MMPI-A Interpretive Report - Psychological Assessment Resources ...

MMPI-A Interpretive Report - Psychological Assessment Resources ...

MMPI-A Interpretive Report - Psychological Assessment Resources ...


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Harris-Lingoes and Si SubscalesScale aT scoreDepression subscaleSubjective Depression (D1) 51Psychomotor Retardation (D2) 41Physical Malfunctioning (D3) 55Mental Dullness (D4) 56Brooding (D5) 41Hysteria subscaleDenial of Social Anxiety (Hy1) 61Need for Affection (Hy2) 46Lassitude-Malaise (Hy3) 62Somatic Complaints (Hy4) 53Inhibition of Aggression (Hy5) 44Psychopathic Deviate subscaleFamilial Discord (Pd1) 59Authority Problems (Pd2)Social Imperturbability (Pd3)Social Alienation (Pd4)Self-Alienation (Pd5)Paranoia subscalesPersecutory Ideas (Pa1)73 a67 a74 a65 a78 aPoignancy (Pa2) 42Naiveté (Pa3) 40Schizophrenia subscaleSocial Alienation (Sc1) 62Emotional Alienation (Sc2) 48Lack of Ego Mastery, Cognitive (Sc3) 55Lack of Ego Mastery, Conative (Sc4) 57Lack of Ego Mastery, Defective Inhibition (Sc5) 57Bizarre Sensory Experiences (Sc6) 47Hypomania subscaleAmorality (Ma1)Psychomotor Acceleration (Ma2)73 a71 aImperturbability (Ma3) 55Ego Inflation (Ma4) 64Social Introversion subscaleShyness/Self-Consciousness (Si1) 36<strong>MMPI</strong>-A <strong>Interpretive</strong> <strong>Report</strong> Page 6John Sample (1234) Test date: 05/15/2013

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