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Joe Mantegnaacter that I play – Justice Joseph Novelli – is anew judge who can provide the swing votefor either the liberal or the conservative sidesof the bench. The first Monday in October istraditionally when the Supreme Court starts.WatchTime: Like most actors I’m surethat the most important things foryou in a project are the character andthe story. What attracted you to FirstMonday?Mantegna: Well, it’s a combination of a lot ofthings. I’ve been acting professionally forover 30 years, and for the last 10 years or soit’s involved an immense amount of travel.I’ve had a lot of fun doing the gypsy life, butI have two daughters (Mia Marie, 14 andGina, 11) that I’d like to spend more timewith... so lately I’ve been more open to doinga TV series...then this came along. The factthat James Garner (The Rockford Files) hadalready signed up for First Monday did a lotto convince me.WatchTime: Is this your first TV series?Mantegna: I’ve made a lot of guest appearancesin the past, but Justice Novelli is myfirst major television role.WatchTime: Of course you have astrong link with one of the most respectedplaywrights working in theEnglish language – David Mamet.Does the director of First Monday allowyour input concerning the languagethat Justice Novelli uses?Mantegna: Absolutely. In fact, Joe Novelli ismy invention. Everything from his age to thefact that he’s an Italian American who grewup in Cicero, Illinois...even his name comesfrom me. My maternal grandfather wasnamed Joe Novelli.WatchTime: Was your grandfather alawyer?Mantegna: No, no...he was an electrician forthe Chicago Transit Authority.WatchTime: Is this the first time thatyou’ve ever played a judge?Mantegna: Yes. I’ve played prosecutors...I’veplayed lawyers and defense attorneys, butI’ve never played a judge.WatchTime: Do you feel comfortableportraying the gravitas of a judge?Mantegna: Well, you know, you do your research.It was no different when I played DeanMartin or Fidel Castro. I find playing aSupreme Court judge easier than playing alower court judge because I don’t have todeal with opposing lawyers or a jury. As aSupreme Court justice it’s all about the appeal:You either support what’s out there oryou overturn it.WatchTime: Did you ever consider goingto law school when you wereyounger?Mantegna: No, never. I mean, God kill me...Inever even thought about it. But, I do findcertain aspects of the law and politics fascinating.Joe Novelli is a shadow of myself, andI’ve devoted more screen time to developingthis one character than I have to any role I’veplayed outside of theater. I’m really enjoyingit and I hope that it’s successful.WatchTime: Shifting the focus fromwork to pleasure, I read somewherethat you were into cigars long beforethey became fashionable.Mantegna: I actually started smoking cigarsin High School, but I didn’t smoke good cigarsuntil I was older.WatchTime: Is it a social thing for you,or do you prefer to smoke whenyou’re alone?Mantegna: Sometimes I’ll smoke in private,but usually it’s a social thing. I smoke in a localcigar store near my home and I’m also amember of the Grand Havana Rooms in LosAngeles and New York.WatchTime: I’ve heard that the LAGrand Havana Room is a bit of an actor’shangout.Mantegna: Well, it’s in Los Angeles, so you’llrun into guys like Arnold Schwarzenegger,Bruce Willis, Andy Garcia, Mel Gibson or myfriend Dennis Franz.WatchTime: Is there a link betweenliking cigars and an interest in wristwatches?Mantegna: I think the link is an appreciationfor something that’s unique and handmade.As you get older your tastes get a little morerefined, and if you’ve had some success in lifethen you can afford nicer things than youwere used to when you were in your twenties.If you have some money you eventuallylearn to appreciate the difference between acan of coke and a fine wine, or a filtered cigaretteand a nice cigar. The former is aboutquenching your thirst and the latter is awhole ‘nother thing.WatchTime: How did you become interestedin watches?Mantegna: My father passed way when I wasabout 24 and he left only a few things...hewas not a wealthy man. The only two thingsI can ever remember him having of any valuewere a ring and his watch. My brother got hisApril <strong>20<strong>02</strong></strong> WatchTime 33

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