Scoop situation - Field Exchange - Emergency Nutrition Network

Scoop situation - Field Exchange - Emergency Nutrition Network

Scoop situation - Field Exchange - Emergency Nutrition Network

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NewsWHO TechnicalConsultation andUpdate on HIV andInfant FeedingThe Report of a Technical Consultation onPrevention of HIV Infections in PregnantWomen, Mothers and their Infants and InfantFeeding and an Update of recommendations 1 isnow available.At a Consultation (held in Geneva on 25–27October 2006), researchers, programme implementers,infant feeding experts and a broadcross-section of agencies reviewed the substantialbody of new evidence and experienceregarding HIV and infant feeding. The aim wasto further clarify and refine the existing UnitedNations (UN) guidance, which was based onthe recommendations from a previous consultationin 2000.The group endorsed the general principlesunderpinning most of the October 2000 recommendationsand reached consensus on a rangeof new issues and their implications. New datathat were not available in 2000 were reviewed.These included recent trial data on 18-monthand 24-month HIV-free survival based ondifferent infant feeding practices, and morbidityand mortality reported among HIV-exposedbut uninfected infants enrolled in several ongoingtrials where mothers ceased breastfeedingby six months.The Technical Consultation Report presents asummary of the new findings, conclusions andrecommendations and Annex 1 provides detailsof the discussions that took place.Based on the Technical Consultation, ‘HIV andinfant feeding: Update’ has just been producedby WHO to provide the full list of updateLaunch of The Lancet’sSeries on Maternal andChild UndernutritionThe Lancet’s Series on Maternal and ChildUndernutrition has just been launched.(January 16, 2008). The Series aims to increaseawareness around maternal and child undernutritionand serve as a catalyst for national-levelgovernments, non-governmental organisationsand the international nutrition community tospur action and stimulate national interest,leadership, and commitment.Series launches have been held in Washington,D.C. and London, and will continue inEthiopia, India, Peru, Vietnam, and West Africato help raise awareness of and deepen supportfor maternal and child nutrition at the donor,policy and programmatic levels in countriesthat face the most serious nutrition challenges.Many health and development agencies includingJohns Hopkins Bloomberg School of PublicHealth, UNICEF, USAID, the World Bank, therecommendations and an explanation of keypoints 2 . It is aimed at programme managersand decision makers, and those who will be incharge of revising national guidelines onprevention of mother-to-child transmission andinfant and young child feeding. Guidance willcontinue to be refined and clarified as newevidence becomes available.For further information, contact:World Health Organisation, 20 Avenue Appia,1211 Geneva 27, Switzerlandemail: cah@who.int or hiv-aids@who.int ornutrition@who.inthttp://www.who.intThe updated guidance is available athttp://www.who.int/child-adolescenthealth/documents/en/The Consultation Report and other WHOdocuments on HIV and infant feeding can befound at:http://www.who.int/child-adolescenthealth/NUTRITION/HIV_infant.htm1HIV and Infant Feeding. New evidence and programmaticexperience. Report of a Technical Consultation. Geneva,Switzerland, 25–27 October 2006, held on behalf of theInter-agency Task Team (IATT) on Prevention of HIVInfections in Pregnant Women,Mothers and their Infants. WHO, UNICEF, UNAIDS, UNFPA.WHO 2007.2WHO, UNICEF, UNAIDS, UNFPA. HIV and Infant Feeding:Update. Geneva, WHO, 2007.World Health Organisation, and the Bill &Melinda Gates Foundation contributed to theproduction of the series. It includes contributionsfrom leading academics and nutritionexperts from the UK, USA, Asia, Africa, andLatin America.There are five papers in the series with onebeing published in the print edition of TheLancet each week. All five papers, the webappendices, and a 12-page Executive Summaryof The Lancet's Series, are available online (free)at: http://www.globalnutritionseries.org/The website also includes details of globalevents, a media centre and resources centre.Sphere Projectcelebrates 10thanniversaryThe Sphere Project celebrated its 10thanniversary in 2007. To mark the occasion,a special report has been published, ‘10years of Sphere in Action, enhancing thequality and accountability of humanitarianaction’. This report aims to provide adegree of insight into the first ten years ofthe Sphere Project. It includes examplesboth from those who 'govern' the Projectand those who 'use' the HumanitarianCharter and the Minimum Standards,citing first-hand experiences and casestudies from diverse contexts.The report is available for download inPDF format and as a Flash presentation at:http://www.sphereproject.org/content/view/301/32/lang,English/A Memorandum of Agreement has beensigned with 'Books for Change' in India toprint a low cost, English language editionof ‘The Sphere Project: HumanitarianCharter and Minimum Standards inDisaster Response’ handbook, 2004edition. The handbook is available for 210Indian Rupees (discounts for bulk orders)in the following countries only: India,Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan,Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka and theMaldives (Sales Territories).Requests should be addressed directly to:Shoba Ramachandran, Publisher andChief Editor at Books for Change, 139Richmond Road, Bangalore 560 025,Karnataka, India Ph: +91-80-25580346Fax: +91-80-25586284Email: shoba.ram@actionaid.orgThe Sphere Project team also invite registeredSphere Project members to updatetheir contact details online, to send newsarticles on the Sphere related activitiesand to include any ‘Sphere event’ in theevents calendar on the Sphere Projectwebsite.For further information, contact: LauraLopez-Bech, The Sphere Project,http://www.sphereproject.orgTel.: +41 (0) 22 730 4482Fax: +41 (0) 22 730 4905email: laura.lopez@ifrc.org16

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