Psychedelic Chemistry - Hampapartiet

Psychedelic Chemistry - Hampapartiet

Psychedelic Chemistry - Hampapartiet

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<strong>Psychedelic</strong> <strong>Chemistry</strong> - Mescaline and Friendscorresponding hallucinogenic analogs of methamphetamine have not yet been shown to have any special stimulating properties,having on the contrary less potency than the unmethylated forms (see JMC 13,134(1970)), but human tests should be done(preliminary results show these compounds to be very pleasant).N-methyl-MDA is extremely pleasant, producing more euphoria than cocaine, lasting much longer and having a very easy down.N,N-dimethylation or N-ethylation diminish activity drastically and the latter appears to have sedative effects. The methylenedioxycompounds are generally free of marked visual changes, allow considerable voluntary control of the experience and are more potentthan the dimethoxy counterparts.It is probably best to avoid p-methoxyamphetamine (PMA) and 2,5-dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine (STP), the former because itseems to have a high toxicity and the latter because it lasts too long (e.g., 24 hours for a minimum dose). Other 4-alkylamphetamines also seem to be toxic. A number of apparent fatalities due to MDA have been noted, but the reports usually involvevery large amounts, often in combination with other drugs (e.g., 7 g MDA plus barbiturates) and screening for other, more toxicdrugs (in particular, PMA) has not been done.These amphetamine analogs can be produced by using the appropriately substituted benzaldehyde in place of 3,4,5-triù methoxybenzaldehyde,and nitroethane in place of nitro-methane in the aldehyde method for mescaline synthesis (using nitropropane, etc., togive a longer chain results in less activity). However, easier synthetic routes from the naturally occurring (therefore cheap andcommercially available) ring substituted propenylbenzenes are given here.The following table lists common names, position of ring substitution, and approximate activity of the amphetamine derivatives forsome readily available allyl and propenyl benzenes (see J. Chromatography 30,54(1967) for further information on thesecompounds). Activity is relative to mescaline which equals 1 (an activity of 12 means a dose of about 25 mg). Parentheses indicate amethylenedioxy bridge; other substituents are methoxy groups.Allyl Propenyl Substituents ActivitySafrole Isosafrole (3,4) 2Croweacin --- 2(3,4) 2Myristicin Isomyristicin 3(4,5) 2Dillapiole Isodillapiole 2,3(4,5) 6Estragole Anethole 4 6--- Asarone 2,4,5 12--- Apiole 2(4,5) 12Apiole Isoapiole 2(3,4)5 12Amphetamines from Allylbenzenes JACS 91,5648(1969)To a cooled and stirred solution of 100 ml acetonitrile and 64.8 g mercuric nitrate, add slowly 0.2M of the allylbenzene (keeptemperature below 30ø). Stir one hour at room temperature, cool and add 200 ml 3N NaOH, then 200 ml 0.5M NaBH4 in 3NNaOH. After one hour saturate the water layer with NaCl and extract with ether. Dry and evaporate in vacuum the extract to get theN-acetyl-amphetamines. This procedure may not work with the propenylbenzenes. If it is desired to remove the N-acetyl group seeCJC 51,1407 (1973).Amphetamines from Propenylbenzenes CA 52,11965(1958)Use of N-methyl-formamide in place of formamide will give the corresponding N-methyl-amphetamine which is nicer. Exemplifiedfor 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA). To a cooled mixture of 34 g 30% H202 and 150 g formic acid, add dropwise asolution of 32.4 g (0.2M) isosafrole in 120 ml acetone (keep temperature below 40ø). Let stand about twelve hours and evaporate infile:///L:/e-books/psychedelicchemistry/chapter4.html (2 of 10) [02.09.2007 14:38:06]

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