Financial Year: 2009-2010 - The Oaktree Foundation

Financial Year: 2009-2010 - The Oaktree Foundation

Financial Year: 2009-2010 - The Oaktree Foundation


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... he was co-founder of wishlist.com.au, one of Australia’s most successful e-commercecompanies and chief operating officer of Urban Seed, an innovative and dynamic NGOthat provides a range of services to marginalised people in Melbourne’s inner city. Paul hasalso held non-executive director roles at <strong>The</strong> First Step Limited, a rapid drug detoxificationclinic in St Kilda, Melbourne and the Christian Centre for Socially Responsible Investment.Paul is a graduate of the St James Ethics Centre’s Vincent Fairfax Fellowship in Ethicsand Leadership and from 2006-8 was an industry representative on the Australian Councilfor International Development’s (ACFID) Code of Conduct Committee. He is the authorof <strong>The</strong> Change Imperative: Creating a Next Generation NGO, a forthcoming book onorganisational challenges faced by INGOs in a rapidly evolving global political context.......................................40 41

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