Reflections on Spirituality and Religion: Jean-Marc Laporte S.J. ...

Reflections on Spirituality and Religion: Jean-Marc Laporte S.J. ...

Reflections on Spirituality and Religion: Jean-Marc Laporte S.J. ...


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oppose each other, spirituality <strong>and</strong> religi<strong>on</strong> complement <strong>and</strong> enrich each other.The C<strong>on</strong>tinuum between <strong>Spirituality</strong> <strong>and</strong> Religi<strong>on</strong>: The extreme of spirituality is the plane thatflies around but never l<strong>and</strong>s. The extreme of religi<strong>on</strong> is the plane that is stuck <strong>on</strong> the groundbut never flies. In the first case you have beautiful <strong>and</strong> universal spiritual values but theyremain in an ethereal realm, with no embodiment of the universal values in the here <strong>and</strong> now,no incarnati<strong>on</strong>, or in Pauline terms, no kenosis or emptying out. In the sec<strong>on</strong>d you have astifling particularity in which the pers<strong>on</strong> is impris<strong>on</strong>ed by deadening observances, shackled to ac<strong>on</strong>stricting image of himself or herself. Both of these extremes are to be shunned. There is ac<strong>on</strong>tinuum between the two extremes al<strong>on</strong>g which healthy pers<strong>on</strong>s should be situatingthemselves. Depending <strong>on</strong> temperament, earlier nurture, pers<strong>on</strong>al history, that place might becloser to spirituality or to religi<strong>on</strong>. Indeed in most cases both will be present in a unique blend.Two not untypical examples:Many might practice a religi<strong>on</strong>, but in a cafeteria style that moves them in the directi<strong>on</strong>of spirituality <strong>and</strong> its universality. They pick <strong>and</strong> choose what to believe, whatobservances to adopt, which authorities they will listen to, which parish they will bel<strong>on</strong>gto, often to the dismay of instituti<strong>on</strong>al leaders. This is certainly my experience as aCatholic priest. People who do not find the ministry of Father X in parish Y helpful go toParish Z. People pick <strong>and</strong> choose which doctrines <strong>and</strong> comm<strong>and</strong>ments will have animpact in their life. For example, some might be committed to social justice, but theissues of sexual morality that loom large in official magisterial teaching do not havemuch impact <strong>on</strong> them. For others the be-all <strong>and</strong> end-all is adherence to themagisterium in areas of sexual morality, <strong>and</strong> what pertains to social justice is in effectignored. For people of both types. the Pope is an inspiring pers<strong>on</strong>, except when hepreaches <strong>on</strong> a particular topic which leaves them cold. They acclaim him but do notreally take his words seriously. For them there is no seamless garment. Some measureof ranging out of <strong>on</strong>e’s traditi<strong>on</strong> to find complementary practices is very healthy, forexample a Christian who finds benefit in Yoga or Zen techniques. But in other cases thesearch for novelty is an escape from the burdens of <strong>on</strong>e’s own commitments.Others might see themselves as spiritual, but as they learn the ABC of this or that formof spirituality they find that there are exercises, practices, a regularity to be implantedinto <strong>on</strong>e’s life. They impose c<strong>on</strong>straints <strong>on</strong> themselves, c<strong>on</strong>straints akin to those of atraditi<strong>on</strong>al religi<strong>on</strong>. In a real sense the spiritual path they have chosen becomes areligi<strong>on</strong>. One could be enthusiastic about Eastern spirituality, dabble in this or thatparticular practice, or else <strong>on</strong>e might decide to fully enter into the particular Easternspiritual path to which they feel called, <strong>and</strong> to practice it wholeheartedly <strong>and</strong>c<strong>on</strong>sistently. Indeed a form of spirituality, as it gathers together disciples, organizesitself. The structure may remain light <strong>and</strong> minimal, but if it develops a instituti<strong>on</strong>al cast,<strong>on</strong>e would refer to the movement as a religi<strong>on</strong> rather than a spirituality.In both of these examples, there emerges the need for resp<strong>on</strong>sible choice., which meanscommitment. To return to the metaphor of the mountain top: <strong>on</strong>e can visualize, affirm <strong>and</strong>

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