Správa o činnosti ÚFHZ SAV za r. 2009 - institute of animal ...

Správa o činnosti ÚFHZ SAV za r. 2009 - institute of animal ...

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Správa o činnosti organizácie <strong>SAV</strong>ADCA70ADCA71ADCA72LAUKOVÁ, Andrea - CZIKKOVÁ, Soňa - DOBRÁNSKY, Tomáš - BURDOVÁ,O. Inhibition <strong>of</strong> Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus by enterocinCCM 4231 in milk products. In Food microbiology, 1999, vol. 16, no. 1, p. 93-99.ISSN 0740-0020 (Print).Citácie:1. [1.1] GALVEZ, A. - LOPEZ, R.L. - ABRIOUEL, H. - VALDIVIA, E. - BENOMAR, N. Application <strong>of</strong> bacteriocins in the control <strong>of</strong> foodborne pathogenic andspoilage bacteria. In CRITICAL REVIEWS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY. ISSN 0738-8551, 2008, vol. 28, no. 2, p. 125-152., WOS2. [1.1] KONGO, J.M. - GOMES, A.P. - MALCATAI, F.X. Monitoring andidentification <strong>of</strong> bacteria associated with safety concerns in the manufacture <strong>of</strong>Sao Jorge, a Portuguese traditional cheese from raw cow's milk. In JOURNALOF FOOD PROTECTION. ISSN 0362-028X, MAY 2008, vol. 71, no. 5, p. 986-992., WOS3. [1.1] SOBRINO-LOPEZ, A. - MARTIN-BELLOSO, O. Use <strong>of</strong> nisin and otherbacteriocins for preservation <strong>of</strong> dairy products. In INTERNATIONAL DAIRYJOURNAL. ISSN 0958-6946, APR 2008, vol. 18, no. 4, p. 329-343., WOSLAUKOVÁ, Andrea - CZIKKOVÁ, Soňa. The use <strong>of</strong> enterocin CCM 4231 in soymilk to control the growth <strong>of</strong> Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus. InJournal <strong>of</strong> Applied Microbiology, 1999, vol. 87, no. 1, p. 182-186. ISSN 1364-5072(print).Citácie:1. [1.1] CORSETTI, A. - SETTANNI, L. - BRAGA, T.M. - LOPES, M.D.S. -SUZZI, G. An investigation <strong>of</strong> the bacteriocinogenic potential <strong>of</strong> lactic acidbacteria associated with wheat (Triticum durum) kernels and non-conventionalflours. In LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. ISSN 0023-6438, 2008,vol. 41, no. 7, p. 1173-1182., WOS2. [1.1] GALVEZ, A. - LOPEZ, R.L. - ABRIOUEL, H. - VALDIVIA, E. - BENOMAR, N. Application <strong>of</strong> bacteriocins in the control <strong>of</strong> foodborne pathogenic andspoilage bacteria. In CRITICAL REVIEWS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY. ISSN 0738-8551, 2008, vol. 28, no. 2, p. 125-152., WOS3. [1.1] PONCE, A.G. - MOREIRA, M.R. - DEL VALLE, C.E. - ROURA, S.I.Preliminary characteri<strong>za</strong>tion <strong>of</strong> bacteriocin-like substances from lactic acidbacteria isolated from organic leafy vegetables. In LWT-FOOD SCIENCE ANDTECHNOLOGY. ISSN 0023-6438, 2008, vol. 41, no. 3, p. 432-441., WOS4. [1.1] SETTANNI, L. - CORSETTI, A. Application <strong>of</strong> bacteriocins in vegetablefood biopreservation. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOODMICROBIOLOGY. ISSN 0168-1605, JAN 31 2008, vol. 121, no. 2, p. 123-138.,WOSLAUKOVÁ, Andrea - CZIKKOVÁ, Soňa - LACZKOVÁ, S. - TUREK, P. Use <strong>of</strong>enterocin CCM 4231 to control Listeria monocytogenes in experimetallycontaminated dry fermented Hornad salami. In International journal <strong>of</strong> foodmicrobiology, 1999, vol. 52, no. 1-2, p. 115-119. ISSN 0168-1605.Citácie:1. [1.1] AYMERICH, T. - PICOUET, P.A. - MONFORT, J.M. Decontaminationtechnologies for meat products. In MEAT SCIENCE. ISSN 0309-1740, JAN-FEB2008, vol. 78, no. 1-2, p. 114-129., WOS2. [1.1] CALO-MATA, P. - ARLINDO, S. - BOEHME, K. - DE MIGUEL, T. -PASCOAL, A. - BARROS-VELAZQUEZ, J. Current Applications and FutureTrends <strong>of</strong> Lactic Acid Bacteria and their Bacteriocins for the Biopreservation <strong>of</strong>76

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