Shadow Multiplexing for Real-Time Silhouette ... - EDM - UHasselt

Shadow Multiplexing for Real-Time Silhouette ... - EDM - UHasselt

Shadow Multiplexing for Real-Time Silhouette ... - EDM - UHasselt


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Figure 5. Collision detection overview (a) input, a virtual object we want to check collision with (b) the virtual object converted into apoint cloud (c) the point cloud is projected onto the demultiplexed shadows of the real object (d) red points are inside every silhouette afterprojection, while blue points are projected outside at least one silhouette.5.3. ApplicationsIn this section we will demonstrate the usefulness of ourmethod <strong>for</strong> interactive collision detection. The first applicationshows how we can reconstruct a visual hull from thesesilhouettes, which can then be used <strong>for</strong> collision detectionwith virtual objects. As a second application we show howthe silhouettes can be used <strong>for</strong> collision detection in imagespace.5.3.1 Visual Hull ReconstructionFigure 6. Artifacts due to (a) specular reflections and (b) refractionswill break down <strong>for</strong> mainly transparent materials. Occasionallysmall artefacts appear when highly specular materialsreflect their light directly toward the surface as shownin Figure Blue-Green Response OverlapBecause we do not use a multispectral camera, the numberof multiplexed blue and green LED intensities was limitedby two per light source. This is due to the large responseoverlap between green and blue on CCD cameras. This isillustrated in Figure 3.5.2. TimingsThe method is implemented on an NVidia GForce 8800GTX. We store up to 4 silhouettes into a single texture, reducingrequired memory storage. It also takes advantage ofthe scalar processors. The number of render passes is alsoreduced by 4 and the erosion and dilation can be calculatedsimultaneously. For input images containing 6 silhouetteswith a resolution of 640 ×480 we achieve a framerate of 40fps.The visual hull of the object can be reconstructed usingclassical shape-from-silhouette techniques. Because thesemethods usually require silhouettes from the viewpoint ofmultiple cameras we have to per<strong>for</strong>m a trans<strong>for</strong>mation onthe demultiplexed shadow. Since the setup is calibrated wecan use projective texture mapping <strong>for</strong> an efficient trans<strong>for</strong>mation.We model the diffuser on which we project ourmultiplexed shadows. Then we render it from the positionof the light source. Because the shadows are already demultiplexedon the GPU, this step can easily and efficiently beadded. An overview of this method is shown in the teaserimage.5.3.2 Image-Based Collision DetectionCollision detection can also be done directly in image space.There<strong>for</strong>e we divide our virtual objects into small voxelsand project each voxel onto the input image. We can thendetermine if this voxel is projected inside or outside the realobject’s silhouette. When a projection falls inside every silhouette,we assume a collision has occured. This way collisionresponse can be handled directly in image space. Thisis similar to the work of De Decker et al. [8] . An overviewof this method is shown in Figure 5.6. ConclusionWe proposed a technique to efficiently obtain multiplefull resolution silhouettes of an object from multiplexedshadows using a single camera, allowing to construct a visualhull or provide image based collision detection in realtimeon a single pc. Because only one camera is required,

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