Archaeology: Midterm #2 (sample test questions)

Archaeology: Midterm #2 (sample test questions)

Archaeology: Midterm #2 (sample test questions)

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27. Preliminary lab work that is usually conducted at the site involves washing, bagging and _____ artifacts.a. writing publishable material aboutb. potassium argon datingc. radiocarbon datingd. labelinge. stratifying8. Artifacts that are too small to be individually identified during excavation are removed from the matrix bya. sonar imaging.b. trained dogs.c. infrared cameras.d. wet or dry screening.e. radiocarbon dating techniques.9. Surveys that are designed to gather a representative <strong>sample</strong> of information on artifact and site distributions in aregion are known as:a. non-systematic surveysb. gumshoe surveysc. systematic surveysd. superimposed surveyse. seriation surveys10. Surveys that rely on intuition to get a qualitative sense for the archaeology in a region are known as:a. non-systematic or “gumshoe” surveysb. probabalistic surveysc. systematic surveysd. stratified random surveyse. none of the above11. Who was involved in one of first applications of remote sensing in American archaeology?a. Charles Lindberghb. W.W. Taylorc. Lewis Binfordd. Charles Darwine. Max Uhle12. The most important characteristic of processual archaeology is:a. a strict adherence to the scientific methodb. an extreme skepticism of sciencec. the goal to align archaeology with the humanitiesd. the goal to align archaeology with historye. both a and c13. The two main classes of archaeological data recovery are:a. survey and excavationb. flotation and mappingc. informant <strong>test</strong>imony and experimentationd. ethnography and expert witnessese. none of the above14. The post-processual paradigm in archaeology:a. does not embrace a strict scientific approachb. posits that environmental and economic factors are the strongest determinants of human behaviorc. embraces the notion of the Great Chain of Beingd. was pioneered by Marie Wormingtone. both b and d15. Flintknapping refers toa. manufacture of ground stone tools.

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