigious ADDY Gold Medal for corporate branding.<br />

The next move was into the Middle East with XJet’s<br />

facilities in Abu Dhabi & Dubai. Subsequently this<br />

secured land and investors in Paris, the busiest private<br />

aviation airport in Europe.<br />

At an event Tony mentioned to the large crowd present<br />

that XJet would become a ‘billion dollar company’. An<br />

internationally recognized public company (FTI) was hired to work<br />

on an independent valuation of XJet. They announced that upon<br />

completion of the existing projects in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Dallas<br />

and Paris, XJet would have a value of $971 Million.<br />

Oil Man...<br />

The success of XJet has afforded Josh the amazing opportunity<br />

of becoming an oil man, as the largest investor in Belize Natural<br />

Energy (BNE) and a member of its Board of Directors. Now he is<br />

helping a whole country reach its potential.<br />

Josh maintains, ‘I remember clearly the turning point in my life. It<br />

was the moment I imprinted my clear, invincible vision of my goal<br />

on my mind’.<br />

Born in <strong>Ireland</strong> and now living in The<br />

Bahamas, I have had a lifelong interest in<br />

how we can get the most out of ourselves<br />

and life and bring about a better world.<br />

When I found the answer in using more of<br />

your mind and in particular Unconscious<br />

Attention, I set about developing the<br />

Educo ®<br />

educational system and making<br />

available to people the ‘Blueprint for<br />

Successful Living’. This involved pursuing<br />

my own original research with a university<br />

and with Human Potential Research Ltd.<br />

and obtaining numerous qualifications,<br />

both English and American, among which<br />

are a Master of Science Degree<br />

(University of East London) and a<br />

Doctorate in Clinical Hypnotherapy (State<br />

Authorized, California). I competed for<br />

many years in physique contests winning<br />

12 titles, including Mr. <strong>Ireland</strong>, <strong>Ireland</strong>'s<br />

Best Physique and All-<strong>Ireland</strong> Mr. Health<br />

and Strength.<br />

One of my main passions is to apply<br />

Unconscious Attention in various areas to<br />

make new breakthroughs. In particular I<br />

am interested in and practise<br />

Unconscious Attention as a way of life. To<br />

me that is the ultimate.<br />

Since 1995 I have had an input at various<br />

levels into a few hundred businesses.<br />

Some of the main ones are Belize Natural<br />

Energy and International Natural Energy<br />

(oil companies), XJet (an aviation<br />

company) and Human Potential Research<br />

Ltd., Educogym ®<br />

franchise, Tony Quinn<br />

Health Stores, The Irish Association of<br />

Holistic Medicine and the Irish Health<br />

Culture Association etc.<br />

Speaking frankly, I am a very resultoriented<br />

person. Personally, I would not<br />

want to go to a person’s seminar where<br />

that was their sole way of making a living.<br />

I would want to see a track record<br />

demonstrating that what they were<br />

offering had worked for them and others<br />

in real life. For example, The Irish Health<br />

Culture Association and Irish Association<br />

of Holistic Medicine and their courses<br />

have created a huge growth industry.<br />

Hundreds of practitioners are employed<br />

and self-employed in <strong>Ireland</strong> with a<br />

resulting beneficial impact on the health<br />

of the public. Similarly, the Tony Quinn<br />

Health Stores, while the Educogym<br />

franchise is now international and I<br />

believe is the answer to defeating obesity.<br />

BNE is Belize’s number one source of<br />

revenue. It has clearly benefited the whole<br />

country. Indeed, hopefully the oil will<br />

secure the country’s future. Frankly, if this<br />

is all I ever achieved in my lifetime I would<br />

feel it was worthwhile.<br />

PAGE 8<br />


The Mind…<br />

•How Your Mind Works.<br />

•How to Operate Your Mind for Best Results.<br />

•Unconscious Attention – The Key to Greater Mind<br />

Power.<br />

•Unconscious Attention as a Way of Life.<br />

•Using the More to Achieve Your Goals and<br />

Success.<br />

•Applying the More to your daily life for a higher<br />

standard of living and greater happiness.<br />

•Using the More to Renew Your Mind and Change<br />

Your Past, Present and Future for the Better.<br />

•Using More of Your Mind to Do Everything Better.<br />

•The Mind of a Winner, Sports to Business.<br />

•Programs for Happiness from Business,<br />

Relationships, Sport, Health, Wealth, Confidence,<br />

etc. (as chosen by participants).<br />

•Helping Others to Install the Programs They Want –<br />

Family, Friends, Children, etc.<br />

Self and Spiritual Expression…<br />

•Meditation Using Unconscious Attention.<br />

•Self-Realisation.<br />

•Educo ® Relaxation. To Increase Ki Energy and for<br />

Self and Spiritual Expression.<br />

•Living in the Now.<br />

•Holistic Living.<br />

•Creativity.<br />

•Pioneering the New Human Being of the Future.<br />

Business…<br />

•Designer Business.<br />

•Setting and Achieving Business Goals.<br />

Areas Covered on the Seminar<br />

•How Business Owners Can Motivate and Program<br />

Themselves and Their Staff and Business<br />

Associates for Success.<br />

•How to Do Your Job Better and Earn More Money.<br />

•The Secret of All Success.<br />

•Presentations, Interviews and Influencing People.<br />

•Communication Skills.<br />

•Ultimate Business Relationships.<br />

•Public Speaking.<br />

•Professional Selling.<br />

•Transformational Selling System.<br />

•Financial Freedom.<br />

•Advertising.<br />

Living…<br />

•The Purpose of Life.<br />

•The Art of Living.<br />

•Living the Ultimate Life.<br />

•The Perfect Mental Climate.<br />

•Children: Drawing Out Their Potential.<br />

•Ideal Relationships.<br />

•Education – the Meaning, Purpose and<br />

Possibilities.<br />

Health…<br />

•Natural Nutrition for You and Your Family.<br />

•What are the Best Food Supplements? (after a<br />

Lifetime of Experience in the Field).<br />

•Body Sculpture. Getting into Your Best Shape Ever<br />

Based on the educogym ® University Research<br />

Program.<br />

•Achieving Greater Levels of Energy, Health and<br />

Wellbeing by Reducing Mental and Physical Stress.<br />

A CD is made live on the seminar by Tony Quinn,<br />

containing the best programs for you to play at home.<br />




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