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package com . android . p r o v i d e r s . telephony ;133+import java . u t i l . ArrayList ;+import java . u t i l . Arrays ;+import java . u t i l . HashMap ;+import java . u t i l . L i s t ;++import android . app . A c t i v i t y ;+import android . app . ActivityManager ;+import android . content . B roadcastReceiver ;import android . content . ContentProvider ;import android . content . ContentResolver ;import android . content . ContentValues ;+import android . content . Context ;+import android . content . I n t e n t ;+import android . content . I n t e n t F i l t e r ;import android . content . UriMatcher ;−import android . database . Cursor ;import android . database . D a t a b a s e U t i l s ;import android . database . s q l i t e . SQLiteDatabase ;import android . database . s q l i t e . SQLiteOpenHelper ;import android . database . s q l i t e . SQLiteQueryBuilder ;+import android . hardware . usb . UsbManager ;import android . net . Uri ;+import android . os . Binder ;+import android . os . Bundle ;import android . p r o v i d e r . Contacts ;import android . p r o v i d e r . Telephony ;−import android . p r o v i d e r . Telephony .Mms;import android . p r o v i d e r . Telephony .MmsSms;import android . p r o v i d e r . Telephony . Sms ;import android . p r o v i d e r . Telephony . TextBasedSmsColumns ;@@ −37 ,14 +49 ,10 @@ import android . p r o v i d e r . Telephony . Threads ;import android . telephony . SmsManager ;import android . telephony . SmsMessage ;import android . t e x t . T e x t U t i l s ;−import android . u t i l . Config ;import android . u t i l . Log ;

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