monthly mailing march 2012 contents - Monthly Mailing - Diocese of ...

monthly mailing march 2012 contents - Monthly Mailing - Diocese of ...

monthly mailing march 2012 contents - Monthly Mailing - Diocese of ...


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Confirmation <strong>of</strong> Catechized Catholics – Pentecost <strong>2012</strong>REGISTRATION FORMMake as many copies <strong>of</strong> this form as needed.Please TYPE or PRINT the information.CANDIDATEInformationNAMEADDRESSFIRST MIDDLE [ MAIDEN ] LASTBAPTISMInformationCONFIRMATIONInformationPASTORor PARISH LIFECOORDINATORInformationCITY/STATE/ZIPDATE OF BAPTISMCHURCH OFBAPTISMADDRESS OFCHURCH OFBAPTISMDOCUMENTCONFIRMATIONNAME(the confirmand’sbaptismal name ispreferred)SPONSOR orGODPARENT(s)NAMENUMBERSATTENDINGWITNESSAttach an original copy <strong>of</strong> the baptismal certificate to this form.____ Number <strong>of</strong> family members and friends who will attend theRite <strong>of</strong> Confirmation at the Cathedral.Bishop Paprocki:I recommend to you the above named candidate, who is a baptizedCatholic, has received first eucharist, and now desires to celebratethe Sacrament <strong>of</strong> Confirmation.I am confident that this candidate is properly catechized and willcontinue to live out the mission <strong>of</strong> the Catholic Church. I can attestthat the sponsor or godparent also meets the canonical requirements.PARISH InformationSIGNATUREand DATEPARISH NAMEADDRESSPlease return this form with an original baptismal certificate by 16 April <strong>2012</strong> to:Office for Catechesis – Catholic Pastoral Center – PO Box 3187 – Springfield, IL 62708-3187

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