All-State Chorus Directors Information Packet and pronunciation ...

All-State Chorus Directors Information Packet and pronunciation ...

All-State Chorus Directors Information Packet and pronunciation ...

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IOWA ALL-STATE MUSIC FESTIVALNovember 21, 22, 23, 2013IOWA STATE CENTER - AMES, IOWAFestival DirectorAlan S. GreinerIowa High School Music Assoc.Boone, IA 50036(515) 432-2013alan@ihsma.org<strong>All</strong>-<strong>State</strong> B<strong>and</strong> ChairChris Cr<strong>and</strong>ell7717 NW 104th CourtGrimes, IA 50111(515) 490-0417cr<strong>and</strong>ellclan5@gmail.com<strong>All</strong>-<strong>State</strong> Orchestra ChairAnn OsborneIndianola High SchoolIndianola, IA 50125(515) 961-9510 x 2125Ann.Osborne@indianola.k12.ia.us<strong>All</strong>-<strong>State</strong> <strong>Chorus</strong> ChairJackie BurkBelmond-Klemme High SchoolBelmond, IA 50421(641) 444-4300 x 232jackie.burk@bkcsd.org.August 2013The <strong>All</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>Chorus</strong> Conductor will be Professor S<strong>and</strong>ra Snow, Professor of ChoralConducting <strong>and</strong> Music Education at Michigan <strong>State</strong> University, East Lansing, Michigan.2013 ProgramAmerica the Beautiful arr. by Alice Jordan Roger Dean Pub. Co. HRD152Accompaniment: Orchestra (by William L. Ballenger)SSAATTBBZadok the Priest by George F. H<strong>and</strong>el Alfred GCMR02646Accompaniment: Chamber OrchestraSSAATBBAbendlied, Op. 69, No. 3 by Josef Rheinberger (Ornes edition) CPDLAccompaniment: a cappellaSSATTB(a copy of this work is included in this information packet – you should duplicate <strong>and</strong>distribute this copy to your students – make sure you use THIS edition)Lightly Stepped A Yellow Star by Dan Forrest Hinshaw Music HMC2365Accompaniment: Percussion EnsembleSATBThe Roof by Andrea Ramsey Hal Leonard 00114502Accompaniment: Piano <strong>and</strong> ViolinTTBBLet <strong>All</strong> The World In Every Corner Sing by Andrea Ramsey <strong>All</strong>iance Music AMP0891Accompaniment: PianoSSAHarlem Songs by Gwyneth Walker ECS Publishing 57713. Tambourines Accompaniment: Piano SATBBattle Hymn of the Republic arr. Wilhousky Carl Fischer #CM4743Accompaniment: B<strong>and</strong>SATB/divisiPlease read all the information in this packet. <strong>Directors</strong> Notes have been supplied byS<strong>and</strong>ra Snow. Please copy these for your students <strong>and</strong> mark all music accordingly.We have included one copy of Abendlied by Rheinberger in this packet from the CPDL.You will need to duplicate this copy for your students.America the Beautiful – use the Jordan/Ballenger arrangement. It will be accompaniedby the orchestra.

<strong>All</strong> <strong>State</strong> PianistsThe 2013 Festival will need 2 piano players. Students auditioning for <strong>All</strong> <strong>State</strong> Pianistmust be an eligible member of the school’s b<strong>and</strong>, chorus, or orchestra. Two pianists willbe selected as accompanists for the <strong>All</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>Chorus</strong>. The registration fee does NOTcover the cost of the music for the <strong>All</strong> <strong>State</strong> piano players. You can purchase the choralmusic, including the patriotic songs from Kephart’s Music (1-800-369-9633). Pianistsneed to know the patriotic numbers. First round auditions are held Sat., Oct. 26 at thesix district audition sites. Second round auditions will be held 11 a.m. on Wed. Oct. 31at the Iowa <strong>State</strong> University Music Building. PLEASE READ ALL THE AUDITIONINSTRUCTIONS IN THE IHSMA FALL BULLETIN. Selected pianists must be availableto rehearse with Professor Snow on all numbers <strong>and</strong> the chamber orchestra for Zadokon Thursday night Nov. 21, at 6:30 p.m. onstage at C.Y. Stephens AuditoriumPlease contact me with any questions or concerns.Jackie Burk Jackie.burk@bkcsdl.org W (641) 444-4300 ext.232burkfam@frontiernet.net C (641) 425-1037

June 2013Dear Singer,Congratulations on your selection to the 2013 Iowa <strong>All</strong>-<strong>State</strong> <strong>Chorus</strong>! I’m looking forward to makinggreat music together. The <strong>All</strong>-<strong>State</strong> choir experience is one you will never forget. Many of yourteachers were inspired by such experiences to pursue music teaching. Many adults who chose differentcareer paths still remember singing in their <strong>All</strong>-<strong>State</strong> choir.It is my honor to have been asked to work with you this year. For more information about mybackground, visit www.msu.edu <strong>and</strong> click on either the faculty or choral ensembles link.Please find notes below that will aid in your preparation.H<strong>and</strong>el:Zadok the PriestThe opening section functions as a fanfare. Please underline the stressed syllable of each word <strong>and</strong> singinto the stress/fade the unstressed syllable. This section calls for your fullest yet most beautiful singing.m. 28, drop the dot (give space).m. 31, new section, articulation is non-legato. Quarter notes will be separated, even when paired with adifferent note value (see m. 35-36). Articulation is light <strong>and</strong> dance-like.The dynamic in this section should begin at mezzo forte in m. 31.<strong>All</strong> dots will be dropped (give space).New section begins in m. 63. “God Save the King, Long Live the King, again, drop the dots. TheAmen section should be produced with a light <strong>and</strong> agile tone. <strong>All</strong> single eighth notes are separated.Underline stressed syllables of A-men, For-EV-er, <strong>and</strong> a-le-LU-ia <strong>and</strong> sing towards those stresses. Eachset of melissmas (runs) will be a piano dynamic <strong>and</strong> energized, cresecendo-ing each to the end of themelissma.Final adagio --Beat 3 <strong>and</strong> 4 of m. 120 are 4 counts, <strong>and</strong> m. 121 is 8 counts.Rheinberger:AbendliedWomen should be in 3-part divisi, SSA, not SAAMen’s voicing as written.As in the H<strong>and</strong>el, we will sing into the stressed syllables of each wordEx: A-bend WER-den.The principle behind when to lift or breathe is very consistent. Rather than write out every breath forevery voice part, I will explain <strong>and</strong> have you apply it to your individual line:1

Punctuation drives lifts/breaths. You will lift after every comma. You will lift after every period. Thelift/breath will be exactly ½ the value of the printed note in your part as in the example below:Quarter note= eighth note, eighth restHalf note= quarter note, quarter restObviously, this varies part to part so be sure to mark your individual line.Dynamics as printed are good in the Ornes edition.Lightly SteppedDan ForrestThis piece, written for SATB choir <strong>and</strong> percussion ensemble, is a study in color. The composer is quitespecific about articulation. <strong>All</strong> of the staccato markings are to be sung (as the title implies) lightly. Isuggest reading the poem aloud to get a feel for the language <strong>and</strong> meaning. The composer deliberatelyseparates words to show you how the consonants hang together in the short articulations. Thecontrasting section in bar 39 is to be sung with a connected legato, stagger breathe until the phrase ends.Vocal releases in each section should be made after commas or periods. Simply take the time value ofthe note to be released <strong>and</strong> divide in half (as explained earlier) <strong>and</strong> apply to your individual line. Othervoice parts may be doing something different so be sure to mark your part throughout.The final additive section around m. 85 will be a glorious opening of sound. He is specific here when hewants the sounds to connect. If it is not marked staccato, it should be connected.Let <strong>All</strong> the World in Every Corner SingAndrea Ramsey (women only)This joyful setting requires very articulated <strong>and</strong> energetic diction. The single place in the piece that ispure legato begins m. 86 <strong>and</strong> lasts only through the stanza of text. As noted in other pieces, if there is acomma or period, that is your cue to lift/breathe.Each time you sing the word “praise,” please use a closed [e] sound such as the first syllable of the word“day.”In this piece, the eighth note pulse stays constant between mixed meter <strong>and</strong> duple meter.The RoofAndrea Ramsey (men only)Underline with pencil each stressed syllable of each word. It is critical in this texture to sing with textstress.Lifts/Breaths:2

m. 8, all voices, dotted quarter <strong>and</strong> eighth note rest on beats 1-2m. 10, T1, dotted quarter, eighth rest.m. 10 T2/B/B, final “s” on the last eighth note pulse of the bar.T1, carry m. 12T2/B/B,Same treatment in m. 12 as in m. 10m. 17, T1, dotted quarter, eighth rest.T2/B/B, carry m. 11 until downbeat release at m. 13.<strong>All</strong> voices dotted quarter, eighth rest beats 1-2 on “me” in m. 19.m. 29, T1, release on beat 4.B/B, m. 30, eighth note, eighth rest on beat 2.<strong>All</strong> voices mm. 33/35/37, release on final eighth rest of barm. 41, b. 1, eighth note, eighth rest.Tambourines from Harlem SongsGwyneth WalkerThere are several non-pitched sounds that mimic the playing of the tambourine. Do not worry aboutpreparing these in advance; we will work them out on-site together.Page 13 will be auditioned as a solo.This kind of piece will seem a bit odd out of context. When we put it all together, it becomes a fun wayto close a program.Life is short….but love is long (ritard each time, beginning with “but love.”)Each new entry of Ta-ta-ta-ta-tambourines is back in the original tempo.Blues sections should be swung eighth notes.Good luck with your preparation!Warm Regards,S<strong>and</strong>ra Snow, Ph.D.ProfessorMusic Education <strong>and</strong> Choral ConductingMichigan <strong>State</strong> University College of Musicslsnow@msu.edu3

Soprano1DAndante molto m‹jnQº Abendlied, Op. 69, No. 3XŽSSATTB a cappellaº ºº ºJosef Rheinberger(1839-1901)º AltoDBleibQº beiuns,XŽdenn es willA - bendº Oºwer - den,ºbleibº DºbeiAltoDBleibQº beiuns,XŽdenn es willA - bendº ºwer - den, bleibº ºzbeiTenor I8DBleibzbeiuns,Qº º denn es willA - bendwer - den,º ºzTenor8DzBleibQº beiuns,º dennes will A - bendOwer - den,ººzBass"DzBleibQº beiuns,º dennes will A - bendwer - den,º ºGŽºBleibbeiuns,dennes will A - bendwer - den,bleibbei7Dº ºº ºº ºXXŽGuns,denneswillA - bendwer -den,denn es willDº ºº ºº ºXXzDuns,GŽ ºdenneswillA - bendº ºwer -Xden,Xz8Dbleibzbeiuns, denn es willzA - bendzwer -GŽden,ººDº8DzŽGºº Ddenn es willXA - bendGŽwer - -ºº"Duns, denn es willbleibº ºA - bend,beiuns, denn esº ºA - bendwill,Xwer -Xden,denn es willA - bendzCopyright © 1999 by the Choral Public Domain Library (http://www.cpdl.org)Edition may be freely distributed, duplicated, performed, or recorded. ed. 4/5/99

213Dººº ºXDXdim.XDA - bendŽGwer - den,º º‡ XA -º Dºbendººwer -dim.den,XDdenn es willzA - bendzwer - -GŽ Ddenn es willden, A -ººXbend wer -dim.den,XA - bendwer -den,8 Dººº ººDºD ºdim.ºX8D- den, dennXesº willA - -X- bend wer -º º- -dim.º ºden,X"Dwer -zden,ŽGwillA -DX- bendº wer - -dim.Xden,Xdenn es willA -- - be ndwer -den,19DGŽ ºXDXXDundzderTag hat sich ge -GŽ ºnei -- get, sich ge -Xnei -º- -DzundzderTag hat sich ge -znei -GŽ º- -D- get, sich ge -X8DzzzundzderTag hat sich ge -znei -GºŽ8DzzGŽ ºXXundder"DzzundzderTag hat sich ge -znei -G ºŽ- -undderTag hat sich ge -

325Dº ºdim.º º ºº XŽ- get,sich ge -nei - get,bleibbeiuns,denn es willDXdim.º º º XŽD8 D- nei -º º- get,- -dim.Žhat sich ge -dim.O º º- - get,ººnei - get,ºbleib beio bleib beiº®uns,Xuns,º Žº denn es willdenn es will8DTag hat sich ge -º Knei -dim.º- -º get,º ®bleibŽbeiuns,º denn"D- get, hatºº- nei - get,sich ge -º dim.sich ge -nei - -Xnei -get,ºget,®o bleib beiº bleib beiuns,º uns,denndenn31Dº ºº ºzzzGŽ ºDA - bendº Oºwer - den,º ºzzzundGŽ ºderDA - bendº ºwer - den,º ºzzGŽ ºundder8DA - bendwer - den,º ºzzŽundGºderTag hat sich ge -º 8Des will A - bendOwer - den,ººzGŽ ºundderTagº ºhat"Des will A - bendwer - den,º ºŽGºundderTag hat sich ge -Xneigt,hatº ºes will A - bendwer - den,undderTag hat sich ge -nei -get,hat

437Dº ºQº ºº®DTag hat sich ge -º ºnei - -ºget. O bleib beiº ºuns,zobleib(Žbeiuns,Gº ºDTagºhatºsich ge - nei -Xº- get.®ŽQO bleib beiºuns,ºbleib,®8 D- nei -º º- -Xget.Qº ºO bleib beiº ºuns,º beiuns,G8Dsich ge -ºnei -º get. Oº ®bleib®beiQºuns,º beiuns, denn es willº ®"Dsich ge -º ºnei - -Xget.Qº ºOº ºbleibº ºbeiuns,ºGsich ge -nei -get.Obleib,obleibbeiuns,o43DG® Žº ‡ ºº ºdim.º|X7XDobleibº beiuns,denn‡º ºesºwilldim.A - bendº ºwer -|º ºden.7X8DDGŽoo bleib, oº ºbleibº bleibXbeibeiuns,denn‡º ºuns,ºdenn‡ºeswilldim.º ºes willº ºdim.A - bendº ºA - bendº ºwer -|Xwer -|º den.7Xden.7X8"DDA - bendŽGo bleib, oº ºbleib, ower -º bleibº bleibbeibeiden,denn‡º ºuns,denn‡º ºuns, dennesºwilldim.ºes willº ºdim.es willA - bendº ºA - bendº ºA - bendwer -|Xwer -|Xwer -den.7Xden.7Xden.Abendlied composed in 1855, originally published in Drei geistliche Gesänge, (1873, N. Simrock)Note: mm. 5-6. the crescendo in upper two voices extends into m. 6 in manuscript, not in first edition

Pronunciation GuideAbendlied, Op. 69, no. 3 RheinbergerBleib bie uns, denn is will Abend werden,Bleyebe by oons, dehn ess vill Ah bendt vehr- dehnund der Tag hat geneiget,oont dehr Tahg haht guh- NYE- get

Pre <strong>All</strong>‐<strong>State</strong> Choral WorkshopsSaturday, September 7 th , 2013NortheastLocation: Oelwein High SchoolHost: Darci FuellingSouth CentralLocation: Indianola High SchoolHost: Julie Schnieders <strong>and</strong> Val HagenerSoutheastLocation: Muscatine High SchoolHost: Nick Oswald <strong>and</strong> Teale BurfordSouthwestLocation: Treynor High SchoolHost: Roger JensenEast CentralLocation: Linn Mar High SchoolHost: Bob Anderson <strong>and</strong> June SchmidtNorthwestLocation: Sioux CenterHost: Abby SheppardNorth CentralLocation: Belmond‐Klemme High SchoolHost: Jackie Burk <strong>and</strong> Sarah BouskaCentralPlease attend a workshop at a neighboring district

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