MOX@EON: EON Operational Experience - Ausgestrahlt

MOX@EON: EON Operational Experience - Ausgestrahlt

MOX@EON: EON Operational Experience - Ausgestrahlt

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Practical Aspects of MOX - Handling (2): Fuel-Rod-Design• heat-conductivity lower• Pufiss-distribution inhomogenouscompared to U-235 nuclei in U-Matrix:>60% proportion of fissile nuclei inPuO microcrystal vs 5% proportion offissile nuclei in UO2 microcrystal• more reactivity and power at higherbup (reflecting k inf (burnup))• higher fuel temperature• more fission gas release• KWU-plants: generally additionallower fuel-rod-plenum!Fuel thermal conductivity [W/(m K)]65432UO2 and MOX fuel thermal conductivity (95% TD)UO2, B=0 MWd/kg(HM)UO2, B=10 MWd/kg(HM)UO2, B=30 MWd/kg(HM)UO2, B=50 MWd/kg(HM)UO2, B=80 MWd/kg(HM)MOX, B=0 MWd/kg(HM)MOX, B=10 MWd/kg(HM)MOX, B=30 MWd/kg(HM)MOX, B=50 MWd/kg(HM)MOX, B=80 MWd/kg(HM)10 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000Temperature [°C]17

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