Coleoptera. Vol. I. [Longicornia. Part I.]

Coleoptera. Vol. I. [Longicornia. Part I.]

Coleoptera. Vol. I. [Longicornia. Part I.]

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CEBAMBTCIDJE.Elytra almost twice as long as broad, rounded at apex. Prosternumwith a strong, wedge-sliaped, anterior process which isdirected downwards and deeply notched in the middle at theextremity. Legs as in Dori/sihenes, but with the fourth tarsaljoint smaller and more noduliform.3. Dissosternus pertii, Hojje, Tratis. Zool. Soc. i, p. 106, pi. 15, fig. 3(1S34).S.Blackish brown in colour, theelytra chocolate-brown. Head ratherclosely punctulate and very shinyin front, more closely and stronglypunctured above, the punctures replacedby granules behind and at the sides.Eyes rather small, broadly and somewhatdeeph' emarginate in front. Antennae :the first six joints glossy and sparselypunctulate, the I'est dull ; first jointreaching by about a third of its lengthbeyond the hind margin of the eye ;third a little longer than the first,shorter than the fourth and fifthunited. Pronotum glossy, finely andrather sparsely punctured. Scutellumsparsely puuctm'ed. Elytra rugulose,with scarcely any gloss. Hind breastfaintly pubescent. Front tarsi moderatelydilated, with the firstFig.joint distinctly2.Dissosternus pertii, Hope, c?.longer than the second. Third jointof the middle and hind tarsi Avith a*hort spine or tooth at the end of each lobe. Last ventral segment«inuately truncate at the apex. Female not hno\An.Length 25-28 ; hreadth 8-10 mm.Huh. Poona.Genus BALADEVA.Baladeva, Waterh. TraJis. £nt. Soc. ii, p. :?2o (1S40).Cyrtognatlius (part.), Lacord. Gen. Coleupt. viii, p. 52 (1869).Type, B. wall-eri, Waterh.Range. That of the type species.In the structure of the head, antennae, and legs very closel}'resembles the genus Donjsthencs. Prothorax armed with threespines on each side, the longest at the middle, the shortest at thehind angle ; the lateral edge in front of the anterior spine shortand strongly oblique. Elytra : the shoulders oblique in front,projecting slightly outwards and turned up at the angle. Intercoxalpart of the prosteruum strongly raised in the middle, verticaland unarmed in front, cui'ved behind, its end resting on theraesosternum.

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