Newsletter 25 - FAO Albums and Boards

Newsletter 25 - FAO Albums and Boards

Newsletter 25 - FAO Albums and Boards


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MONEYNew FA0 Money CollectionAvailabilitv US$ Lire UKL **Indian * * * *rupeesBinder with 3 pages: 18 coins October 80 68,500 39 2,460 352 138 656Earlier FA0 Money CollectionsPanels 14Panels 1-8Panels 3A & 4AMEDALS (gold 18 ct: silver 9<strong>25</strong> fine)New IssuesImmediately 150300120Sirikit Ceres: Gold 28 mm 12.9 grs 140 120,000Silver 50 mm 40 grs <strong>25</strong> 21,500IYC Ceres: Gold 28 mm 15 grs 180 154,000Silver 50 mm 55 grs 30 26,000Earlier Issues (see booklet - FA0 Medals: Rural Women's Advancement)Single-1971-75 Bronze: 63 mmBronze-Gilt: 63 mm1976-77 Silver! 50 mm 50 grsGold: 28 mm 15 grs1978 Silver: 32 mm 20 grs 11Gold: 32 mm <strong>25</strong> grsMedal Collections1971-75 Bronze: Set of 30 in 6 PanelsBronze-Gilt: Set of 30 in 6 Panels1976-78 Silver: Set of 12 in 2 Panels.IGold: Set of 12 in ChestDr. SenIMonsignor Ligutti* Prices determined in US$. Prices in other currencies subject to exchange fluctuations+ c Excluding VATxxxLes cheques en francs fran~ais doivent Btre Qtablis B I'ordre du 'Service Philaglique de L'Unesco'++++ Payment in rupees should be by dem<strong>and</strong> draft payable to UMDPOrders for FA0 Money <strong>and</strong> Medals may be sent to:Americas: FA0 Money (Rome), 1776 F Street NW, Washington DC 20437Belginm:Banque Degroof, 44 rue de I'lndustrie, 1040 BrusselsBritain:Crown Agents Coin Bureau, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1 ELFrance:Service PhilatBlique de I'Unesco, Place de Fontenoy, 75700 ParisIndia:FA0 Administrative Office, Mr. G. Singh, 55 Lodi Estate, New Delhi'110003Switzerl<strong>and</strong>: SociBtB de Banque Suisse, 2 rue de la ConfBdQration, 1211 Geneva 11Others:FA0 Money, 00100 Rome, Italy

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