FINE ARTS (510.A0) STUDENT MANUAL 2011 - Dawson College

FINE ARTS (510.A0) STUDENT MANUAL 2011 - Dawson College

FINE ARTS (510.A0) STUDENT MANUAL 2011 - Dawson College


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33. ProblemsIn the case of any problems, academic or personal; please, address your professorfirst. You may make an appointment either directly with your professor orthrough the Fine Arts Secretary (3200). If the situation is not resolved, the nextstep is to speak with the chairperson of the department for further advice onhow you should proceed.34. Living on Your OwnThe Fine Arts Program recommends for a number of reasons, including a higherpotential for success, that junior college students remain at home for the twoyears of the program. Some students, however, might be obliged to find theirown lodging. Montreal is a large city and as such, you should begin your searchearly and expect to pay a considerable amount of rent.The college has no residences, but does provide limited assistance to studentsseeking off-campus housing or lodging arrangements. A list of available housingis posted on the information kiosks located in the upper atrium. You may alsoenter data into the kiosk about an apartment/room to share that you may have.For more information, inquire at Student Affairs (2E6).35. Fine Arts Resource Room and LibraryThe Fine Arts Resource room and Library is for the exclusive use of registered Fine ArtsProgram students. You may use the Fine Arts Resource Room at any time outside of yourregularly scheduled class times. In the room is a small library, several computers andother resources. We want the Resource Room to be a place where Fine Arts students feelcomfortable and free to use media resources or to research. The space is primarily a placeto think about art.General rules- No painting, drawing, printmaking or sculpture can be left (even temporarily)in this space!-You must have a valid <strong>Dawson</strong> <strong>College</strong> I.D. card in your possession at all times.-You must respect all civil laws and <strong>Dawson</strong> regulations. (No smoking, alcoholicbeverages, theft, vandalism, graffiti etc…)-No food or drink is allowed in the Resource Room.27

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