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CONTRIBUTORSChris FuentesChris Fuentes is a seventhgenerationCalifornian. Raised in apolitically prominent family, Chrishas been active in local, state andnational politics his entire life.Chris’ background in art/visualdesign led him to locations, firstworking for Frawley Becker onJerry Maguire (1995). The perfectmarriage of art and politics,location scouting and managementhas been Chris’ passion since.Chris has been elected twice tothe <strong>LMGA</strong> Board of Directors andserves on the Motion Picture andTelevision Fund Volunteer AdvisoryCommittee with his husbandPaul Botha. Chris and Paullive in Hollywood with adoptedchihuahuas Molly & Dexter.Alexandra ZeevalkinkAlexandra Zeevalkink is thepublishing manager of KFTV.With a background in online filmjournalism, she has been workingfor the international productionwebsite since the beginningof 2013. KFTV (formerlyKemps) has over 50 years ofexperience providing news tothe international productioncommunity. Being able tocombine journalism with film hasmade Alex’s dream come true.Always curious, she loves meetingnew people with innovative ideas,watching independent films andtraveling the world in search ofa good story for KFTV (or in thiscase, the <strong>LMGA</strong>).Veronique VowellA native Californian with aperchant for all things Swiss,Vowell loves the challenge oflocation managing. A memberof Teamsters Local 399, the<strong>LMGA</strong> and Board member ofFilmL.A., she enjoys makingfilming in Los Angeles better forcrew and neighbors alike. Whennot scouting or managing, sheworks in her garage on threedimensionalart pieces. Hercredits include: Scandal, ColdCase, Curb Your Enthusiasm andAngels in the Outfield.Bert KragesBert Krages is an intellectualproperty attorney in Portland,Oregon. His interest inphotography dates back to whenhe was a high school studentliving in Okinawa, Japan. Hedeveloped (pardon the pun)an interest in photography lawin the late 1990s after beingquestioned by a constructionmanager, and later by an attorney,about why he was photographinga superfund site. He is wellknown in photography circlesas an advocate of the right totake photographs in public. Thefirst edition of his book LegalHandbook for Photographerscame out in 2001, a few daysbefore the September 11attacks. In 2003, he published asummary of photographers’ rightson his website, which has beendownloaded over a million times(www.krages.com/phoright.htm).Lori BaltonThe first location professional accepted intothe Academy, Lori is grateful to have achallenging job that lets her explore theworld. She is lucky to work with some of thebest location managers, designers anddirectors in the business. A foundingmember, Board member and past presidentof the <strong>LMGA</strong>, she is thrilled with the Guild’sprogress in garnering recognition for ourcraft. Recipient of four COLA Awards, Loricounts Heat, Memoirs of a Geisha, Argoand Inception among her credits.Mark IndigMark Indig was born in <strong>New</strong> York Cityand lives in Los Angeles. He spent 40years in the motion picture industry, mostrecently as a studio executive, producerand unit production manager for Disney,Miramax, Universal and DreamWorks.He has worked on films such as BodyHeat, The Big Chill, Titanic and The LoneRanger. But it was his 15 years as alocation manager that gave him a love ofphotography and a unique perspective onthe urban landscape.Ken HaberA feature film location manager for morethan 20 years, Ken has shot thousandsof locations throughout the country fordirectors such as Adrian Lyne, OliverStone, Ridley Scott, Clint Eastwoodand Terrence Malick. A professionalphotographer, Ken specializes in shootingfilm and television sets in Hollywood. Healso enjoys shooting fine art photography.A member of the <strong>LMGA</strong>, DGA, Teamsters399 and SDSA, Ken’s work has appearedin numerous magazines and books.

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