December - Oklahoma Electric Cooperative

December - Oklahoma Electric Cooperative

December - Oklahoma Electric Cooperative

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From the topMax A. MeekCEO and General ManagerThe OEC Family AlbumAnother year is coming to a close, and if you are likeme, you're wondering where the time went. As I writethis in late November the temperature is in the midseventies.No wonder I can't believe the year is almostover—it feels like the beginning of autumn outside.As we do every year, we have dedicated the<strong>December</strong> OEC News to photographs of employees.Some call it our yearbook, but I like to think of it as ourfamily album. As the years pass I see my family growand change. I see hair colors change (and sometimesdisappear), last names change as marriages occur, titleschange with promotions and transfers; I see my familyage—as have I.This is the last year my friends Gary Hickman andAngie Ellison will appear in the OEC family album.They are both retiring at the end of the year. Gary hasgiven 35 years to OEC while Angie has been with usfor 29. We already said goodbye to Flossie Vaughn inAugust after 31 years of service.But new faces take the place of the familiar. We'veadded four new family members this year. We have 16employees with 30 or more years, but 19 with under five.Your co-op family will continue to grow and thrive justlike the communities we serve.I invite you to take a look at the 2012 OEC familyalbum beginning on page 7. As an OEC member-owner,this is your family album, too; these people are yourfriends and neighbors as you are ours.I wish every one of you a Merry Christmas and avery joyous new year.<strong>December</strong> 2012 3

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