How to use your Quality and Risk Profile (QRP) - dbg

How to use your Quality and Risk Profile (QRP) - dbg

How to use your Quality and Risk Profile (QRP) - dbg

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IntroductionThis guidance will help you <strong>to</strong> underst<strong>and</strong> <strong>your</strong> <strong>Quality</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Profile</strong> (QRP).It explains:• What an NHS QRP is.• <strong>How</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>use</strong> <strong>your</strong> QRP.• The sources of data that we have <strong>use</strong>d• <strong>How</strong> the QRP is organised• <strong>How</strong> we calculate outcome risk estimates.• <strong>How</strong> <strong>to</strong> access <strong>your</strong> QRP <strong>and</strong> get helpMain pointsThe QRP is an essential <strong>to</strong>ol <strong>use</strong>d for gathering <strong>to</strong>gether key information about <strong>your</strong>organisation <strong>to</strong> support how we moni<strong>to</strong>r <strong>your</strong> compliance with the essential st<strong>and</strong>ards ofquality <strong>and</strong> safety. The QRP enables our compliance inspec<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>to</strong> assess where riskslie <strong>and</strong> may prompt front line regula<strong>to</strong>ry activity, such as further enquiries.Compliance inspec<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>use</strong> the QRP alongside the Guidance about compliance:Essential st<strong>and</strong>ards of quality <strong>and</strong> safety (the essential st<strong>and</strong>ards), the JudgementFramework <strong>and</strong> <strong>your</strong> Provider Compliance Assessment record (if available).QRPs are also an important <strong>to</strong>ol for providers <strong>and</strong> commissioners of services – both <strong>to</strong>support continuous moni<strong>to</strong>ring of compliance, by ensuring that everyone is working fromthe same information, <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong> improve how care is provided <strong>and</strong> commissioned.Your QRP will also be <strong>use</strong>ful <strong>to</strong> support how you moni<strong>to</strong>r quality internally, by identifyingareas of lower than average performance <strong>and</strong> taking action <strong>to</strong> address them wherenecessary. Commissioners (including, in time, the GP commissioning consortia) shouldalso find the QRP invaluable in holding <strong>to</strong> account the providers that they commissionservices from, <strong>and</strong> in improving their commissioning for quality<strong>Quality</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Profile</strong>s: Guidance for NHS providers2

ContentsNo. Question PageOverview of a <strong>Quality</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Profile</strong>s1. What is a <strong>Quality</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Profile</strong> (QRP)? 52. <strong>How</strong> will CQC <strong>use</strong> a QRP? 5Using the information presented in <strong>your</strong> QRP3. <strong>How</strong> do I navigate through the different sections of the QRP? 64. There are some ‘worse than expected’ (red) risk estimates(dials) for an outcome in my trust’s QRP? <strong>How</strong> will this affect ourregistration?5. What should I do about the ‘worse than expected’ (red) riskestimates (dials)?67Data sources <strong>use</strong>d in the QRP6. What type of information does the QRP contain? 77. <strong>How</strong> does CQC get information from people who <strong>use</strong> services<strong>and</strong> representative groups?88. <strong>How</strong> up <strong>to</strong> date is the information presented in the QRP? 89. What level of service does the QRP relate <strong>to</strong>? 8Layout <strong>and</strong> sections of the QRP10. <strong>How</strong> is information organised in the QRP? 911. What types of information are displayed in component 1? 912. What types of information are displayed in component 2? 913. <strong>How</strong> is item level data displayed in the second component ofthe QRP?1014. What types of information are displayed in component 3? 1015. Is information displayed for all outcomes in the QRP? 11<strong>Quality</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Profile</strong>s: Guidance for NHS providers3

16. <strong>How</strong> will I know which site/location the item level data relates <strong>to</strong>? 1117. <strong>How</strong> is information displayed for NHS providers that have beenformed from a merger after 1 April 2008?11<strong>How</strong> we calculate risk estimates18. What is an outcome risk estimate <strong>and</strong> how is it calculated? 1219. Is all information weighted equally when producing an outcome riskestimate?1220. <strong>How</strong> does CQC measure confidence in a risk measure? 1321. Is an outcome risk estimate displayed whenever there isinformation for an outcome?1322. <strong>How</strong> are outcome risk estimates displayed in the QRP? 1423. <strong>How</strong> are the section summaries in the QRP calculated? 14Information in the third component: Contextual risk24. What are the different types of contextual risk? 1425. <strong>How</strong> will CQC <strong>use</strong> the contextual risk information within the QRP? 1526. <strong>How</strong> is contextual risk calculated? 1527. <strong>How</strong> is contextual risk displayed in the QRP? 15Accessing the QRP <strong>and</strong> getting help28. Who will have access <strong>to</strong> QRPs? 1629. <strong>How</strong> do I access the QRP? 1630. Will the QRP be published externally? 1631. Who should I contact if I have a query about the QRP? 16Appendix A: What is an information item <strong>and</strong> how is it analysed? 17Appendix B: Categorical descriptions of item level analysis results <strong>and</strong>assignment of descriptions19Appendix C Additional information on Contextual risk: 20Appendix D: Sections in the essential st<strong>and</strong>ards with key outcomes 21<strong>Quality</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Profile</strong>s: Guidance for NHS providers4

1. What is a <strong>Quality</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Profile</strong> (QRP)?A QRP is a <strong>to</strong>ol that brings <strong>to</strong>gether a wide range of information about each provider ofhealth <strong>and</strong> adult social care registered with the Care <strong>Quality</strong> Commission.The QRP:1. Displays information in an easily accessible format.2. Combines both quantitative (numerical) <strong>and</strong> qualitative (textual) information.3. Provides an estimate of the risk of potential non-compliance with the essentialst<strong>and</strong>ards of quality <strong>and</strong> safety.4. Is dynamic <strong>and</strong> is updated over time as new data becomes available.5. May trigger further regula<strong>to</strong>ry activity by compliance inspec<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>to</strong> support them inmoni<strong>to</strong>ring compliance, this is called a responsive review.6. Helps compliance inspec<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>to</strong> make judgements about an organisation’sperformance.7. Enables providers <strong>and</strong> their compliance inspec<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>to</strong> look at the same information.2. <strong>How</strong> will CQC <strong>use</strong> a QRP?We <strong>use</strong> QRPs <strong>to</strong> support how we moni<strong>to</strong>r providers’ compliance with the essentialst<strong>and</strong>ards of quality <strong>and</strong> safety. Our inspec<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>use</strong> a provider’s QRP:• When carrying out a planned review of compliance, <strong>to</strong> identify <strong>and</strong> prioritise potentialrisks of non-compliance.• To regularly review potential non-compliance, which may trigger a responsive reviewof compliance.<strong>Quality</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Profile</strong>s: Guidance for NHS providers5

3. <strong>How</strong> do I navigate through the different sectionsof the QRP?There are helpful hints at the start of each QRP <strong>to</strong> make it easier <strong>to</strong> find <strong>your</strong> wayround. These describe the bookmarks that are included <strong>and</strong> where <strong>to</strong> click <strong>to</strong> find theunderlying information.The ‘clickable’ areas include many of the dials that show the estimates about the riskof non-compliance. If you place the mo<strong>use</strong> curser over them, the curser changes <strong>to</strong> ah<strong>and</strong> symbol. By clicking on this, you will be taken <strong>to</strong> the relevant constituent levels ofdetail <strong>and</strong> information.For more information about the dials please see question 21 below.4. There are some ‘worse than expected’ (red)risk estimates (dials) for an outcome in my trust’sQRP? <strong>How</strong> will this affect our registration?The presence of ‘worse than expected’ risk estimates within <strong>your</strong> QRP will notau<strong>to</strong>matically affect <strong>your</strong> registration status. This is beca<strong>use</strong> the QRP does not producea judgement about <strong>your</strong> compliance with the essential st<strong>and</strong>ards. Instead it is designed<strong>to</strong> help our compliance inspec<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>to</strong> determine whether they need <strong>to</strong> target regula<strong>to</strong>ryactions <strong>and</strong> responses. Compliance inspec<strong>to</strong>rs will need <strong>to</strong> gather further information<strong>to</strong> follow up ‘worse than expected’ risk estimates. For example, we may ask you <strong>to</strong>complete a Provider Compliance Assessment or, where necessary, we may carry out avisit. We can then make judgements about <strong>your</strong> compliance using the Guidance aboutcompliance: Essential st<strong>and</strong>ards of quality <strong>and</strong> safety <strong>and</strong> the Judgement Framework.<strong>Quality</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Profile</strong>s: Guidance for NHS providers6

5. What should I do about the ‘worse than expected’(red) risk estimates (dials)?If any of <strong>your</strong> risk estimates suggest that <strong>your</strong> performance may be worse thanexpected, you may wish <strong>to</strong> consider them in more detail <strong>to</strong> decide if you need <strong>to</strong>address any issues <strong>to</strong> ensure continued compliance with essential st<strong>and</strong>ards.You can look at the details in the QRP that describe the underlying data <strong>and</strong> theresults of the analysis <strong>to</strong> help you pinpoint the issues that have contributed <strong>to</strong> the riskestimates. We believe that the information provided in the QRP will complement theinformation that NHS trusts already <strong>use</strong> <strong>to</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>r their compliance with essentialst<strong>and</strong>ards.6. What type of information does the QRP contain?The QRP combines both quantitative (numerical) <strong>and</strong> qualitative (textual) information.Most quantitative data comes from existing nationally-held data sets from:• The Information Centre for Health & Social Care.• The Department of Health.• Medical royal colleges.• Other organisations with an interest in healthcare.• National assessments carried out by CQC (e.g. patient surveys, reviews<strong>and</strong> studies).We have produced separate guidance that provides more detail about the quantitativedata <strong>use</strong>d in <strong>Quality</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Profile</strong>s: Data Sources.Qualitative information can come from a variety of sources including:• Engagement activities by local CQC staff with providers <strong>and</strong> stakeholders.• Information from providers.• Information from people who <strong>use</strong> the services.• Our inspection reports, for example, findings from moni<strong>to</strong>ring compliance withregulation on cleanliness <strong>and</strong> infection control.<strong>Quality</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Profile</strong>s: Guidance for NHS providers7

7. <strong>How</strong> does CQC get information from peoplewho <strong>use</strong> services <strong>and</strong> representative groups?We routinely incorporate information from people who <strong>use</strong> services within the QRP.Sources include:• Information from <strong>use</strong>r representative bodies such as. Local involvement networks(LINks)• Information from statu<strong>to</strong>ry bodies, such as foundation trust boards of governors <strong>and</strong>overview <strong>and</strong> scrutiny committees.• Information from people’s feedback on NHS Choices <strong>and</strong> Patient Opinion.• Findings from the national NHS patient survey programme, for example, inpatientsurvey, outpatient survey.8. <strong>How</strong> up <strong>to</strong> date is the information presentedin the QRP?We refresh the source data in each QRP on a monthly basis. <strong>How</strong>ever, the refreshprocess only affects a subset of the data within the QRP, as not all data sources changeeach month.9. What level of service does the QRP relate <strong>to</strong>?The QRP is presented at provider (NHS trust) level, rather than at location level. This isbeca<strong>use</strong> most of the information currently held about NHS organisations is at provider level.<strong>How</strong>ever, where available the QRP will also show information below provider level.This information may be gathered from:• Our assessments at either each location or for a particular service.• Other external sources that <strong>use</strong> other categories <strong>to</strong> report information. For example,information from the Patient Environment Action Team (PEAT) is at hospital level,which may or may not have the same meaning as a registered location, <strong>and</strong> data aboutservice accreditation, such as accreditation of electroconvulsive therapy provision.<strong>Quality</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Profile</strong>s: Guidance for NHS providers8

10. <strong>How</strong> is information organised in the QRP?There are three main components of the NHS QRP:Component 1: Background information that describes the service.Component 2: Information relating <strong>to</strong> the essential st<strong>and</strong>ards of quality <strong>and</strong> safety.Component 3: Contextual risk measures. These refer <strong>to</strong> risks related <strong>to</strong> the type ofhealth or care service, the type of people who may be affected <strong>and</strong> risks arising fromthe organisation itself.11. What types of information are displayed incomponent 1?The first component of the QRP (background information) displays:• Descriptive information such as provider type, regulated activities <strong>and</strong> locations.• General information on regula<strong>to</strong>ry performance that does not fall within the specificoutcome areas contained in the essential st<strong>and</strong>ards of quality <strong>and</strong> safety or thatrelates <strong>to</strong> recurrent themes (for example. equality <strong>and</strong> human rights).12. What types of information are displayed incomponent 2?The second component displays information in relation <strong>to</strong> the essential st<strong>and</strong>ards ofquality <strong>and</strong> safety. This is presented at three main levels:1. Level 1: The first level shows an overall summary of the risk for a group of outcomeareas (for example, Section 1: “Involvement <strong>and</strong> information” is a summary of riskfor outcomes 1 <strong>and</strong> 2 (see question 24 for more detail regarding how we derive thesummaries of risk for groups of outcomes).2. Level 2: The second level shows information for each of the regula<strong>to</strong>ry outcomes (forexample “Outcome 1: Respecting <strong>and</strong> involving people who <strong>use</strong> services”). Included atthis level are the outcome risk estimates that have been produced from our statisticalmodel (see question 18 for a further explanation of outcome risk estimates).<strong>Quality</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Profile</strong>s: Guidance for NHS providers9

3. Level 3: This lowest level shows individual pieces or ‘items’ of information.This information is aggregated <strong>to</strong> calculate the outcome risk estimates in level 2(see appendix A for a more detailed explanation of an item of information).Question 14 of this guidance gives details about the information that you can see atthis level. For further information regarding the aggregation that has been performed,see the statistical guidance <strong>Quality</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Profile</strong>s: Statistical guidance.13. <strong>How</strong> is item level data displayed in the secondcomponent of the QRP?Item level information is structured around the outcomes in the essential st<strong>and</strong>ards.The information is displayed as a table that shows all the items for a particular outcomewith the following key pieces of information about each of the items:• An item identifier• A description of the measure• Where the information was sourced• The time period the information relates <strong>to</strong>• The outcome of the item level analysis• The actual values (numera<strong>to</strong>r, denomina<strong>to</strong>r <strong>and</strong> expected) where these are applicable).14. What types of information are displayed incomponent 3?The third component displays contextual risk measures.This part contains information about an organisation’s risk that is not related <strong>to</strong> theRegulations. It may be about risks arising from the services that are provided, wherethey are provided from, <strong>and</strong> how they are organised. We call this the ‘environment’ or‘context’ within which the health service is provided.<strong>Quality</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Profile</strong>s: Guidance for NHS providers10

Contextual information is displayed in four categories:1. Inherent risk.2. Population risk.3. Situational risk.4. Uncertainty risk.You can view the underlying data that contribute <strong>to</strong> each of these categories.15. Is information displayed for all outcomesin the QRP?QRPs focus on the 16 essential st<strong>and</strong>ards that most closely relate <strong>to</strong> quality <strong>and</strong> safety.The ‘Suitability of Management’ section is not included as it does not contain any of theessential quality <strong>and</strong> safety outcomes (see Appendix D for details of the 16 essentialquality <strong>and</strong> safety outcomes).Over time, we will review how we <strong>use</strong> information relating <strong>to</strong> the additional outcomes<strong>and</strong> incorporate these in<strong>to</strong> QRPs as appropriate.16. <strong>How</strong> will I know which site/location the itemlevel data relates <strong>to</strong>?If we have <strong>use</strong>d information that relates <strong>to</strong> a specific area within an NHS provider,for example, site-specific data, the data description will include a note of which areaof the provider the item relates <strong>to</strong>.17. <strong>How</strong> is information displayed for NHS providersthat have been formed from a merger after1 April 2008?The data included in the QRP for these trusts may relate <strong>to</strong> their pre-mergerorganisations. There may be more than one instance of the same measure (item),as it was measured in all predecessor organisations.<strong>Quality</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Profile</strong>s: Guidance for NHS providers11

The data description will include a note of which previous provider the item relates <strong>to</strong>.Beca<strong>use</strong> of how we calculate contextual risk, NHS providers that were formed after1 April 2008 will not have contextual risk estimates in the early versions of the QRP.18. What is an outcome risk estimate <strong>and</strong> howis it calculated?For each quantitative (numerical) item of information, we assess whether <strong>your</strong> result isin line with what would be expected.For qualitative (textual) information, the information is converted in<strong>to</strong> a numericrepresentation. Positive information indicates that you are less likely <strong>to</strong> be at risk ofnon-compliance, while negative comments suggest non-complianceWe then aggregate results for all items associated with an outcome. This produces anestimate of the risk of non-compliance with the outcome.For more information regarding item level analysis please see appendix A of thisguidance.19. Is all information weighted equally whenproducing an outcome risk estimate?The risk model has been constructed <strong>to</strong> recognise that some items of information areof greater importance than others <strong>to</strong> each of the outcomes. We give greater weight <strong>to</strong>information that:• Is most closely related <strong>to</strong> the outcome• Tells us about the experience of people who <strong>use</strong> services• Is of better quality (high data quality).Each of the weightings is on a 3-point scale, where 3 is the highest (‘best’) weighting.See <strong>Quality</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Profile</strong>s: Statistical guidance for more information.<strong>Quality</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Profile</strong>s: Guidance for NHS providers12

20. <strong>How</strong> does CQC measure confidence in arisk measure?As part of the analytical method <strong>use</strong>d <strong>to</strong> calculate the outcome risk estimate, we alsoinvestigate how confident we are about the estimate before displaying it in the QRP.We assess how closely the items of information relate <strong>to</strong> each outcome <strong>and</strong> the qualityweighting of the items <strong>use</strong>d <strong>to</strong> produce the estimate.If the information driving this estimate is not of sufficient strength, volume or data quality<strong>to</strong> give us confidence in the risk estimate, the risk estimate is inconclusive.It is important <strong>to</strong> note:• This does not reflect the data quality of each individual item <strong>and</strong> only reflects theaggregation of items. Each item is assessed for data quality individually <strong>and</strong> onlyincluded in the QRP when it meets certain criteria.• An inconclusive outcome risk estimate is not a comment on <strong>your</strong> performance, but isa reflection of the information available <strong>to</strong> us about <strong>your</strong> trust for that outcome.Our separate guidance on the statistical methods gives more detailed informationabout this.21. Is an outcome risk estimate displayed wheneverthere is information for an outcome?No. Sometimes item level information is mapped <strong>to</strong> an outcome but an outcome riskestimate dial is not shown.This is beca<strong>use</strong> there is no confidence in the risk estimate produced from aggregatingall the items. Instead, the QRP will indicate that there is ‘no confidence’ at the outcomerisk estimate level, but you will still be able <strong>to</strong> view the individual item level results.If there is no information that can be mapped <strong>to</strong> the outcome, this is indicated.<strong>Quality</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Profile</strong>s: Guidance for NHS providers13

22. <strong>How</strong> are outcome risk estimates displayed inthe QRP?The results for the outcome risk estimates are displayed on a summary page,which groups outcomes under their relevant sections.Where it has been possible <strong>to</strong> produce a risk estimate with confidence, the results willbe displayed as a coloured dial, which has been designed <strong>to</strong> be a quick method forinterpreting risk at the outcome level. The dial represents the level of risk running from‘low’ on the left <strong>to</strong> ‘high’ on the right <strong>and</strong> the colour ranges from green (low risk) <strong>to</strong> red(high risk).23. <strong>How</strong> are the section summaries in theQRP calculated?For each section in the essential st<strong>and</strong>ards, the QRP provides a summary of theunderlying information. These are displayed as coloured dials which represent thehighest risk result from the outcome risk estimates within that section.24. What are the different types of contextual risk?Contextual risk has been grouped in<strong>to</strong> four categories:• Inherent risk can be defined as the risk attributable <strong>to</strong> an organisation by virtue of itscare case mix i.e. high complex surgical volumes, high occupancy rates etc.• Population risk relates <strong>to</strong> those features in the local population that have beenshown <strong>to</strong> affect the outcomes of care or people’s access <strong>to</strong> care.• Situational risk is the risk attributable <strong>to</strong> the care provider by virtue of itsorganisational context i.e. continuity of staff, complaints management, effectivenessof internal process for risk management etc.• Uncertainty risk relates <strong>to</strong> a rules-based assessment of the completeness of theinherent, population <strong>and</strong> situational risks (i.e. the less information available in theother contextual risk groups, the greater the uncertainty risk).<strong>Quality</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Profile</strong>s: Guidance for NHS providers14

25. <strong>How</strong> will CQC <strong>use</strong> the contextual risk informationwithin the QRP?Contextual risk profiles in QRPs help <strong>to</strong> put the outcome risk estimates <strong>and</strong> informationcontained in the QRP in<strong>to</strong> context.This helps us <strong>to</strong> make an informed assessment of <strong>your</strong> compliance <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong> evaluate theextent <strong>to</strong> which you are able <strong>to</strong> make the necessary improvements.The relationship between contextual risk <strong>and</strong> the outcomes is based on the followingassumption: if outcome risks are high <strong>and</strong> contextual risk is also high, the improvementchallenge is likely <strong>to</strong> be greater for the organisation.26. <strong>How</strong> is contextual risk calculated?The results of several pieces of information (which we call evidence-based riskmarkers) within a contextual risk category (e.g. situational risk) are combined using astatistical method called ‘bootstrapping’ <strong>to</strong> produce an overall estimate of risk for thatcategory.The information is also combined <strong>to</strong> produce an estimate of overall contextual risk(this does not include uncertainty risk).See appendix C for additional information on contextual risk.27. <strong>How</strong> is contextual risk displayed in the QRP?The overall estimate of contextual risk <strong>and</strong> the estimates of the category risks aredisplayed as coloured dials, similar <strong>to</strong> that of the outcome risk estimates. It is alsopossible <strong>to</strong> view the results of the individual risk markers.If there is no information, or the measures are not applicable, this is indicated as‘not applicable’.<strong>Quality</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Profile</strong>s: Guidance for NHS providers15

28. Who will have access <strong>to</strong> QRPs?Our compliance inspec<strong>to</strong>rs will have access <strong>to</strong> QRPs <strong>and</strong> we will share them with otherbodies:• NHS trusts will be able <strong>to</strong> view their updated QRP each month, starting fromSeptember 2010.• Lead commissioning PCTs will be able <strong>to</strong> view the updated QRPs for theirproviders, starting from Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2010.• Strategic health authorities <strong>and</strong> Moni<strong>to</strong>r will be able <strong>to</strong> view the QRPs for therelevant trusts.29. <strong>How</strong> do I access the QRP?QRPs will be available through a secure website.We will issue a login <strong>and</strong> password <strong>to</strong> the nominated lead at each of the organisationsoutlined in question 28, which will give them access <strong>to</strong> the QRP that has been producedfor their organisation.30. Will the QRP be published externally?We do not currently have plans <strong>to</strong> publish the QRPs externally. <strong>How</strong>ever, we areplanning <strong>to</strong> publish ‘provider profiles’, which will display the judgements made by ourcompliance inspec<strong>to</strong>rs.31. Who should I contact if I have a query about the QRP?If you have queries regarding the information in <strong>your</strong> QRP (e.g. data inaccuracies,data sources) please email our National Contact Centre at enquiries@cqc.org.ukwith ‘NHS QRP query’ in the subject line.Or write <strong>to</strong>:Care <strong>Quality</strong> Commission National CorrespondenceCitygate, Gallowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4PA<strong>Quality</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Profile</strong>s: Guidance for NHS providers16

Appendix A:What is an information item <strong>and</strong> how is it analysed?Items of information may be either qualitative or quantitative.Quantitative informationA quantitative information item contains numerical information. Different types ofnumerical information are:1. A proportion: A fraction of a <strong>to</strong>tal amount e.g. proportion of patients entering A&Ewho are seen within four hours.2. A ratio of counts: The ratio of two counts e.g. number of incidents reported inrelation <strong>to</strong> the number of admissions.3. A st<strong>and</strong>ardised ratio: The observed number of events divided by the expectednumber of events e.g. St<strong>and</strong>ardised Mortality Ratios.4. Categorical outcomes: This is where information fits in<strong>to</strong> a number of discretecategories e.g. the outcome of an assessment carried out by Patient EnvironmentAction Team (‘unacceptable’, ‘poor’, ‘acceptable’, ‘good’ <strong>and</strong> ‘excellent’).The result for one organisation for one item of information is called the observed resultfor that organisation.For an item, the organisation’s observed result is compared <strong>to</strong> an expected result.<strong>How</strong> far the observed result is from an expected result <strong>and</strong> the direction of thedifference (i.e. better or worse than the expected result) is analysed.This analysis produces a statistical measure, which is presented as one of sevencategories ranging from “much worse than expected” <strong>to</strong> “much better than expected”(see appendix B for further details of how these categories are assigned).The expected level can be set in two ways:1. An expected result may be set as the average of all the NHS organisationsmeasured.2. An expected result may be set based on established expectations e.g. a governmentpolicy or target, such as length of stay in A&E departments.<strong>Quality</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Profile</strong>s: Guidance for NHS providers17

An NHS organisation’s result may be significantly influenced by fac<strong>to</strong>rs beyond theircontrol. In these cases, the ‘raw’ data for the provider may be st<strong>and</strong>ardised (forexample by age <strong>and</strong> sex) or the expected result may be set as the average for a groupof other organisations with similar local circumstances (referred <strong>to</strong> as the ‘benchmarkgroup’).None of the methods penalise (or reward) NHS organisation simply for being at thebot<strong>to</strong>m (or <strong>to</strong>p) of a list, they are designed <strong>to</strong> look for genuine differences from theexpected result. It is entirely possible that all NHS organisations will be performingsimilarly <strong>to</strong> expectation on a data item.Qualitative informationEach qualitative source, e.g. report, is analysed for information relevant <strong>to</strong> theregistration outcomes for a provider <strong>and</strong> is broken down in<strong>to</strong> parts, which may be asentence, paragraph or more.An item of qualitative information is one of these parts. These differ from quantitativedata as one item only covers one provider <strong>and</strong> there may not be equivalent informationfor other providers.In order <strong>to</strong> be included in the QRP outcome risk estimates, the qualitative informationhas <strong>to</strong> be converted in<strong>to</strong> a numeric representation.Each identified information item is determined as being either positive or negative,therefore indicating if the NHS organisation is less or more likely <strong>to</strong> be at risk of noncompliancerespectively.For more information regarding the statistical model <strong>use</strong>d in the QRP please see ourstatistical guidance on <strong>Quality</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Profile</strong>s.<strong>Quality</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Profile</strong>s: Guidance for NHS providers18

Appendix B: Categorical descriptions of item levelanalysis results <strong>and</strong> assignment of descriptionsThe outcome of the analysis for each item is a statistical measure regarding how fareach provider’s result was from the expected level. The results are presented using thecategories shown in the table below:<strong>Risk</strong> estimate categoryDescriptionMuch worse thanexpectedWorse thanexpectedTending <strong>to</strong>wardsworse than expectedSimilar <strong>to</strong> expectedTending <strong>to</strong>wardsbetter than expectedBetter than expectedMuch better thanexpectedThe provider’s result is statistically much worse thanexpected – roughly this equates <strong>to</strong> the provider beingoutside the 97.5% confidence intervalThe provider’s result is statistically noticeably worsethan expected – roughly this equates <strong>to</strong> the providerbeing outside the 95% confidence intervalThe provider’s result is somewhat worse thanexpectation, but not at a level that would mean theobservation is notable on its own. <strong>How</strong>ever, a patternof items appearing in this category will increase ourestimate of the likelihood of undeclared non-complianceThe provider’s result is broadly in line with expectationThe provider’s result is somewhat better than theexpected levelThe provider’s result is statistically noticeably betterthan expectation – roughly this equates <strong>to</strong> the providerbeing outside the 95% confidence intervalThe provider’s result is statistically much better thanexpected – roughly this equates <strong>to</strong> the provider beingoutside the 97.5% confidence interval<strong>Quality</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Profile</strong>s: Guidance for NHS providers19

Appendix C: Additional information on Contextual riskThe outcome of the analysis for each item of information in contextual risk section ofthe QRP is presented using the categories shown in the table below:<strong>Risk</strong> estimate categoryLikely <strong>to</strong> be riskySomewhat likely <strong>to</strong>be riskyUnlikely <strong>to</strong> be riskyNot applicableDescriptionThe provider’s result is noticeably below theexpected levelThe provider’s result is somewhat below theexpected levelThe provider’s result is either broadly in line withexpectation, or is better than the expected levelNot applicableSituational risk has been broken down in the following way:1. Leadership- SR01: <strong>Quality</strong> of services- SR02: Financial management- SR03: Staff satisfaction2. General care- SR04: Vacancy rates: Doc<strong>to</strong>rs- SR05: Vacancy rates: Consultants- SR06: Vacancy rates: Nurses3. Governance <strong>and</strong> the <strong>use</strong> of information- SR07: Qualification after declaring compliant- SR08: Payment by Results- SR09: Audi<strong>to</strong>rs’ Local Evaluation (ALE)4. <strong>Risk</strong> management- SR10: National Health Service Local Authority (NHSLA)- SR11: Complaints: Closed- SR12: Complaints: Number<strong>Quality</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Profile</strong>s: Guidance for NHS providers20

Appendix D: Sections in the essential st<strong>and</strong>ardswith key outcomesSection Outcome RegulationInvolvement <strong>and</strong>information1. Respecting <strong>and</strong> involving people who<strong>use</strong> services172. Consent <strong>to</strong> care <strong>and</strong> treatment 18Personalisedcare, treatment<strong>and</strong> support4. Care <strong>and</strong> welfare of people who <strong>use</strong> services 95. Meeting nutritional needs 146. Cooperating with other providers 24Safeguarding<strong>and</strong> safety7. Safeguarding people who <strong>use</strong> servicesfrom ab<strong>use</strong>118. Cleanliness <strong>and</strong> infection control 129. Management of medicines 1310. Safety <strong>and</strong> suitability of premises 1511. Safety, availability <strong>and</strong> suitability ofequipment16Suitability ofstaffing12. Requirements relating <strong>to</strong> workers 2113. Staffing 2214. Supporting staff 23<strong>Quality</strong> <strong>and</strong>management16. Assessing <strong>and</strong> moni<strong>to</strong>ring the quality ofservice provision1017. Complaints 1921. Records 20Section 6 of the essential st<strong>and</strong>ards, ‘Suitability of management’, is not included as itcontains no essential quality <strong>and</strong> safety outcomes.<strong>Quality</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Profile</strong>s: Guidance for NHS providers21

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