Exodus PUP (ESV) - Precept Ministries International | Bible

Exodus PUP (ESV) - Precept Ministries International | Bible

Exodus PUP (ESV) - Precept Ministries International | Bible


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<strong>Exodus</strong>Lesson 1, Chapters 1–43. There is a map on page 11 that will show you the boundaries of the landpromised to the offspring of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as an everlastingpossession. If God promised Abraham and his offspring this land as aneverlasting possession, will it happen?4. Now in the light of what you saw in Genesis, read <strong>Exodus</strong> 1. The book of<strong>Exodus</strong> is printed out in the Appendix.As you read this chapter, double underline references to location because thisanswers the question “where” and, thus, gives you the geographicalcontext of the beginning of <strong>Exodus</strong>. Also mark references that would giveyou an indication of when something occurs. We suggest you mark timewith a green clock like this because it is easy to see at a glance.b. Observe who the main persons are in this chapter. List them and the factsyou observed about them on the page entitled “The Main Characters of<strong>Exodus</strong> 1” at the end of this lesson. Record the facts that will help youunderstand these people. These facts will tell you either who, what, when,where, why, or how. You will want to record what you learn about thesons of Israel, the king of Egypt who is referred to as Pharaoh, and themidwives.DAYTWOOur focus today will be <strong>Exodus</strong> 2 and the birth and early years of Moses, a manwhose name you will find repeated time and time again throughout the Word ofGod. You are going to learn so much from this awesome book, Beloved, and wecount it such a privilege to study it with you. What a privilege God has given us inpartnering with you in one of the most noble endeavors of a person’s life—that oflearning the Word of God. Here is pure, unadulterated truth—truth that will equipyou for every good work of life! As you discover more and more about God andHis ways, you will find life so much easier to understand and cope with becauseyou will have the insight and wisdom of God to guide you.1. Read your Observation Worksheet on <strong>Exodus</strong> 2 and mark every reference toMoses in a distinctive color or way.a. We will not ask you to mark Moses throughout <strong>Exodus</strong>; however, sincethis is our introduction to Moses and it is important to get all the factsstraight, this is our suggestion for this chapter.b. By the way, don’t forget to mark references to geographical location andtime. These are important observations.4© 2013 <strong>Precept</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong> <strong>International</strong>

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