Personality Test - Lake Central High School

Personality Test - Lake Central High School

Personality Test - Lake Central High School


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17.) Which of the following discovered that not all disorders could be explainedthrough physical causes?a. Gordon Allportb. Raymond Cattellc. B.F. Skinnerd. Sigmund Freude. Carol Rogers18.) Sigmund Freud believed that a person’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors aredetermined bya. Various unconscious influencesb. The interaction of thoughts, feelings, and behaviorsc. <strong>Central</strong> secondary traitsd. Self-actualizatione. Secondary traits19.) A baby cries in the middle of the night and demands immediate gratificationfrom his or her care giver. Freud would suggest that this child’s immediategratification is based on thea. Reality principleb. Pleasure principlec. Actualizing tendencyd. Moral principlee. Inferiority complex20.) Suzy was tempted to cheat on her exam, but quickly remembered thatcheating is wrong and immoral. Freud would say that the thought thatcheating was wrong come from thea. Egob. Idc. Superegod. Collective unconsciouse. Unconditional positive regard she received as a child21.) Will received an “F” on his exam. He quickly pointed out to fellowclassmates that the exam questions were not covered on the review and thatthe teacher had not indicated that they would be included in the exam. Will isexhibiting which type of defense mechanism?a. Compensationb. Displacementc. Sublimationd. Rationalizatione. Regression

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