6901 BSc Admission Talk Presentation File - Faculty of Science, HKU

6901 BSc Admission Talk Presentation File - Faculty of Science, HKU

6901 BSc Admission Talk Presentation File - Faculty of Science, HKU

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Ecology & Biodiversity• How organisms interactwith each other andtheir environments• How species aredistributed throughoutthe world• Key threats andapproaches toconserving biodiversitySample Courses*:From molecules to cells; Evolutionarydiversity; Biostatistics; Biological scienceslaboratory course; Ecology and evolution;Systematics and phylogenetics;Conservation ecology; Environmentalmicrobiology; Marine biology; Fishbiology; Freshwater ecology; Plantstructure and evolution; Experimentalintertidal ecology; Terrestrial ecology;The biology <strong>of</strong> marine mammals;Fisheries and mariculture; Ecologicalimpact assessment; Animal behaviour;Conservation in practice; Field course;Directed studies; Project; InternshipEnvironmental <strong>Science</strong>• Emphasizes fundamentalknowledge in life andenvironment, physical andsustainable environment,pollution, monitoring andmanagementSample Courses*:Introduction to environmental science;Introductory statistics; General chemistry;Blue planet; Environmental life science;Biostatistics; Principles <strong>of</strong> chemistry;Atmosphere and hydrosphere; Globalchange ecology; Environment, societyand economics; Conservation ecology;Environmental chemistry; Analyticalchemistry; Earth observation;Demographic principles in ecology andevolution; Environmental radiation;Natural hazards and mitigation;Sustainable energy and environment;Pollution; Environmental oceanography;Computational methods and differentialequations with applications; Computeraideddata analysis; Environmental riskassessment and management; Ecologicaldemography in changing environments;Environmental remediation; Directedstudies; Project; Environmental science inpractice; Internship

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