Ainu-English Dictionary

Ainu-English Dictionary

Ainu-English Dictionary


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• tompi (トムピ) - light, brilliance, sparkle, glow• top (トプ) - bamboo• topa (トパ) - flock, herd (usually appears in the explicitly possessed form topaha トパハ"a flock of ~," "a herd of ~")• toy (トィ) - earth, soil, dirt, mud (also occasionally reduplicated for expressive effectto produce toytoy)• tunakay (トゥナカイ) - reindeer (borrowed into Japanese as トナカイ tonakai; also cf.Nivkh tlaŋi 'reindeer')• tukar (トゥカラ) - seal (i.e. a sort of marine Pinniped; also tukkar, tukoro, or tokkari insome dialects)• tuki (トゥキ) - (drinking) glass, [esp.] a saké cup (cf. Japanese 杯 sakazuki "a vesselfrom which one drinks an alcoholic beverage," from Old Japanese sake "alcoholicbeverage" + tuki "drinking vessel")• tuntu (トゥントゥ) - pillar, column; post, stake• tur (トゥル) - dirt, grime, filthooturtur (トゥルトゥル) - dirt, grime, filthtursak (トゥルサク) - pure, clean, unsullied• tus (トゥシ) - (a man's) concubine, (a woman's) fellow wife• tusa (トゥサ) - to be cured, to heal up, to recover (from an illness)otusare (トゥサレ) - to cure, to heal• tusir (トゥシリ) - grave, tomb; graveyard, cemeteryU• umma (ウンマ) - horse (cf. Japanese うま uma "horse")• upas (ウパㇱ) - snow• utari (ウタリ) - friend/companion/compatriot; used by the <strong>Ainu</strong> to describe themselves;the politically correct term for the <strong>Ainu</strong> people.W• wakka (ワッカ) - water (especially that which is potable or clean) (cf. Wakkaus Kamuy,the goddess of fresh water)• wen (ウェン) - bad; cruel; poorooowenkur (ウェンクㇽ) - a pauper, a poor personwenpe (ウェンペ) - a bad one; a bad thing; a bad person, an evil person, a villainwenpekur (ウェンペクㇽ) - a bad person, an evil person, a villain11

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