then and now - Blue & White Online

then and now - Blue & White Online

then and now - Blue & White Online


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like our style?is looking for new designers withPASSIONCREATIVITY <strong>and</strong>NEW IDEASIf you’re interested inlayout design, contactEmma Galli ategalli@live.unc.eduFor the latest updatesFOLLOW us on Twitter@bluewhitemagLike this space?YOUR ADHEREFor advertising info, contactSallie King at shking@live.unc.eduLivia Nelsonis a senior from Ridgefield, Conn.She can be reached at lcnel23@gmail.com.Liv’s ListHave you ever asked yourselfwhat you want to do before you graduate fromUNC-Chapel Hill?If you’re a freshman, that might soundoverwhelming; it’s hard enough to figure outhow to navigate <strong>and</strong> organize all of the stuffyou have to do, let alone think about what youwant to do. And if you’re a senior, the questionmight stress you out when you think abouthow quickly the past three years went by, <strong>and</strong>all the things you have to do before graduation.For reasons too complicated to botherexplaining here—let’s just say it’s because Itransferred to Carolina after my sophomoreyear from another school—I spent most oflast year not k<strong>now</strong>ing whether I was going tograduate in May 2011 or not. Then, in the11th hour, I was accepted into a year-longHonors writing class, so I decided to comeback for 2011-2012.When I finally made that decision, Iwas completely overcome with relief. Think of all the things at Carolina that I’dwanted to do but never did! And <strong>now</strong> I could! (Granted, I’ve only been here fortwo years, but still.) The first thing I thought of was the Duke basketball gamelast winter that I’d gotten a ticket to, but hadn’t been able to attend because myflight for spring break was at the exact same time.That feeling of relief made me realize that since I’d been given a second chanceat senior year, I should make this one count. I should do all of the things I’dwanted to do.The Daily Tar Heel has a great Carolina bucket list, but to me, those are morelike things to check off a list than to actually experience. Most of the ones I’vedone weren’t anything out of the ordinary—eating at Ye Olde Waffle Shoppe,tripping on a brick in the Pit, <strong>and</strong> so on. Maybe it’s because I’m not from NorthCarolina—or even from the South—but I want to uncover some of the area’sbetter-kept secrets.So every month, I plan on finding something unusual <strong>and</strong> fun that UNC-CHstudents can do. I have a h<strong>and</strong>ful of ideas <strong>and</strong> goals up my sleeve already, but I’mbetting I’ll uncover a lot more. (Have an idea? Email me at livia@unc.edu!)I already k<strong>now</strong> about some funky places on the outskirts of Chapel Hill <strong>and</strong>some cool places on campusyou can go to at nightwithout getting in trouble(I think).If you’re a freshman,sophomore or junior, cutout my columns <strong>and</strong> savethem for a boring weekend.But if you’re a senior,maybe you’ll want to gocheck out or do whateverI did when you read mycolumn that month.Let’s make this senioryear what we always wantedit to be!&8 September 2011

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