A more secure steganography based on adaptive pixel-value ...

A more secure steganography based on adaptive pixel-value ...

A more secure steganography based on adaptive pixel-value ...


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Multimed Tools Appl3.2 Data extracti<strong>on</strong>We first divide the stego image into Bz × Bz blocks which are then rotated by randomdegrees <str<strong>on</strong>g>based</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> the secret key key 1 , and obtain n<strong>on</strong>-overlapping embeddingunits with three c<strong>on</strong>secutive <strong>pixel</strong>s just as Steps 1 and 2 in data embedding. We thentravel all the embedding units in a pseudo-random order <str<strong>on</strong>g>based</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> the secret keykey 2 .For a given unit, say [g i , g ′ i+1 , g i+2], 2 we execute the following operati<strong>on</strong>s:First calculate the differences of the adjacent <strong>pixel</strong> <strong>value</strong>s byd ′ 1 = g′ i+1 − g i, d ′ 2 = g i+2 − g ′ i+1If |d ′ 1 |≤T and |d′ 2 |≤T,3 then skip to next embedding unit. Otherwise determinethe range of gi+1 ′ according to the four cases just as shown in the process in dataembedding, also denoted as range g ′i+1. 4Then determine the number of the embedded bits in <strong>pixel</strong> gi+1 ′ byn = min (⌊ ∣ ∣⌋ )log ∣rangeg 2 ′ i+1 , kwhere k = 4And then the embedded <strong>value</strong> b in decimal representati<strong>on</strong> isb ≡ ∣ ∣( g′i+1 − g i mod 2n )Finally c<strong>on</strong>vert the decimal <strong>value</strong> b into the binary representati<strong>on</strong> and obtain thehidden message bits.For instance, we want to extract secret bits from an embedding unit[g i , gi+1 ′ , g i+2] =[40, 75, 50] with a threshold T = 10. First, calculate the differencesd ′ 1 = 75 − 40 = 35, d′ 2 = 50 − 75 =−25, then we get g′ i+1 > g i, gi+1 ′ > g i+2, henceCase 2 is c<strong>on</strong>sidered. Since |d ′ 1 |=35 > T, |d′ 2|=25 > T, the range of the centre <strong>pixel</strong>is determined by (case 2.1)g ′ i+1range g ′i+1= [ max ( g i + T + 1, g i+2 + T + 1 ) ,...,255 ] =[61, 255]So the number of embedded bits isn = min (⌊ log 2∣ ∣rangeg ′i+1∣ ∣⌋, k)= min(⌊log2 195 ⌋ , 4 ) = 4Finally we obtain the secret bits in the decimal representati<strong>on</strong> byb = 3 ≡ 74 − 40 ( mod 2 4)namely 0011 (2)2 Note that <strong>on</strong>ly the centre <strong>on</strong>e has been changed after data hiding.3 The threshold T can be extracted in a preset regi<strong>on</strong> in the stego.4 It can be proven that such regi<strong>on</strong> is the same before and after data embedding using our embeddingscheme. Please refer to Appendix for <str<strong>on</strong>g>more</str<strong>on</strong>g> details.

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