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A-42Q.5. A man weighs 600 N on the surface of earth. What would be his mass and weighton the surface of moon ? (Take gearth = 10 m/s2). (2)Ans. As per question weight of a man on the surface of earth Wearth = 600 Nand gearth= 10 m/s2Mass of man on the surface of moon = Mass of man on the surface of earthm = Wearth = 600 N = 60 kggearth 10 m/s2Weight of man on the surface of moon Wmoon = m.gmoon·= 1Il.gearth 6 = Wearth 6(i) Homogeneous (ii) There homogeneous composition between is mixture no boundary mixture. throughout has uniform of its separation mass.= 600N = 100 N.6Q.6. State one feature that is similar and one feature that is dissimilar with respect to .mitochondria and plastids. (2)Ans. Similar feature: Both have their own DNA and ribosomei to make their own proteins.Dissimilar feature: Mitochondria are the site of cellular respiration (power house of cell) whilechloroplasts are centre for photosynthesis (food factory of cell).Q.7. Show'the location of meristematic tissues in a plant diagrammatically. Which meristemis responsible for the transformation of the stem of a plant into the trunk when it grows intoa tree? (2)Ans.Apical meristemIntercalary meristemLateral meristemLateral meristem transfonns stem of a plant into trunk of tree.. Science-IXQ.8. (a) A spoonful of sugar is added to a beaker containing 500 mL of water and stirredfor a while. State any two observations that you will make.(b) Account for your observations. (3)Ans. (a) On dissolving sugar in water, we observe that(i) sugar dissolves completely in water.(ii) there is no change in the volume.(b) The above observations can be explained by saying that there is lot of empty space betweenwater molecules. Sugar molecules occupy these empty spaces and, therefore, there is no change involume of the solution. ..l. '.eSSE eeE Sample Question PaperAns. Distinction between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures is given below :a constituentsof between the the constituents of a heterogeneousHomogelleolls mixture Heterogelleolls uniform mixture. (i) (ii) Heterogeneous Therecomposition is amixturevisible mixture throughtout boundary doesof not its separation mass. have a---+time(s)A-4~Q.9. Distinguish between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures. Classify thefollowing mixtures as homogeneous and heterogeneous :(i) Tincture of iodine(ii) Smoke(iii) Brass(ip) Sugar solution. (3)Classificationof mixtures:(i) Tmcture of iodine Homogeneous(ii) Smoke Heterogeneous(iii) Brass Homogeneous(iv) Sugar solution Homogeneous.Q.10. Derive graphically the equation for position-time relation for an object travelling adistance's' in time 't' under uniform acceleration. (3)Ans. The velocity-time graph has been shown in figure.At t = D, the initial velocity is u (at point A) and then 1, S____________________ Bincreases to v (at point B) in time t. .s >v ! IDraw perpendicular lines BC and BE from point B on the .?: .- : Itime and velocity axes respectively, so that OA = u, OE = BC ~ I~ I~v. > IAlso draw a line AD parallel to time axis, so that OC = AD = t.t --------------fDThen change in velocity in time t = BC - OA = BC - CD = BD eltBut BC = v and CD = OA = It 0Hence, BD = v - u.According to velocity-time graph, the total distance covered by the object is obtained by the '.area under the graph.Hence, distance s travelled by the object = area of the trapezium OABC= area of rectangle OADC + area of triangle ADB1= OA x OC + -(AD x BD)2But OA = It, OC = t, AD= OC = t and BD = change in velocity = v - u = at, where a = uniformacceleration of the object.1 1s = ut + - (t x at) = ut + - at2.2 2Q.ll. State the law of inertia. Why do we fall in the forward direction if a moving busstops suddenly and fall in the backward direction if it suddenly accelerates from rest? (3)

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