Jesuit High School Portland, Oregon Summer 2009 Age Quod Agis

Jesuit High School Portland, Oregon Summer 2009 Age Quod Agis

Jesuit High School Portland, Oregon Summer 2009 Age Quod Agis

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The Legacy ClubLegacy ClubActivity & GrowthThe Legacy Club is a group of individuals who have included <strong>Jesuit</strong> in theirestate plans. Their gifts will live in perpetuity with interest from the giftscontinually benefitting <strong>Jesuit</strong> students and <strong>Jesuit</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>.• We have 247 Legacy Club membersas of June 30, <strong>2009</strong>.• We have nine new Legacy Clubmembers since July 1, 2008.• We have six individuals who arecurrently in the process of including<strong>Jesuit</strong> in their estate plans.• We have 20 individuals consideringour request to include <strong>Jesuit</strong> in theirestate planning.Campaign Update: Planned Giving & Endowment• At the present time, the goal for the endowment phase of our capital campaignis eight million dollars. At this time, we have $5,243,077 pledged or in cash forour endowment goal.• The Planned Giving goal of our campaign is to have enough new Legacy Clubmembers to reach a goal of $10 million. We are presently over $2.7 million inplanned gifts.Giving Back Financially in ThanksBy: JAN (KeySer) HArriNGTON,FOrMer JHS STAFF MeMBerMy son’s best friend, JasonMcQuin, graduated from <strong>Jesuit</strong> in 1993and was killed in an auto accidentthe following winter. His memorialservice was held in the Knight Foyerand attended by parents and students,our family, the football team of whichhe was a proud member, and I’m surethe library staff. My son was one ofJason’s pallbearers. It was a beautifulservice, wrenching of course, but myfirst real glimpse of the special placethat <strong>Jesuit</strong> is.Jason attended <strong>Jesuit</strong> as the resultof donations to the financial aidprogram. He was a shining exampleof a man for others, and we miss himvery much. His picture hangs in thelibrary office, where he spent manyhours.Some years later, I was approachedby a member of the <strong>Jesuit</strong> staff toapply for a position available at <strong>Jesuit</strong>.<strong>Jesuit</strong> hired me, knowing that I facedimminent chemotherapy for recentsurgery for breast cancer. In my mind,I served <strong>Jesuit</strong> in honor of Jason,raising funds for the Annual Appealand helping with other efforts to fundfinancial aid. I found a wonderful,supportive family of people whotouches me to this day.I think I was led to <strong>Jesuit</strong> and wassupposed to work in what was thenan office remodeled from a priest’sresidence, just down the hall fromthe Chapel, helping raise funds forfinancial aid. I, as a non-Catholic,spent many hours in the Chapel,praying for strength and thankingGod for allowing me the privilege tohelp provide opportunities for youngmen and women to attend such aschool. I felt humbled and honored tobe a member of the staff.I eventually left <strong>Jesuit</strong> andreturned to the industry I left behindduring my illness. I was blessed tohave served at <strong>Jesuit</strong> and wanted togive back financially. I give annually toJason’s financial aid endowment, askmy firm to match my donation, andhave dedicated a portion of my lifeinsurance program to his endowmentas well. It is small thanks for <strong>Jesuit</strong>’sgift to Jason, and the school’s gift tome.“The priorities of God first, family, community and selflast resonate through the ages of <strong>Jesuit</strong> teaching and culture.<strong>Jesuit</strong> education personifies excellence in everything astudent undertakes. That philosophy permeates all we doand continues in our life script. <strong>Jesuit</strong> education preparesone for a life of excellence wrapped in spirituality. That isthe legacy Sandra and I want to leave for our grandchildrenand other qualified students for years to come.”John E. Shepanek, Legacy Club Member, President’sClub Member, JHS Grandparent & JHS Board Member“We decided to include <strong>Jesuit</strong> in our plans for a numberof reasons. First, it is such an easy way to give. Bequestsprovide for something very positive to come out of somethingthat is not always easy, death. We also chose <strong>Jesuit</strong> asan expression of profound thanks for the experience ourdaughter Carleigh ‘06 had as a <strong>Jesuit</strong> student. We hope ourgift will allow others who don’t have the financial ability tohave this life-shaping experience. Because of <strong>Jesuit</strong>’s longhistory and good stewardship, we have every confidenceour gift will be used wisely and for the benefit of studentsand the <strong>Jesuit</strong> community. ”Lori Flexer, Legacy Club Member & JHS Parent•19 •

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