Annual report - Tropical Biology Association

Annual report - Tropical Biology Association

Annual report - Tropical Biology Association


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<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>report</strong> 2007TBA MSc scholarshipsThe TBA MSc scholarships provideAfrican alumni with the vital chance tocontinue their education and launch themfurther along their career trajectories.Twelve Africans have finished their studiesunder this programme and six of these arecontinuing with PhD studies.In 2006, TBA awarded two scholarshipsto alumni to study in universities in SouthAfrica and Madagascar. Another Africanalumnus was supported through fundsraised by his fellow course colleagues fromthe 2003 Tanzanian course. Additionally,TBA collaborates with Amani NatureReserve and the Centre for Ecology andHydrology on a Darwin Initiative projectthat funds two Tanzanian MSc studentsstudying invasive plants in the EastUsambaras.Current status of recipients of the TBA MSc scholarshipsYear Beneficiary Nationality University2002 Mark Otieno* Kenya Kenyatta, Kenya2003 Susan Sangiru Imbahale Kenya Nairobi, KenyaMao Angua Amis Uganda Cape Town, South AfricaPhilip Molo McOsano Kenya Cape Town, South AfricaGeoffrey Soka Tanzania Cape Town, South AfricaMohammed El Tahir SirElkhatim Sudan Khartoum, SudanKowiyou Yessoufou Benin Abomey-Calavi, Benin2004 Nivohary Sylviane Maria Volampeno Madagascar Oxford Brookes, UKTerence Suinyuy* Cameroon Cape Town, South AfricaMudde Barnabus Uganda Makerere University, UgandaRonald Kakeeto Uganda Makerere University, Uganda2005 Alex Wilbard Kisingo* Tanzania Reading, UKRaymond Killenga* Tanzania Sokoine, TanzaniaKwaku Aduse-Poku Ghana KNUST, GhanaEtotepe Aikpemi Sogbohossou* Benin Abomey-Calavi, BeninMartin Mwema Kenya Cape Town, South AfricaJohn Richard Tanzania Sokoine, TanzaniaEzekiel Edward Tanzania Sokoine, Tanzania2006 Josia Razafindramanana Madagascar Antananarivo, MadagascarHassan Babiker Sudan Cape Town, South AfricaSimon Musila Kenya Kenyatta, Kenya* Completed studies/waiting to graduate9

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