Advanced Carp - Csali butik

Advanced Carp - Csali butik

Advanced Carp - Csali butik


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NaNOFlex – thiS Name iS SYNONYmOUS FOr a braND New aND verYSPecial techNOlOgY that iS NOw alSO USeD iN the carbON FibrePrODUctiON! aS alreaDY kNOwN FrOm Other raNgeS OF theNaNO techNOlOgY, SmalleSt POSSible PartS are therebYiNtegrateD iNtO the mOlecUlar StrUctUre caUSiNgPOSitive eFFectS ON the material FeatUreS likeimPrOviNg the FlexibilitY, the harDNeSS Or theSmOOthNeSS. iN caSe OF OUr New NaNOFlex rODSthiS meaNS that YOU caN liFt 200 timeS themaximUm caStiNg weight withOUt breakiNg therOD. SO a 25 – 50 g mODel caN liFt aPPrOx. 10 kg.WATCH THE NANOFLEX MOVIE ONWWW.yOuTubE.COM/DAMTACKLE54

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