marine tourism best management practices a practical guide

marine tourism best management practices a practical guide

marine tourism best management practices a practical guide


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Marine Tourism Best Management PracticesPeople For Puget Sound • pugetsound.orgeconomic and social ramifications. Stormwater infrastructure is also expensive to buildand maintain.The <strong>practices</strong>:• Reduce the amount of impervious surfaces on your lot• Wash vehicles at a commercial car wash• Remove all or part of your lawn and replace with native plants• Disconnect downspouts from your building from the storm drain system anddirect runoff to landscaped areas (“disconnectivity”)• If you are on a septic system, maintain your system• Reduce or eliminate chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides• Use Low Impact Development (LID) techniques, such as:1. Bioretention cells (surface runoff is directed into shallow landscapedDepressions)2. Amending soils with compost3. Pervious (porous) substrates4. Grass or gravel pavers or paving blocks for parking areas and alleyways5. Rainbarrels to collect roof runoffSee the Puget Sound Action Team’s website and look for LID case studies, technicalmanuals and other related materials: www.psat.wa.gov/Programs/LID.htm and 800-54-SOUND.(B) Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) StrategiesEnvironmentally Preferable Purchasing is a method for incorporating environmentalspecifications into your purchasing system. EPP means products or services that havea lesser effect on human health and the environment when compared with competingproducts, while meeting effectiveness and cost considerations.Tourism businesses, as non-manufacturing businesses, have the opportunity and powerthrough EPP to:• Reduce negative impacts on the environment• Reduce operating expenses• Consolidate product purchases• Reduce risk of injury to staff and guests• Reduce liabilityAs you review these BMPs, think about how you can purchase (using bidspecifications), products that:

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