LASA Q Focus Magazine - Leading Age Services Australia ...

LASA Q Focus Magazine - Leading Age Services Australia ...

LASA Q Focus Magazine - Leading Age Services Australia ...


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RESEARCHDr Tim Henwood, Universityof Queensland/Blue CareResearch and PracticeDevelopment CentreUsing resistance training toreduce later life disabilityThe <strong>Australia</strong>n Instituteof Health and Welfarewarns that over thenext two decades thedirect cost of Residential<strong>Age</strong>d Care (RAC)service expenditure in<strong>Australia</strong> will increasesubstantially comparedwith other primaryhealth services.<strong>Age</strong>ing of the population and anincreased prevalence of complexhealth conditions, coupledwith the increasing need forintensive RAC services, will bethe underlying cause. In <strong>Australia</strong>presently, there are some 165 000RAC bed placements available.However, the demand is projectedto more than treble by 2050. Asa population, 45% of adults >85years require assistance withactivities of daily living, whilein RAC this figure approaches100%. A primary cause ininstitutionalisation, disability,morbidity, mortality, decreasinggait speed and increasing fallsrisk is the age-associated lossin muscle mass and function,termed sarcopenia.However, evidence is strong thatsarcopenic can be effectivelyprevented and rehabilitatedthrough targeted exercise.The benefits of exercise for olderadults are irrefutable. Studiesshow that community-dwellingadults maintaining an activelifestyle have increased physicaland cognitive health whencompared to their sedentarycounterparts. And for the42<strong>LASA</strong>-Q <strong>Focus</strong> | Autumn edition 2013

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